So Guyroch, What is Up ?


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
You started a thread a while back about the Leafs losing a preseason game. You seemed very upset about the loss, yet here they are 2-0 to start the actual season and not a peep out of you, add to the fact that they have defeated two rivals.

Did you not notice ? Not enough media covering the game ? lol

You are usually all over the Toronto sports scene. I expected several posts from you. Afterall you claim to be a Leaf fan.
Makes me wonder Guyroch, what is up ?


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
Weekends I am not on TERB but did after game I did post something ... What does 2-0 mean ?? It's better then being 0-2 ... I like goals against in first two games is 2 and 1 ... I think Toskola gone is the best thing they could have done with the roster ..

Oh by the way it's not media that I question ... I could say a thread in previous years would have been started saying Leafs are 2-0 Beat Sens 5-1 !!! I thought the Leafs kicking Sens would deserve a thread ...

I am not a Leaf fan but I am a fan of all Toronto teams and just want too see a Championship come to Toronto ... Playoffs is nice but a Championships is better ...

The funny thing is ... Everyone is telling me the Raptors are going to suck but I refuse to say that and am hoping for a winning season .. Therefore I am guilty of some Leaf fans who are feel this is going to be a great year ..
Oh yes you did post something. It is just after making such a fuss about a preseason loss, I though you were going to post a bit more then what you have so far.

I could swear I read one of your posts where you said you were a Leaf fan. Well ... I have been wrong before.

Raptors ... a winning season ? Maybe, but it will not be 2010/11.


Apr 7, 2005
Is this the Ironhead loves Guyroch thread?
Quite a bromance going on here.


New member
May 29, 2005
I could swear I read one of your posts where you said you were a Leaf fan. Well ... I have been wrong before.

Raptors ... a winning season ? Maybe, but it will not be 2010/11.
Guyroach posts numerous Leafs posts under the pretense he is a Leafs fan when in actuality (he just admitted it) he is not. Props to you, Guyroach but stick to the raps and leave the Leafs bashing for actual douchebags.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Now if you question the Leafs decisions ie giving up draft pics then your bashing , Cliff Fletcher signing Finger etc then your Leaf bashing
I wouldn't necessarily consider those things bashing. It is a criticism of certain moves. The bashers are the guys like dj...whatever his name is who consistently putting down everything they do even if it is something good. You can bash Fletcher for some bad moves but that does not mean you are bashing the team/organization. The bashers are the ones who say "anyone who thinks they will ever accomplish anything is a fool because they make so much money already why should they care/try".

A true fan will make valid criticisms as well as laud valid accomplishments. Nothing wrong with that. The bashers are consistently negative and hope they continue to do poorly for whatever reason.


New member
May 5, 2010
San Jose, CA
how about paying over $6mil for a stay-at-home D-man? (Phaneuf).... ie, the leafs are much better this year, but still have wasted $$$ in their roster..


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
What do the TMLs, Raptors, Blue Jays, FC & Argos have in common?

None of them can play hockey!
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