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smokers and how to get them to quit


Jan 31, 2005
I made my wife quit smoking. I was up front about it when we first started living together, before we were married. I said if we live together you can't smoke, that is a deal breaker. I made it a condition of our relationship going to the next level, and she agreed to that and moved in.

Of course she continued to smoke for awhile but I stood my ground. I would find her cigarettes and destroy them. She got mad, I said it's still a deal breaker, if you can't quit we can't be together. Huge fight. She moved to her friends for a week at one point. Eventually came back, saying she was quitting, more fights over me destroying her cigarettes.

But, eventually she did quit, she hasn't smoked in over ten years now.

Wasn't easy. She always wanted to quit (every smoker wants to quit) but wanting and doing are two different things. Me being a tyrant about it I think helped but there was a while where it was hell for both of us. At least my actions reduced the amount she smoked and probably that made it easier for her when she finally made her own decision to quit for real.

I would not recommend this approach, if I had to do it over I would just find a non smoking woman to begin with.
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