Of course organized crime is a part of this. How much, it could be hard to say. And, I'm not trying to say only addicts steal, obviously that isn't the case. But, we've seen where some stats about shoplifting are massively exaggerated, like that tale about organized shoplifters cleaning out a Walgreens in San Fran. Does it happen? Of course. But, I think some people have become brazen, knowing that in a retail store staff either doesn't give a fuck (because of crappy wages) or, and more commonly, told not to do anything (due to liability and insurance). Most of these smash and grab stores are in malls that don't have that airlock type door to get in/out of the store, so it is easy to do and try to run to the nearest exit and leave before security or the police show up.
But, all that being said, I still do not think shop lifting warrants a vigilante death sentence.
And, as for our legal system....it is complicated. We see issues where property crime has stiffer penalties than beating the fuck out of somebody or killing someone while drunk driving. Look at what a bank robber gets compared to Marco Muzzio, who killed four people (three kids) - Sentenced to 10 years, got parole after something like 3.5-4 years. Bank robbers get minimum of 4-5 years and could get life. Now, retail theft is much less, and the suspects are more likely to get bail because they usually are not violent (or brandishing weapons) when they commit their crimes.