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Sikhs forced off the job due to City of Toronto rule that security guards can't have beards


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Where I used to work all production workers had to be clean shaven with the exception of a mustache that doesn't extend below the bottom lip.
This was for the wearing of a mask for protection from dust and chemical mist/vapours/odors. There were no exceptions to this rule. You didn't like it, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
My dad was the same. He couldn’t have his bread while he worked.
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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2012
Explain what???? Is there a safety reason that this man can’t wear his turban?

You didn’t miss all the parts that I related rules of safety to exemptions, did you?

I don’t have an issue with wearing a turban. I have an issue with believing you shouldn’t wear a helmet when on a motorcycle. I personally don’t think there should be an exception to that law. If you can’t ride a motorcycle because you have to choose between a turban and a helmet then that is on your god you have chosen to worship. And if you choose your religion then you don’t go on a motorcycle. Religion is choice.

But if you are not harming or going to possibly be harmed, then I don’t care what you choose to wear on behalf of your religion.
Safety gear should be mandatory on the streets and highways. It is a safety risk and an insurance liability for others drivers on the road.


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2020
Safety gear should be mandatory on the streets and highways. It is a safety risk and an insurance liability for others drivers on the road.
When I went to Florida I thought it was crazy seeing motorcycle riders riding without helmets. One fall and your head is cracked open like a watermelon.


Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
We have all sorts of compromises and exceptions for rules like this. I honestly don't think it's a big deal if a Sikh has a beard and turban and works security. They can sign a waiver saying they will not sue if the contract covid or what not. And with Toronto being the most multicultural city in the world, I doubt many would be upset bout this.
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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2020
The city changed their mind. " Contractors who had placed the guards at city sites began demoting, moving or laying them off after the city said it was a requirement for security staff to be clean shaven for the fitting of an N95 mask. "

Toronto will demand the reinstatement of Sikh security guards removed from city positions for having beards, Mayor John Tory says.


Nathan 88

Well-known member
Feb 1, 2017
We all know this will be overturned and they will get their jobs back.
By the way, we went through two years of Covid and it was just fine to wear a medical or surgical mask during that time and now all of a sudden you need an N 95 mask.
I wonder why?


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
How do Sikhs have anything to do with the taliban and how is this a conundrum for the left anymore than the right.
Based on ignorance. Reminds me of the time just after 911, when a redneck lady wanted the guy with the turban removed from the aircraft before takeoff.
Reason was that she believed that this guy with a turban was related to the Taliban!!
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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Canada should change immigration laws to exclude Sikhs. It solves the problems of bending rules after rules, debates, discussion and hate.
Then we will miss out of the hard working individuals who have no problems with tackling any tasks!!
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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2012
Based on ignorance. Reminds me of the time just after 911, when a redneck lady wanted the guy with the turban removed from the aircraft before takeoff.
Reason was that she believed that this guy with a turban was related to the Taliban!!
Goes to prove there is a big population of ignorant, dumb, uneducated and stupid nit wits
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The Mechanic

Active member
Jan 5, 2007
Over here we go again, the same old game woe is me. Through my career, I had to wear a heavy rubber suit due to the working environments inside a nuclear reactor Darlington. I knew this before, therefore I could make my decision either work there or not. I also worked with chemicals that you had to have a full face mask on and a supplied air Scott air pack. I’ve never complained about whirring wearing PPE equipment it’s their for a reason! Now if they don’t want to wear a mask or don’t want to wear a motorcycle helmet signed a piece of paper that if you develop cancer or any other diseases or decide to crack your melon open no one will be responsible for it except you. The guy behind me takes his motorcycle out now I don’t know if it’s stolen or not there are no plates on the vehicle and he’s showing off to others, sure enough gravity took over and he smacked himself. And if you think I’m going to take my cell phone note and phone 911 I forgot the number he made the decision to be stupid let him deal with it. This is Canada, bend over and grab your ankles and wait for it. We need someone in Ottawa that has those things, the two small things that hang between your legs. The biggest thing that irks me they come here and change everything they do not acclimatize to the values of Canada.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2012
Then we will miss out of the hard working individuals who have no problems with tackling any tasks!!
And there will be more crying and belly aching. Blaming everyone for the problems.
90% of the folks doing all the hard dirty work are from South America, Asia or African countries.
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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
And there will be more crying and belly aching. Blaming everyone for the problems.
90% of the folks doing all the hard dirty work are from South America, Asia or African countries.
Especially during the times of severe staff shortages.
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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2012
Through my career, I had to wear a heavy rubber suit due to the working environments inside a nuclear reactor
I appreciate every word you have written. Thank you.
I too have been down this path with the full PPE dress out. It is not fun, just plain miserable and exhausting. But I was told what is expected from me before I was offered a job.


I do all my own stunts
Dec 20, 2014
Alt-Right Terb: How dare the Government tell me to wear a mask in public places. This is unconstitutional. Everyone knows Covid is fake. It's just the flu.

Also Alt-Right Terb: If Sikhs can't follow the N95 rules and policies the Government lays out, they need to find new jobs. No exceptions. Covid is a very serious issue, just look at the global stats.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts