As long as the testing requirement also applies to the managers just back from lunch and on their way into the meeting that sets the drivers' schedules.
Mangers do not directly have control over multi-ton vehicles traveling @ 50 + kph carrying hundreds of passengers.
Your statement illustrates the basic root of all that is wrong with unions
For you the primary consideration is not the general publics safety nor doing what is right
No, for you the primary consideration is the us vs. them struggle and ensuring that there is no union give without any take.
Shame on you
If you must have a win over management in order to do what is right and ensure public safety, fine.
Managers should be subjected to the same testing as drivers.
No city employee should be intoxicated while on the clock.Just make sure you can sleep well at night knowing that your uncompromising approach may cost some white collar shmuck his job if he has one too many @ lunch before returning to misfile papers.
He would have absolutely no impact one way or another on public safety, but he will have to be the sacrificial lamb, so that the union can claim they fought hard on this one.
Any relationship that is based on such mistrust, pettiness and lack of co-operation is doomed for failure.