Please Johnny boi, you just look like an absolute brown nosing fool by defending drunks and dope addicts in management...
Thats too much.
Please point out exactly where I stated management drinking and drug use is acceptable.
To the contrary, I stated several times if there is a direct link between managers drinking and public safety then they should be tested.
Now read slowly, so that you finally get it this time.
Managers do not operate the multi-ton vehicles, therefore there is no reason to test them in order to maintain public safety.
The only reason you want them tested is because of the Quid Pro Quo.
Because of that selfish demand there may not be any testing.
So iyou are defending the rights of union drivers to be drunk while operating a bus or street car
Most decent people would be deeply ashamed of what you are insisting upon.
Bottom line is that one day, there may be an incident with a bus or a street car and the issue of alcohol may be brought into question.
If someone does get hurt, your beloved union will be crucified in the media (right or wrong, it will happen) and possibly be exposed to legal actions
The union would be better off protecting itself from that scenario by supporting testing without conditions, rather than worrying about what managers may be doing at lunch.
But then you are not programed by your Union masters to think any further ahead then the next couple of hours.
You will continue to mindlessly repeat the rhetoric you have been spoon fed and play the role of union stooge