Should Canada Ban Handguns??

Should we ban handguns??

  • Yes

    Votes: 94 58.0%
  • No

    Votes: 68 42.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Jan 18, 2005
banning handguns will not solve any problems, since majority of guns used in crimes are entered illegally from the US.


New member
Jul 27, 2004
Judas H said:
It sends a message that guns will NOT be tolerated, unless you are a law enforcement officer or in the Canadian armed forces.
So please tell me :: you believe that law abiding people should not have the right to hunt. (with a gun atleast ) .
I go to New hampshire quite often and there they have the RIGHT to carry a fire arm but I have not seen even one person carring a side arm . This has nothing to do with the law it is a personal issue .
You can ban or permit people to do things but the people that chose to carry a side arm will carry it whether it is legal or not legal . Far more people die from cigarettes each year than guns BUT guns are a hot issue right now so lots of attenion is being put on it whether or not it will help stop the shootings.
Why not put an all out ban on all cigarettes and cigars and chewing tobacco.
I believe people would get cigarettes just the same . MOST likely though the same routes reqiured to get a banned firearm


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
PHNINE said:
It will make a diffference though. Although it might be a small difference, it will still effect the number of guns on the street. ...
Why do you think banning legally owned guns by it will make any difference in the number of illegal guns on the street? There are many sources for these guns the thugs are using. When we have limited money and resources, why would you not want to throw money at something that will make a difference.


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
PHNINE said:
Capital punishment is definately not the answer. I understand that life inprisonement is hard on taxpayers, but death punishing death is not a justification that Canada wants to go down. That would make us like our neighbors to the south, and how terrible would that be...:cool:
Actually the death penalty is more expensive then life in jail because the appeals process that can take 20 years is paid by the government which has to pay the defendant's lawyer.
Its much more then keeping someone in prison.


New member
Jul 27, 2004
benito said:
Because the US is wimpy about how they do it. Look at the last guy in California, a real bad ass yet they took 14 years to get rid of him. If you find someone with a gun who has committed a crime, expedite his trial then execute him within an hour of the guilty verdict.
Better still televise it and let people see how they are going to die when they use a gun for crime .But we are too wimpy too so that will never happen

Judas H

Apr 27, 2005
pepsiman said:
What god given right do yuo have to tell me I am a hillbilly.
I live in a free country, this is my country given right to call you a hillbilly.

pepsiman said:
I hunt and fish and I DO BELIEVE this is a right.
Do you hunt with a hand gun or an automatic weapon?? I doubt it!

pepsiman said:
I have took all the required courses and pay all the required liences .
Too bad, a few bad apples can't handle guns...So we should take them all away....This lesson worked when I was in public school, it can work in real life.
pepsiman said:
Just to hunt I have to pay 40 for deer 40 for moose 40 for bear and then lience my dogs .
Great, keep on paying it...Nothing will change if there aren't any hand guns.

pepsiman said:
Dogs have to be fed and all that other nice stuff .
I do not want to hear about your love life.

pepsiman said:
If YOU BELIEVE banning handguns will stop the crime yuo are living in a dream world.
I don't believe it will stop crime, but it is a step in the right direction.

pepsiman said:
They made us all register our guns BUT there is lots out there not registered.
Doesn't matter humans can't handle hand guns. Registered or not, Hand guns have one hurt or harm humans...It isn't a hunting tool

pepsiman said:
Laws are laws but people have to abide to these rules before they are worth the paper they are wrote on .
Will you abide to the law if hand guns are banned?

pepsiman said:
We have to have a lience to buy bullet too .
You aren't paying enough if you ask me.

pepsiman said:
Please enlighten me as too how you are going to get these crooks to register their guns :??
Who said anything about registering hand guns? we want them banned.

pepsiman said:
THESE guys will have guns if they are banned or not . AND they will get bullets too .
Thats a whole other subject, we need to tighten up secruity at the border...Our custom officers should have guns. We should have dogs sniffing every car for gun powder.

pepsiman said:
The officer in Montreal was shot with a hunting rifle so now we can ban all hunting rifles too . :???
No, we won't stop all violent I said banning hand guns is a start.

pepsiman said:
I believe the answer is LONG LONG setences.

pepsiman said:
then it does not matter if the gun is registered or banned " when the person pulls the triger they know they are going to be BUBBA"S friend for a long time .
That is the American justice system. it doesn't work either. Criminals become better criminals if they are allowed to interact with each other

pepsiman said:
As fro handguns :: I have one and I do belong to the range.
Do you shoot at a target that resembles a human being? With extra points if you hit the target where the heart would be?

pepsiman said:
I do believe we have some rights and if they start there what is next . .
I would like to have the right to live in a country that doesn't tolerate hand guns.
pepsiman said:
what is next . Long guns . Bows and arrows
The items that you just mentioned are hunting tools, hunting tools have a real purpose they are used to gather food. Hand guns serve no real purpose other that hurting or killing human beings.


Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land
Here a some dumb ideas

Some of the guns on the street are from gun collectors that have had their guns stolen from their homes when burgalrs broke in.
Some guns have been brought over the border, either the bridge or bushes, by Canadians themselves. Unforturnatley illegally, the majority of them and some of the gun collectors or honest one didn't register them at all. Cheap?
So when it gets stolen, some innocent bystandter will die for double carelessness. Criminals know this.

I say the family victims should be able to sue those careless gun collectors to a degree. Maybe that is why some don't register.

I work with some hunters most are honest but there is one bad apple in every bush. The bad apple likes to collect the shells and repack them, but later I found out from a farmer saying those clowns change the tip and sell it for more money, which is not within the law.

But as others have suggested send the criminals to the north like the Yukon or NWT or NU. I am sure some of the people of the north would love to have a job. But those jails cannot include the following: TV, Gym equipment, and Steak. No social interaction unless it's with a religious leader of your choice. You only have three choices of books. ANy bible, hwo to be a better person, and some non-fiction books for home, health, and cooking. You must do a book report.
They must work, like making more picnic tables or futniture for tourist at national, provincial parks.

Caught with a gun illegaly 10y do it again another 5 = 15 but fire the gun 20y. Wound someone 25y plus victims medical expenses and family expense. ( otherwise if victim had a kid going to Uni/college but victim can't work anymore criminal must sell all world possesion to compensate and a 5,000 fine to criminals parents for screwing up.)

Kill someone with a gun 40+y with no parole of any above crimes.

Or if this is going to cost to much then we can make some money of these thugs.
Build an island from used car/truck/vechile tires,use young engineers to make it float. Instead of trees use the the tire to look like trees, use young starving artist. Install video camera surveliance that not even a rat can hide to take a shet.

Make the island shaped like football. At one end of the island drop bullets and the other end the guns. Drop thugs in the middle then drop note saying where bullets and guns are. Then let the show begin.

Judas H

Apr 27, 2005
pepsiman said:
So please tell me :: you believe that law abiding people should not have the right to hunt. (with a gun atleast ) .
pepsiman said:
I go to New hampshire quite often and there they have the RIGHT to carry a fire arm but I have not seen even one person carring a side arm . This has nothing to do with the law it is a personal issue .
So if you want the right to carry a gun, move there, it sounds like a nice place to live.
Oct 25, 2002
Something has changed


The guns have always been here. What we should be asking is what has changed to make people use them against other people!:confused: Has our social safety net begun to show holes? Do people see no other way other than violence??

Think about it



New member
Jul 27, 2004
Judas H said:
I live in a free country, this is my country given right to call you a hillbilly.

Do you hunt with a hand gun or an automatic weapon?? I doubt it!

Too bad, a few bad apples can't handle guns...So we should take them all away....This lesson worked when I was in public school, it can work in real life.

Great, keep on paying it...Nothing will change if there aren't any hand guns.

I do not want to hear about your love life.

I don't believe it will stop crime, but it is a step in the right direction.

Doesn't matter humans can't handle hand guns. Registered or not, Hand guns have one hurt or harm humans...It isn't a hunting tool

Will you abide to the law if hand guns are banned?

You aren't paying enough if you ask me.

Who said anything about registering hand guns? we want them banned.

Thats a whole other subject, we need to tighten up secruity at the border...Our custom officers should have guns. We should have dogs sniffing every car for gun powder.

No, we won't stop all violent I said banning hand guns is a start.


That is the American justice system. it doesn't work either. Criminals become better criminals if they are allowed to interact with each other

Do you shoot at a target that resembles a human being? With extra points if you hit the target where the heart would be?

I would like to have the right to live in a country that doesn't tolerate hand guns.

The items that you just mentioned are hunting tools, hunting tools have a real purpose they are used to gather food. Hand guns serve no real purpose other that hurting or killing human beings.
No I do not shoot at human targets .(I need more bigger ones than that ) LOL
If people are allowed to ban things that they deem bad then we get what I call a foot in the door scheme . First they banned ciggarettes in malls .Then in workplaces ' then in all resturants ect..The only thing that will make these people happy is if ALL SMOKING is banned . I do not smoke but believe these people have some rights too .
You are correct in stating that handguns were made for one purpose that being human protection or human death witchever the case was at the time of conflict .
If in fact they do ban handguns' I believe they will be after semi auto rifles next . and then bolt action and so on They have already limited the number of shells you can have in the gun BUT you can carry 100 clips of shells as long as each clip only has five shells (make sence to you ) . Our govt is nuts when it comes to laws .If they are going to limit the amout of shells you can have then do it not just screw up the law. No one trusts Govt to make laws. They screwed the gun Registery now want a crack at making some more handgun rules . Make the sentence more severe and leave the law abiding people alone


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
Glowing Member said:

The guns have always been here. What we should be asking is what has changed to make people use them against other people!:confused: Has our social safety net begun to show holes? Do people see no other way other than violence??

Think about it

good point!!


New member
Jul 27, 2004
Glowing Member said:

The guns have always been here. What we should be asking is what has changed to make people use them against other people!:confused: Has our social safety net begun to show holes? Do people see no other way other than violence??

Think about it

AT one time skeet shooting was a school activity. People took their shot gun to school on the bus and put them in their lockers . shells and all . when it was time to shoot said people took these guns out of their locker and walked though the school to the shooting place . Gun in one hand and shells in the other . This was ten years ago .
JUST immagine a guy standing at the road waiting for the bus today with a shotgun . Nobody got shot back then :: it is the people that are all screwwy


New member
Dec 3, 2005
Talk about stupidity, what else can we expect from this lieberal justice system, from now on the criminals will have the guns while the regular people won't.


Active member
Aug 16, 2003
Banning hand guns won’t solve the issue. It’s the easiest way to make people believe something is being done when actually nothing has changed.

Only law abiding people will comply. As others have stated, it won’t prevent those that won’t obey the law from obtaining hand guns. It may take them a day or two longer, but they’ll get one. As long as there is demand, some one will supply the product and make a profit. Examples would be products like drugs, the sex trade all the way to disgusting child porn.

There are lots of gun laws on the books already. They need to be enforced. How does banning guns stop them from entering the border illegally? It’s already illegal to transport firearms over the border.

I fully agree that something needs to be done immediately before things escalate. If the governments (local, provincial and federal) are serious and really want to make an impact then they need to spend lots of money on concrete measures.

Hire more border guards with tools and powers to search and seize weapons; hire more cops for the streets, stiffer sentences for violent crimes, mandatory sentences for possession of illegal firearms, mandatory sentences if a firearm is used in the commission of a crime, a life sentence if anyone is killed by a firearm. By life sentence I mean until the prisoner dies and not 2/3 of a 25 year sentence before they are eligible for parole. The judicial system and parole board also need to be revamped to reflect the governments “seriousness” about gun crime.

I believe this would be a better starting point.


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
Watching the news, it seems that many of these shooting involve people who are on foot, not in cars. It would seem that something like the RIDE program could be set up in the city, where the police set up an airport style metal detector in areas of the city and require people to walk through it.


New member
Jan 13, 2004
here's a thought...

Mandatory handguns for every Canadian adult.
Annual training and testing to ensure that every citizen can shoot to kill.
Have roadside handgun checks...if you are found not carrying your gun you are fined.

Handguns work 'cause only the assholes have 'em.

Imagine a different scene yesterday if 57 bystanders returned fire!

I've grown weary of the chief of police, mayor, premier and prime minister pissing and moaning about the 'gun problem'.

You want a solution?
You got a solution!
This is a call to arms!
Rise up!

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
sizematters said:
Mandatory handguns for every Canadian adult.
Annual training and testing to ensure that every citizen can shoot to kill.
Have roadside handgun checks...if you are found not carrying your gun you are fined.

Handguns work 'cause only the assholes have 'em.

Imagine a different scene yesterday if 57 bystanders returned fire!

I've grown weary of the chief of police, mayor, premier and prime minister pissing and moaning about the 'gun problem'.

You want a solution?
You got a solution!
This is a call to arms!
Rise up!
I was just about to start an argument then I read this.

Best post today.


Active member
Jan 3, 2005
sizematters said:
Mandatory handguns for every Canadian adult.
Annual training and testing to ensure that every citizen can shoot to kill.
Have roadside handgun checks...if you are found not carrying your gun you are fined.

Handguns work 'cause only the assholes have 'em.

Imagine a different scene yesterday if 57 bystanders returned fire!

I've grown weary of the chief of police, mayor, premier and prime minister pissing and moaning about the 'gun problem'.

You want a solution?
You got a solution!
This is a call to arms!
Rise up!

How many innocent people would be dead now?
Everyone armed...that is scary!
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts