They want tax but they dGet your ont want to legalize the job seems rather shady. The minute an escort claims a business transaction with a name of a client its criminal since clients are illegal they have fucked escorts royally and the incell of this board like john5050 are proud the escort loses it all.
Get your facts straight before you make false accusations about me. And if you don't have a clue about what you say, then shut the hell up.
Wells Fargo ceased Canada operations in June 2010.
The Wells Fargo in this thread is located in the USA.
You should run for President and legalize prostitution in the US
Till such time it is an illegal business, operation or whatever you want to call it and criminal to operate.
Any large cash deposits or shady checks are subject to scrutiny and the bank's legal department can request additional information.
So stop your rants, get your facts in order and then toot your horn