Vaughan Spa

Sex Villa on Margarita Island


New member
Dec 8, 2003
just came across this info,which i hope mods are ok with posting,as i have removed all references to other site
= willie

QUOTE="Sorry to confuse you, man. is one Web address for Total Satisfaction UK, a resort on Margarita Island, Venezuela.

I know of three full-service adult vacation companies on Margarita. All three of them are priced about the same. They include a room, all meals, beer and "well"-type drinks, standard amenities, and 24-hour companionship with an escort of your choice. At all three places you can change girls every day, or stay with the same girl for multiple days. The price includes sex -- up to the girl how much sex, but the standard is 2-3 times in a day.

AFFORDABLE ADULT VACATIONS ( -- They have been in business the longest but have the worst reputation. They used to be OK but had a management change a few years ago and since then have had nothing but bad reviews. I know of one person who has been there and returned. Everyone else I know who has visited has said it is a ripoff. The property is a working hotel, with guests who are not partaking in the hobby. I've heard that the management will promise anything to get you to come, and very rarely deliver.

MY WILD VACATION ( -- The owner of MWV, Thomas, used to be involved with AAV but split from them a while back. MWV is situated right on one of the best beaches on the Island, Playa el Agua. You literally walk out the door of the compound onto the sand. The villa is made of three buildings surrounding a central courtyard. Each building houses 2-3 bedrooms. It is small, with space for only 7 or so guests, and very cozy. It is really like staying with a family. It is a pretty laid back and friendly place. The guests will often go out together and there is a party most nights with dancing and strip shows lasting to the very wee hours of the morning. Meals are served family style (no menus). Also, note that only two of the rooms have private baths -- the other bedrooms have shared baths. They have a very good return rate (above 50%) and they really try to make sure you have a good time. MWV's rates include an excursion, which would cost extra at the other places.

TOTAL SATISFACTION ( -- This resort is run by Paul, a former guest at MWV. The property is more like a hotel than MWV. It is not on the beach, but a cab ride to a number of good beaches is pretty cheap. Every room has a private bath and a television (as if anyone would want to watch TV). I have not been there, but my understanding is that it is a bit more quiet than MWV. The guests mostly stay to themselves (with their dates), and there aren't parties until 3am. They claim to have an 80% annual return rate, but they claimed that even when they had only been open for 6 months so I am a bit skeptical. Still, I would have absolutely no problem recommending this place for the gentleman who wanted an erotic vacation with latin lovelies.

All three places are going to be much more expensive than getting a hotel and picking up girls on your own. Even on Margarita (more expensive than Caracas), you could get a girl for a full day for $200 or less. And with all-inclusive hotels on the island in the $50 range, you are definitely paying a premium for these erotic resorts. The convenience is nice, as is the company"OUOTE


Jan 18, 2005
Information From the US Government


I am sorry I have not posted this sooner but I had forgotten that I had the information and I was out of town. The whole report is longer but I judged that it was not useful for the purposes of this post or this message board. Use it in anyway you like. Several posters have also suggested that CCS is not safe. Please note that until recently AAV was the only company that put the safety of the guest paramount. And that is is because they took exception to the AAV Newsletter a copy of which was posted here.

Travel with whom you like but be careful. I understand based on information from the Canadian comedian Ron James that Air Transat has its own dangers :rolleyes:

The date I saved the information is March 2005. I cannot say when the information was actually posted on the US Government Web Site. As a SWAG I would say that the in formation still applies. That is the chances that CCS has suddenly become as safe as a kindergarten sandbox are mighty slim.

Enjoy your vacation while you can still get it.

US Government Consular Information Sheet


Maiquetia Airport, the international airport serving Caracas, is dangerous. Because of the frequency of robberies at gunpoint, travelers are encouraged, if at all possible, to arrive during daylight hours. If it is not possible to arrive during the day, travelers should use extra care both within and outside of the airport. All arriving passengers are urged to make advance plans for transportation from the airport to their place of lodging. If possible, travelers should arrange to be picked up at the airport by someone who is known to them. The parking lots at the airport are especially dangerous. The tires of an Embassy vehicle were slashed inside the lit and guarded diplomatic parking lot.

-Bolded for emphasis!
-SWAG = Systematic Wild Ass Guess Slightly better than a WAG.


Jan 18, 2005
Non Industry Standard Vacation quotations

Just a quick note:

The errant adult travel folks on Isla Margarita have started displaying their total ignorance of the hospitality industry in new ways.

They are now quoting Silver, Gold and Platinum Packages.

Silver 4 days 3 nights Should be 3 days/nights
Gold 7 days 6 nights Should be 6 days/nights
Platinum 8 days 7 nights Should be 7 days/nights

What does precious metals have to do with an Adult vacation?
BTW the Platinum package is now $2950 :mad:

Chavez is increasing his strange noises.

Also their business motto is "Reduce services, Increase prices"

Enjoy your vacation!



Jan 18, 2005

:confused: The US probably is trying to get him. I was not referring to the international posturing.

I cannot say what Chavez is actually accomplishing for the common folk. I know that generally the people are all for his "Robin Hood" promises and he is their choice. Personally I do not expect that much from Chavez.

It is what he is doing inside Venezuela that is a puzzle. He is ceasing the power of dictator and making changes internally that affect long held assumptions concerning normal behavior among other things.


adult vacations

Caribbean Adult Vacations
Total Satisfaction Adult Holidays.

I have been watching this thread with great interest now over the past few weeks. The only things that I would like to say, for what it's worth is this.
We don't offer any different packages, Gold, Silver etc.
What we advertise is what you get. We have without any doubt the most active site of all the adult vacation sites on Margarita, our forum has just short of 1000 members since August 21st. Margarita is a great place, all this propaganda that you read about violence etc, is really unfounded. I know this because unlike our competitors I actually live here.
Saying that you will enjoy yourself at any of the resorts here, let's not create a conflict here, let's just share honest unbiased information. I personally, like my competitors am here to give a service for guys who want a nice, relaxing vacation whilst enjoying the company of lovely chicas. For people who want to go out and do it for less cash and not be in the company of other mongers, then join me Catergena in Feb, for those who want it all arranged and organised and be able to make requests and ask for solutions with any problems they may have stick to Margarita and you won't go wrong. After all 99% of the ad's on this board are from escorts asking $400 an hour, we are asking less than that for a day, including unlimited sex, accomodation, meals, drinks, translations, airport transfers, etc. etc. It's not a bad deal when you weigh up all the options.
Merry Christmas everyone.



New member
Dec 22, 2005
Adult Vacation Getaway

b821332 said:
Just a quick note:

The errant adult travel folks on Isla Margarita have started displaying their total ignorance of the hospitality industry in new ways.

They are now quoting Silver, Gold and Platinum Packages.

Silver 4 days 3 nights Should be 3 days/nights
Gold 7 days 6 nights Should be 6 days/nights
Platinum 8 days 7 nights Should be 7 days/nights

What does precious metals have to do with an Adult vacation?
BTW the Platinum package is now $2950 :mad:

Chavez is increasing his strange noises.

Also their business motto is "Reduce services, Increase prices"

Enjoy your vacation!

The platinum package is $2950. as you have an extra day and a free excursion.
Sorry if the precious medals bother you.
Our 7 days 6 nights is $2500.00 like others
As far as our services you should first go before you comment.We have only reduced the family atmosphere as we are private and on a private beach.
thanks for the post
Happy Holidays


New member
Sep 29, 2001
Anyone that goes to either of these three places as a result of being a TERB member should be sent to the woodshed.

Imagine going through the phone book to call an escort service and paying $200 for a visit and another $200 for a handjob and thinking you got a good deal.

There are so many other Island vacations where you can be safe, stay in a nice place, and get laid for half the cost of these places.

Just my 2 cents, but check out isg forums for some much better deals in DR, Cuba, Columbia and Brazil.


Jan 18, 2005
Do it Yourself Package?

Oscar: You raised your prices and reduced your services! The precious metals are only a smoke screen to cover your real intentions.

Paul: How did you learn more from Oscar than he learned himself?

Girth: I would like to totally agree with you but unfortunately it does not work that way at least for everybody. We recently had a post from a traveler who had trouble in Montreal!

Where's Thomas?


Ultimate Sweetheart
Sep 17, 2005
I'm offended!!!!

pronto91 said:
Old news but could potentially be relevant to this thread.
I'm totally offended by your post, the implication is that some of us are going to engage in sex acts with minors.
My understanding is that all three of the vacation packages offer companions who while they are young are of legal age. As well these resorts are meticulous in making sure thier ladies are checked, licensed and are of the legal age.
To suggest otherwise is offensive, at least to me. I hope other hobbyists will chime in here with indignation.
I like being with young ladies, but I would never knowingly consort with a minor, and if in doubt I would avoid it like the plague.


Jul 10, 2005
pete58 said:
I'm totally offended by your post, the implication is that some of us are going to engage in sex acts with minors.

I like being with young ladies, but I would never knowingly consort with a minor, and if in doubt I would avoid it like the plague.
Be as offended as you like, my post was not accusing anyone of anything it simply shows what is happening to people who do not have the same standards as you.

The post is meant to be informative, not offensive. If you choose to be offended by this that's your choice. There is no implication unless you like to read into things that are not there.

adult vacations

Caribbean Adult Vacations
b821332 said:
Paul: How did you learn more from Oscar than he learned himself?


I didn't learn from anyone, only from my own mistakes.
As for the comment 'getting a better deal in DR, Columbia, Cuba etc'. than you can get on MArgarita, I wish someone would show me where to look? I would even try a trip myself. Sorry guys but I don't buy that one. I have been to most Countries in S.A and C.A. and I have yet to find the same value as can be found in Margarita. There are plenty of places one can go for less $ if they arrange everything themselves, including, accomodation, eating out each day, finding girls etc. Down side to that is, when it goes tit's up you have no one to come back to. With both Oscar and I you have certain guarantees, ask any of my regular guests and they will vouch for that.


Ultimate Sweetheart
Sep 17, 2005

pronto91 said:
BTW...Happy Birthday Pete
Spent my Birthday evening with a very special lady who I've been trying to see for 3 months. She even gave me a Beautiful Birthday Card and a wonderful box of chocolates, which stupid me, I forgot to open up and indulge ourselves with it.


Apr 8, 2002
Back from Paradise ...

I started this thread several months ago looking for guys to join me for a week at a Sex Villa on Margarita Island. One other TERBite (Diamond D) joined me, and we ended up returning to the villa that I had previously visited 3 times (
Well, we went from Jan 18th - 25th and now we're back.
All I can say is that the scare BS being laid down earlier in this thread was as false today as it was on previous trips. The MWV owner picked us all up in the van at the airport, and when we arrived the girls were all awaiting our arrival. The villa has seen several improvements over the past 2 years, and now all rooms are king-beds and most with en-suite washroom/shower. The chef is better than last year, and the staff extremely helpful and efficient.
The girls were absolutely beautiful (with only one or two who were actually featured on the site's "Profiles"), and I had the extreme fortune to connect with a most beautiful girl, on that first evening, and I could not give her up for the whole week. I even dropped having my "2 for 1" as my girl was too "Celos" to share me. (Really not a big deal, as all previous 2 fors have been less than great and at times downright awkward).
My TERBite colleague had intended to try to change every day or two, but ended up staying with one girl for 5 days. Part of the problem was that there was not the usual 2 to 1 ratio of girls available, so there were times when there was no-one to switch to, but the girlfriend relationship also hit my colleague. Perhaps he'll post his thoughts here too!!
I was fortunate that among the guests were 4 Canadians who had previously not known each other but we really connected and became good friends, and we shared several excursions.
In honesty, the vacation could have been better - it rained at least 3 or 4 of the days, and ultimately the catamaran trip - a previous highlight of the week - was cancelled (twice). But these factors were beyond the control of the Villa management. If it is any indication, all three of my new Canadian friends plan to return to the villa within the next 2 months!!
So, I just want everyone to know that if they want a fantastic vacation in the 24/7 company of a beautiful latin woman this place is great. If possible fly when the AirTransat or Skycharter direct Toronto/Porlamar charter flights are taking place.
On another matter there has been some discussions on this thread about the aav ( There has been some joining of forces between Thomas of MWV and Alexis of AAV. Although they do still operate individually, AAV offers its clients the opportunity to stay at its hotel or the MWV villa. Effectively AAV can be a sales agent for MWV. Similarly when the villa is full, the overflow moves to the AAV hotel. So there is a definate cooperation between the two.
Finally, I will say that I will return to the Villa - probably next January, but maybe before, and I will post here to find others who may like to join me. I can usually obtain a discount by arranging a group, which will make it beneficial all round. So, think about if this is what you'd like to do, and so that you may be ready to respond when I post, beacuse a commitment and booking is usually required within a week or two of my posting. This year 4 TERBites showed interest, one joined me, one wanted to join me last minute but there were no empty spots, one couldn't book the time, and one arranged another private vacation and will go to MWV later. WARNING: These vacations are addictive - I know of very few who have been there and NOT returned. Certainly my new friends will join those ranks.


Apr 8, 2002
Package deal!

eyeofthedragon - If you're serious, I could always ask if you can spend one day/night there. What date?


Ultimate Sweetheart
Sep 17, 2005
Blackbeards - WOW!

to eatdipus_rex, sorry I couldn't make it there with you, many factors went into the mix, not the least of which was I was quite sure I would not be able to fully take advantage of that all inclusive trip to MYV with you guys. I'm glad it was great, so it's definitely on my to do list.
However I did go to Blackbeards in the DR, and I have to tell you it was the best vacation for me at this time.
I'll post more detailed information, but I just got back yesterday, but I had a great time and I literally did nothing except hang around the pool, bar and spend time with beautiful, affectionate charming chicas with whom I became fast friends.
I had the same rain as you but it did not last. I had a great time, total cost $1750.00 USD $850.00 Hotel (Bar & Rest.), $450.00 Airfare The balance "the Chicas".
Can't stop grinning.
I'm already planning my trip back in 6 months armed with more "Spanish" or as David the GM says enough to get me into trouble.
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