Seduction Spa

Sex Villa on Margarita Island


New member
Dec 8, 2003
hunter2222 said:
A swiss banker quits his job and opens a Exclusive Escort resort in Dominican Republic..serve to just a few loaded ones... check the prices 3 nights for $4900 US etc.:eek:

swiss bankers pimp fees are


Apr 8, 2002

Yes, that is the Viking resort in Sosua, in the DR. I went there 2 years ago. Very classy place, with Russian girls, but very expensive - A week ended up costing me the best part of $10,000.
Margarita is for 7 days and is about US$2,400. With flight and spending money, about C$4,000. And it has a nicer relaxed atmosphere.

hunter2222 said:
A swiss banker quits his job and opens a Exclusive Escort resort in Dominican Republic..serve to just a few loaded ones... check the prices 3 nights for $4900 US etc.:eek:


New member
Dec 8, 2003
eatdipus_rex said:
- A week ended up costing me the best part of $10,000.
Margarita is for 7 days and is about US$2,400. With flight and spending money, about C$4,000. And it has a nicer relaxed atmosphere.

well at the considerable savings to you,I can see your point

my point is that 20 days, 10 at an all inclusive south of havanna,plus 10 downtown havanna ran me around,2200cdn,
phrase book 23cdn,travel guide,34cdn,meds 30cdn,


New member
Dec 8, 2003
my take
so far eatipus_rex is offering a discount to an incall hes never been, but sounds good=?
two owners posting their own impressions of their own buisnesses=?

one two line review by danmand, of a very bad time,by his own account=

so by analogy if say for example philip lets say from T.P. asked me to post a discount ,then the competition starts rubbishing it, all in the review forum,outcall,btw not in the advertisers section,or whatever.= ?

to my mind there is nothing being reviewed here,at all,just marketing strageties,but the fact that it made it into the review section of this board at all,is in itself food for thought




Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
willie said:
my take
so far eatipus_rex is offering a discount to an incall hes never been, but sounds good=?
two owners posting their own impressions of their own buisnesses=?

one two line review by danmand, of a very bad time,by his own account=

so by analogy if say for example philip lets say from T.P. asked me to post a discount ,then the competition starts rubbishing it, all in the review forum,outcall,btw not in the advertisers section,or whatever.= ?

to my mind there is nothing being reviewed here,at all,just marketing strageties,but the fact that it made it into the review section of this board at all,is in itself food for thought

Hey, loosen up a little. I don't think Eatdipus_rex is doing this for the villa. He is just trying to find a likeminded guy to go with him to Margarite, and is able to extend his discount to him. It is more fun than going alone.

The moderator can move it to another section if he wants to.


Apr 8, 2002
F**king cynics!!

Willie - you have no idea what you're talking about.
The matter of overseas sex trips has been featured on this "outcall" section many times over the last few years. I have posted my reviews of previous trips here, and have in the past received several PM enquiries regarding these resorts.
On this thread I am seeking to do two things 1) To let like minded guys know about these vacation resorts, and some information that I have obtained either by attending them, or from people that I have met or come to know that have given me this information. 2) To allow a fellow traveller(s) to obtain a slight discount on the strength of my previous visits.
No owner has asked me to post here.
In fact, the discount being offered is not being offered by the resort to any other fellow traveller, but by me, personally.
The review by danmand was of the resort that we both attended early this year. I, and our mutual friend, had a great time, danmand did not. In fact part of the reason that he did not have a good time was that he was alone, and did a lot of activities on his own. However even my friend and I had some issues with the resort, and we investigated the AVOL resort, and we agreed that we should go there for a change. We have been in touch with the resort since July, and have spoken to someone (not the owner) about the place several times, and everything is very favourable.
So to clarify, I am not planning to return to the resort that was unfavorably reviewed by danmand.
The reason that the AVOL owner got involved is that, following Alexis (or his spokesman's) comments here that AVOL do not provide airport pick-up/return and other transportation, I e-mailed AVOL for confirmation. They asked where I got the information and I told him about TERB and this thread.
The fact that nothing is (yet) being reviewed here, is nothing new. This section and board is filled with enquiries about other people's preferences, input, and giving/seeking pieces of information, which can subsequently lead to a review. This is no different.
I did not intend this thread to become a subject of discussion or conflict. I was simply asking if anyone wanted to join me on a trip that I am going to take (with or without anyone else), and in the process provide them a discount that they would not otherwise be able to obtain (unless they are a returning client).
Frankly, the thing I hate most about TERB and many of it's threads is that there are always cynical members looking for the alterior motives of other posters. Had it occurred to you that this post is actually what it says it is? I am a long term member here, and have posted reviews extensively - look at my history, including reviews of Viking in the DR, and of Margarita. I have no interest in shilling a business, - if I were shilling then I would be suggesting potential clients contact the resort (but I am not suggesting that, as the resort will not give them a discount if they go to them direct), and I certainly wouldn't be suggesting that they join me on the trip!!
So you can contact me if you're interested, or just let this thread die.


New member
Dec 8, 2003
eatipus_rex and danmand
one or two posts by someone else , that came before mine were either,deleated or removed,
they were repeated,in this forum under a new thread,they were pure marketing,nothing else,these were also either deleted or removed, and this

triggered my respose,which btw,led me to questions,which I voiced,

I have no doubt whatsoever about you,and danmand,being authentic,

about wanting to hook up and have a good time, the deleted posts created another impression,plus the scotch ran out

= bad boy willie


Apr 8, 2002
Margarita Island revisited

I have heard from three guys who are interested, and have been in contact with each of you.
I have thought the resort selection matter over, and rather than go with the unknown (AVOL), and knowing that beach front property has specific appeal for a couple of the guys who contacted me, I've decided to return to MWV.
I have had wonderful experiences there, and although there were a few minor inconveniences last visit, these seem to have been fixed, - the resort has been renovated and the rooms are now more what I had hoped for. They have a new, better cook, a new manager (and I have met the current manager, as he used to be the Caracas representative, and he seems very capable), and I am assured that the catamarran trip will sail!!
I may be able to get one more space if anyone else wants to join us January 18th to 25th. Cost US$2,350, plus C$830 airfare on AirTransat to Porlamar (flight only). Contact me.


New member
Oct 22, 2005
Margarita Island revisited

I do not even know what the hell you are talking about.

I am Alexis and I created the wildvacations, I changed resorts because my Guests needed more privacy in a larger resort with full accommodations in every suite. It is not public, I have paid good money to have the 12 suites by my own away from public areas.

I do that and I created such a vacation 20 years ago when you did not even know what an adult vacation is
But is nice to find a Canadian that cannot say even a good word of a Canadian Company.
he villas as you call were to accommodate few families on the holidays until I transfer my business from RD in 2000, there was nothing there before.

I understand anybody got my idea from 1985 and run with that. You are in the review board, why do not ask the person you talk, how many of the owners of such business can tackle the Hospitality Industry and Adult Business at the same time when they were just hobbyists and clients of mine just 2 years ago??

Yes I know everybody is going to become a millionaire just opening a house with few girls, believe me I have gone through hundreds of companies much before the Net and after the Net.

Any way, I do not know you, I never have talked to you, do not refer my name Alexis unless you have visited me and know my place first.



New member
Feb 4, 2003
Boston, USA
alexisz said:
I do not even know what the hell you are talking about
Ya gotta be impressed with a business owner who opens his post with such a classy line. How to win clients and influence people!? :rolleyes:


Apr 8, 2002

Alexis, I do not doubt your experience in the vacation industry.
... and actually I HAVE talked to you, and I actually arranged my first trip to Las Hermanas through you. It was when I arrived there that I found that several of the things stated on your website were untrue. Noone there was complimentary about you, and I think this was around the time you split with Thomas. Your website today is virtually unchanged from the one that I originally visited 2+ years ago.
alexisz said:
Any way, I do not know you, I never have talked to you, do not refer my name Alexis unless you have visited me and know my place first. Alexisz
I did not open this thread to discuss you or AAV (for good or bad) but to find fellow travellers for a great vacation. It is always better at the villa when there are several guests (and girls) than when it is quiet. The fun factor increases substantially!! My prior visits had prompted several guys to PM me with enquiries, and as I had decided that am already going I was in a position to try to arrange a group and get them a discount at the same time ... and several guys have contacted me.
Your spokesman (b821332), who has only posted on this thread and on one other thread that you started, began the "my place is better than your place" discussions. I can only comment on my experiences at Viking in the DR, and MWV on Margarita. It is interesting that both MWV and TS say that AAV is run out of a public hotel (even if you have somehow made some part of it private), and I cannot see how anything you provide in a public hotel can provide more privacy than the MWV resort (where it is a walled, guarded villa, exlusively for sex vacationers).
alexisz said:
I changed resorts because my Guests needed more privacy in a larger resort with full accommodations in every suite.
I can only comment that I am returning to MWV because of my past very happy experiences there. There were a few problems on my last visit (mainly because of renovations that were underway) and so I considered going to TS on the recommendation of the ex-MWV manager, who praised the facilities at TS. However I have reason to believe that his recommendation was somewhat influenced by commission, and he is no longer working at TS. In any event, I understand the problems that I encountered have been resolved with the renovations, and I also have spoken to a few other guests that I met at MWV and they confirm the changes (improvements) made at MWV.
I am happy to be returning to MWV, and will be pleased to put together a small group from Toronto. AAV was never in my plans, is unlikely to be in my future plans - with or without a Canadian owner.


Jan 18, 2005

I am not an spokesman for AAV. It is true that I have a lot of information. That is only because to actually meet Alexis is to become a friend.

I simply provided information that thousands of AAV subscribers receive periodically in Newsletter form.

I hope you enjoy your vacation. You flying directly to PMV you will not have a problem at CCS.

As for the web site. It is extremely informative and why would anyone want to change a web site that may need some cosmetic changes but at the same time is so good it is copied by everyone else om MI. Alexis tells me that he gets many emails thanking him for all of the information.

I am sorry I forgot you guys know everything there is to know about the sex business so you are not used to listening..

However, I am so glad you are traveling soon because the Chavez government is starting to make noises. Of course you do not believe me. But that is OK too. I just hate to say "I told you so".

Who knows what will happen there is madman in charge. Sorry for any confusion Chavez not Bush.



Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
I cannot comment on Alexisz, because I have only talked to him once one the phone. His answer to Eatdipus_rex seems a bit feisty, if that is the right word.

But I have been thinking if it is practical to go to Margerite Island and make arrangements as I go. I loved the Island, beaches are great, food is good in the restaurants, and on my excursions, outside of the Villa, I saw an abundance of beautiful girls, way hotter than the ones at the villa. And the girls at the villa told me that they were paid only $50 per day, while I paid $400 per day for what I would consider 1-2 star accomodation and barely edible food.

PS: I am not in any way discouraging anybody from going with E rex to MWV. He and his friends had the time of their lives there.


New member
Dec 8, 2003
b821332 said:
I am not an spokesman for AAV. It is true that I have a lot of information. That is only because to actually meet Alexis is to become a friend.

I simply provided information that thousands of AAV subscribers receive periodically in Newsletter form.

imho,people who are "simply providing information" to promote a buisness arent by any stetch unbiased,

"I am sorry I forgot you guys know everything there is to know about the sex business so you are not used to listening.. "

we dont pretend to know everything,but with all 7 or 8 posts under your belt on terb, all saying the same thing and a handle that sounds like a serial number for a washing machine,not too sure that your worth listening to either,:

:rolleyes: :


New member
Jan 4, 2002
Other option

I have been to Venezuela in the last 12 months. It is not safe. Chavez has convinced he popluation that they are about to be invaded by the US. If you are looking for an island experience, consider Curacao. It is safe, great diving and you can spend hours at an old army barracks called Campo Allegre. Is is big, about 100 girls - mostly from Venezuela and Columbia. $30 a session. Basically you walk around and they are hanging out by their cabines. Entrance fee is $6. All the taxis know where it is, but if you are there for a while, rent a car and see some of the island.

It is protected by the Dutch and so it is fairly stable and tolerant. The casinos are honest and they have good duty free if the cruise ships are not it town.


Jan 18, 2005
Response to Posts


MWV has 6 rooms in two Villas. Bathrooms were a problem and may still be a problem. I would check with them for more information. If they do not answer the phone call Alexis/AAV they do.

AAV Escorts (E..Rex)

I just had a look at the AAV Galleries. Pictures of Barbara and Maya have been added. These girls are quite attractive. I do not think you would do better anywhere else. It is too bad you guys have already booked a MWV trip or one or both of these might have been available to you.

I do not get into negative value judgements about phyiscal attributes. For example I do not think huge breasts are attractive. Some, probably most would have an opposite opinion. You do your thing and I will do mine.

Handles, Willie: We all know what your handle means and what you were thinking when you created it because that is what you wanted.

I do not expect you to believe me but my handle has ROYAL significance. Any assumptions about my handle would be wrong. In fact the true meaning of the handle was irrevocably obscured in 1968. I would not even waste a nanosecond thinking about. The originator has long forgotten it.

< > Watch this space for more information!!!


Ultimate Sweetheart
Sep 17, 2005
Fed Up & Confused!!! - Part 1

I've been following this thread with great interest, and I've been in touch with a number of people in regards to the different choices.
Truthfully, I'm more confused now than before - any "All Inclusive Erotic Vacation" will cost me $4,000 CDN - that's a lot of money for me to spend on a vacation on which I can't seem to ind any consensus. Here's where I stand:
AAV - e-mailed Alexis, I like the fact that he is Canadian, but I can't find enough positive feedback. Also on the Margarita Island forums there is a lot of bad reviews, with the consensus there and here that "what is promised" is not delivered. In addition it appears that there are regular guests at the hotel, that is a turn-off for me, if I'm paying for all inclusive, I don't want any restrictions, I like the fact that it is on the beach (it seems), and I can pay with credit cards (for a nominal 9% fee).
MWV - This place seems to have the best reviews, although there are comments about the relationship of the management to the girls over lack of control (sounds like sour grapes). The issue of suites seems to have been addressed and there are a lot of positive reviews. They are also on the beach, but payment by Credit Card may not be available or cost prohibitive.
TS Total Sarisfaction - Playboy loved this place, can't seem to get any user reviews, looks great, great facilities but not on the beach, don't know about Credit Cards yet.

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
The money part doesn't bother me. It's the girls. If there were better looking girls, I'd dive in. But the ones shown are pretty skanky and far from my type.


Ultimate Sweetheart
Sep 17, 2005
Fed Up & Confused!!! - Part 2

Because of all this it seems pretty risky to spend $4,000 - so I'm now considering an alternative which I originally dismissed.
This was partly due to a post by Bass8, in regards to the DR.
I looked at "Blackbeards" again. What is more attractive about this is that I pay for what I need.
Airfare - will be about $950.00 CDN
Rooms - $45.00 per night (USD), meals extra.
Girls - They have girls on site or more available by request, cost about $100 (USD/CDN) per day.
To be honest, on an all inclusive, you're spending so much money that of course you'll want the girls 7 days 24 hours per day. For me that might be a bit too much. This way I can get as many or as little, ladies that I want, less pressure, less money.
The only downside, is that they are supposedly out of the way, although they claim to be on the beach. They also have pretty good reviews, Credit Cards may be a problem, but the Hotel & girls will only be about $1500 so even with some CC surcharge it's not bad.
In addition, the suite facilities are more modern with high speed DSL access on the premises.
So that's where I stand now, Blackbeards seems to be cheaper, and offer at least for me more flexibility. While it's true that you have to negotiate with the ladies individually, that's what they are there for, so I don't expect to have a problem.
I am still considering MWV in January!
Ashley Madison
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