'Serious Damage' to McCain if Palin Probe Report Out Before Election


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
I read one media report that says her husband used her office to conduct meetings. It was noted that Mr. Palin called a meeting with the Safety Commissioner to discuss the firing of his brother in law. Mr. Palin was regularly copied on e-mails involving state business. It says that Mr. Palin was in the governors office on a regular basis.

Wow... as if she did not have enough against her.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
DonQuixote said:
Her recent attacks on Obama may also be
a breach of moral values. Linking him to a terrorist is as close to hate speech as you can go without crossing the line.
Frankly I don’t know how else you can describe William Ayers than as a domestic terrorist.

If one replaced Ayers with Timothy McVeigh (with hypothetically his prosecution having to be dropped for the same reasons as Ayers and Dohrn) I can only imagine what the response would be here on TERB to some Republican candidate who launched their political career in McVeigh’s living room and worked with him on several committees, especially after saying he had no regrets about what he had done!


New member
Aardvark154 said:
.......to some Republican candidate who launched their political career in McVeigh’s living room and worked with him on several committees..
Two points:

1) its it true that O'Bama launched is political career in Ayers living room? or are you just repeating the GOP mantra. What are the details and facts - i'd like to know.

2) Should serving on a committee with a guy that has a record of anti-American activities be a kiss-of-death to a future political career? Ayers did his time i believe, and i thought the US had something in their Constitution about freedom of Speech.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Mcluhan said:
Two points:

1) its it true that O'Bama launched his political career in Ayers living room? or are you just repeating the GOP mantra. What are the details and facts - I’d like to know.
Yes, he launched his first political campaign (for the Illinois State Senate) with a getting to know you party in the Ayer's house. There is tons out there about this, and not merely from Republican Party sources.
Mcluhan said:
2) Should serving on a committee with a guy that has a record of anti-American activities be a kiss-of-death to a future political career? Ayers did his time I believe, and I thought the US had something in their Constitution about freedom of Speech.
No, Ayers never went to trial due to a "fruits of the poisonous tree" problem with wiretap evidence. From my viewpoint, the problem is not that Bill Ayers has an unsavory past, it rather is that he is far from being "the repentant thief." He has never expressed the slightest repentance or remorse for his actions including among many other things of being involved with planing to bomb a dance at Fort Dix, and the fire bombing of a judge's house.

Senator Obama with this and other actions to me demonstrates a lack of judgement. If one is going to make that criticism of President Bush, is this then also not a dangerous sign in Senator Obama?


New member
Jan 19, 2006
The Crunge said:
....and Chicago's "Citizen of the Year" in 1997. That is one schizophrenic dude!
True, particularly if you like very left wing professors, who still feel they did nothing wrong blowing up things.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
The Crunge said:
Keep clinging to your precipice with this one. It hasn't made a damn bit of difference.
That may entirely be true. Then again, there have been many, many cases through history of hindsight being 20/20! I certainly hope not, but fear that all but the most die-hard may be saying, "you told us so" in another few years. :(


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
The Crunge said:
Keep clinging to your precipice with this one. It hasn't made a damn bit of difference.
And it won't. The desperation the right has in making Ayers an issue was evident when Aardvark tried to compare him to McVeigh. More than a bit of a reach there fella, but I suppose for those who would like to see McCain win this is all they've got left.

The Crunge

New member
Apr 21, 2008
Aardvark154 said:
That may entirely be true. Then again, there have been many, many cases through history of hindsight being 20/20! I certainly hope not, but fear that all but the most die-hard may be saying, "you told us so" in another few years. :(
Told us so? About what? That Obama bombs the RNC headquarters in 2012 in his effort to be re-elected?


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Asterix said:
The desperation the right has in making Ayers an issue was evident when Aardvark tried to compare him to McVeigh. More than a bit of a reach there fella
How the Hell do you figure that? One domestic terrorist and another domestic terrorist. Pray tell me what is the difference other than that one got off on a serious but entirely legal technicality and the other was convicted and executed. If McVeigh had changed places with Ayers there would be people "all over" any Republican Candidate who started his first political campaign in his living room. What’s sauce for the goose, should be sauce for the gander.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
The Crunge said:
Told us so? About what? That Obama bombs the RNC headquarters in 2012 in his effort to be re-elected?
And you criticize Governor Palin?!

That Senator Obama has serious problems with judgement.

This is not to even mention his wrongheaded ideas regarding economics and diplomacy - military strategy.

The Crunge

New member
Apr 21, 2008
Aardvark154 said:
How the Hell do you figure that? One domestic terrorist and another domestic terrorist. Pray tell me what is the difference other than that one got off on a serious but entirely legal technicality and the other was convicted and executed. If McVeigh had changed places with Ayers there would be people "all over" any Republican Candidate who started his first political campaign in his living room. What’s sauce for the goose, should be sauce for the gander.
Their actions were diabolical, but if there is a way to distinguish between the two, look at their motivation. I find Ayers' motivation somewhat easier to stomach.

The Crunge

New member
Apr 21, 2008
Aardvark154 said:
And you criticize Governor Palin?!

That Senator Obama has serious problems with judgement.

This is not to even mention his wrongheaded ideas regarding economics and diplomacy - military strategy.
How do you say that with a straight face after 8 years of W? Amazing!


New member
Jan 19, 2006
DonQuixote said:
Ayers was never charged with or convicted
of being a terrorist.
On this point Don you are incorrect. Indeed both he and Dohrn were charged. However the charges were dismissed due to contamination of the evidence by inadmissable wiretaps.

This is somewhat like the O.J. Simpson murder trial - if you want to believe that not guilty means "he didn't do it" rather than "the state didn't prove it's case beyond a reasonable doubt" so be it. Likewise those who want to say well they were never convicted means they didn't do it. Well then why did he say he did in his book?


New member
Jan 19, 2006
The Crunge said:
How do you say that with a straight face after 8 years of W? Amazing!
If you are going to criticize President Bush for lack of judgement, does that not mean that you should pay even greater attention to signs that Senator Obama may suffer from the same fault?


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Aardvark154 said:
How the Hell do you figure that? One domestic terrorist and another domestic terrorist. Pray tell me what is the difference other than that one got off on a serious but entirely legal technicality and the other was convicted and executed. If McVeigh had changed places with Ayers there would be people "all over" any Republican Candidate who started his first political campaign in his living room. What’s sauce for the goose, should be sauce for the gander.
Boy Aardi you really can spin some fancy convoluted obfuscations here!
That said I'm just thankful the OLD fart stuck with and didn't dump his lipstick wearing pitbull as anybody with 'better judgement' than the OLD fart may have.
This Ditz Sarah is just one of the reasons the McDubya compaign is imploding.
This Ditz is the gift that keeps giving and DEMS are ever sooooo thankful McDubya's POOR judgement kept her on the ticket!....;)


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Aardvark154 said:
How the Hell do you figure that?
McVeigh was a mass murderer. Ayers isn't. To compare the two is ridiculous, and as I said desperate. If this is the best those supporting McCain can come up with he's not just toast, he's burnt toast. Down by 14 points in a new poll today.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
The Crunge said:
How do you say that with a straight face after 8 years of W? Amazing!
Paul Krugman nailed in in an article today saying the GOP has becaome the party of stupidity!
What you posted was just an example of GOP stupidity!....:D


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Asterix said:
McVeigh was a mass murderer. Ayers isn't. To compare the two is ridiculous.
Not in the mind of a GOPer like Aardi!...:D
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