The language of fascists through history.Politico and the entire MSM are partners of the Democrats. Enemy of non-Democrats.
'Enemy of the people'.

'Enemy of the people': Trump's phrase and its echoes of totalitarianism
The phrase the president has repeatedly said in his attacks on the media was used by dictators including Stalin and Mao
Its really the first and biggest step into authoritarianism. Once you get the cucks of your country to say the news is 'fake news' then you can claim whatever you want is the truth since the media is the enemy of the people. Which is how you end up with people suggesting guns will come out in defence of religious wingnuts trying to stop women from maintaining control over their bodies.
I wonder if the US is already too far gone.
True: 58% agree media are the ‘enemy of the people,’ 83% hit ‘fake news’
President Joe Biden’s election might have made the media feel good, but it’s done very little for the industry’s reputation with news consumers.