Its been confirmed that Walker does work for Pfizer.
He is 3rd in command. Thats a fairly high management position.
So lets have a look at what was said:
1. He admits Pfizer is swapping new spike sequences into original Covid to create new variant(s)
2. They do this so they can create new vaccines and keep the money flowing (we're talking billion$).
3. They would have to eventually release this variant into the public, because why else would you spend hundreds of millions of dollard to come up with new vaccines for this variant??
4. They are not telling the the public (his own words).
4. They admit its a huge cash cow.
5. He readily admits its good for Pfizer, not so good for the American public.
Putting a new lab made variant out there is extremely unethical, if not illegal.
They could kill hundreds of thousands of people by releasing new variants.
This is essentially a form of genocide. All in the name of profits.
And you guys on the Left dont have a problem with this??!! Why am I not surprised