Toronto Escorts

Save Democracy! Save Canada!


Jan 31, 2005
lookingforitallthetime said:
fuji, you're a pompous ass. Trust me when I tell you, your feelings of self importance are unjustified.
I was always taught that when in a logical, reasoned debate your opponent suddenly resorts to name calling that means you have won.

Thanks for conceding.


Jan 31, 2005
BKool said:
Choices can only be deemed "ignorant" when you know the facts, and decide to ignore them. Voters did NOT know that the Libs are colluding with the NDP and Bloc. It is my opinion that had the electorate known this, Harper would have had a majority.
That's not how our democracy works. Sorry. It's just not.

Under Canadian democracy your job as a voter is to select someone who will make good choices on your behalf, and the most important choice those individuals make on your behalf will be the one about who forms the government. That includes wheeling and dealing to form coalitions, to pass motions of no confidence, to cross the floor, and the like.

If you think our system works some other way you have been misled.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
fuji said:
Under Canadian democracy your job as a voter is to select someone who will make good choices on your behalf, and the most important choice those individuals make on your behalf will be the one about who forms the government. That includes wheeling and dealing to form coalitions, to pass motions of no confidence, to cross the floor, and the like.

If you think our system works some other way you have been misled.
A pretty good description of the system.

Never Compromised

Hiding from Screw Worm
Feb 1, 2006
notenufmuff said:
Coalition governments were originally intended during wartime.
Where the F*** do you get your incorrect information from?

Coalition governments really do not work in a 2 party system. The government you were referring to was hatched as a way of ensuring that there was a way of dealing with the issue of conscription. It was not born from a similar situation to today.

Like it or not, the Conservative party is not really one party, it is a coalition of the Progressive Conservative Party and the Reform Party. I don't see you bitching about that coalition.

Coalitions are the norm in multi-party democracies. Get use to to it. I have a feeling that we we see them become the norm, rather the exception.

Never Compromised

Hiding from Screw Worm
Feb 1, 2006
The Cunning Linguist said:
Can Harper call a "snap" election?.
Harper cannot and has never called an election. It is solely at the discretion of the GG to do so. Going by the historical record, I doubt very much she would call an election at this time.


New member
Jul 2, 2007
fuji said:
That's not how our democracy works. Sorry. It's just not.

Under Canadian democracy your job as a voter is to select someone who will make the best choices on your behalf, and the most important choice that individual make will be the one about who forms the government.

If you think our system works some other way you have been misled.
Again, you seem to be stuck on process when the issues that drive Canadians to vote for a particular local MP is far more nuanced and complex. The make-up of the federal government way heavily on a voter's decision when they vote for a local MP, as it should. If all politics were strictly local, there would be no need for federal leadership debates. Anyway, this is getting tedious ...

Heanchman #21

Guild of Calamitous Intnt
Jun 15, 2008
somewhere in a big giant cocoon
lookingforitallthetime said:

The only country in the world where a mild mannered professor, born in France, unable to effectively communicate in both official languages can rise from virtual obscurity to lead a major political party into a general election, lose that election very handily and become Prime Minister.

God bless Canada!
Born in France?

"Mr. Dion was born on September 28, 1955 in Quebec City. He is married to Janine Krieber, and has one daughter, Jeanne."

Get your facts straight buddy :D

All the party leaders are as dull as ditch water and Harper deserves to be ousted for calling an unnecessary election in the first place and THEN failing to slam dunk Dion .... a guy who looks like he couldn't punch his way our of a wet paper bag.



Jan 31, 2005
Harper does not have the power to do away with the GG. If anythign the GG has the power to do away with Parliament.


The GG hs far more "reserve power" than most peope realize and could easily precipitate a massive constitutional crisis were she/he ever to use it.

For example the GG can unilaterally declare war and order the Canadian army into the field, without any regard to how Parliament feels about it.

At any rate Harper by hismelf does not have the power to change Canada from a Dominion to a Republic. That would take massive multi-party co-operation and the support of a majority of the provinces.
Mar 19, 2006
fuji said:
I was always taught that when in a logical, reasoned debate your opponent suddenly resorts to name calling that means you have won.
I wasn't in a "debate" with you. I was commenting on your condescending attitude towards another poster.

fuji said:
Thanks for conceding.
No problem.

Thanks for proving my point with typical pomposity.
Mar 19, 2006
Heanchman #21 said:
Born in France?

"Mr. Dion was born on September 28, 1955 in Quebec City. He is married to Janine Krieber, and has one daughter, Jeanne."

Get your facts straight buddy :D

I stand corrected on this point, he grew up in France.

Anything wrong with the other points?


New member
Jul 2, 2007
fuji said:
the most important choice those individuals make on your behalf will be the one about who forms the government. That includes wheeling and dealing to form coalitions, to pass motions of no confidence, to cross the floor, and the like
Voters must be afforded the opportunity to make EDUCATED choices. That includes having a reasonable idea which parties the party you are voting for is willing to hop in bed with to form a coalition, and how much the party you are voting for is willing to concede to satisfy the requirements of that coalition. Therefore, if a political party flatly and explicitly dismisses any chance of a coalition with another party before an election, even as they are secretly negotiating a coalition with that very same party, it is my opinion that this constitutes a willful deception of the electorate, and is a flat-out subversion of the democratic process.

Heanchman #21

Guild of Calamitous Intnt
Jun 15, 2008
somewhere in a big giant cocoon
lookingforitallthetime said:
I stand corrected on this point, he grew up in France.

Anything wrong with the other points?
Hmmm, not much but is Harper any better? In a Parliamentary system, you are not voting for a Prime Minister, you are voting for a Party.

What I can't understand is why so many people are bitching about this because it is quite common place in Parliamentary systems ... happens all over the world. The most seats rule and in this case, the other 3 parties have more than the new Reform Party has. The Liberals and NDP did this in Ontario a few years back when they booted the PC's out ... nothing new.

Harper shouldn't have called an election. The people didn't want it (one of the lowest turnouts in history) and he failed to gain a majoring ... which if F$#@ing amazing to me.

Mar 19, 2006
Heanchman #21 said:
Hmmm, not much but is Harper any better? In a Parliamentary system, you are not voting for a Prime Minister, you are voting for a Party.

What I can't understand is why so many people are bitching about this because it is quite common place in Parliamentary systems ... happens all over the world. The most seats rule and in this case, the other 3 parties have more than the new Reform Party has. The Liberals and NDP did this in Ontario a few years back when they booted the PC's out ... nothing new.

Harper shouldn't have called an election. The people didn't want it (one of the lowest turnouts in history) and he failed to gain a majoring ... which if F$#@ing amazing to me.

Harper is much better than Dion.

Think about where the country is headed. Dion couldn't keep one party together. What makes you think he will be able to keep three together?


quen es tu papi???
Feb 21, 2002
iamme said:
Harper has only one agenda .. to obtain a majority government.

He doesn't give a rat's ass about anything else.

He must be stopped.
you are demented...


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
fuji said:
I was always taught that when in a logical, reasoned debate your opponent suddenly resorts to name calling that means you have won.
Might be true if the first condition actually existed. Otherwise I think he simply wanted you to know he thinks you're a pompous ass.


New member
Nov 16, 2001
Compromised said:
Like it or not, the Conservative party is not really one party, it is a coalition of the Progressive Conservative Party and the Reform Party. I don't see you bitching about that coalition.

Coalitions are the norm in multi-party democracies. Get use to to it. I have a feeling that we we see them become the norm, rather the exception.
Coalitions are fine if they are formed BEFORE the election so people know what they are voting for.

What was the platform for the 3 stooges coalition party?
Oh yeah, they didn't have a party, platform, or a single vote in the election.

There are degrees to coalition viability.
I could see the GG approving a coalition between 2 parties that are at least in the same vicinity on the political scale, like the PC and Reform or even Liberals and Conservatives, but this NDP, BLOC, and Liberal group is a mish mash of extremes.
3 vastly different desperate losers.

If there is no compromise, there should be another election.
Let the 3 stooges coalition party run as one with Dion leading them and see how they do.:p
Toronto Escorts