Sarin Bomb Explodes in Iraq!!


New member
Mar 17, 2003
Of course, people will blame Al Qaeda. Who obviously had nothing to do with Iraq at all. And who have been given the opportunity to come into the country due to the US's involvement. So the US should blame themselves. ... Nothing to do with Iraq.
oopsie doodle, they made a mess! with a binary agent.

nono, the purple aliens did it. ;)

in all likelyhood, whomever rigged up this IED probably didnt know it was a chemical round.

sarin is nasty stuff, but its generally harder to use chemical weapons than conventional ones without accidentally nuking one's self. [before firing at the intended target]

don't try this at home
some training and assembly required.

remember to wear your safety goggles when handling WMDs. [safety is important yah know]
So does this now prove that there are WMD's in Iraq???
Surely there must be more from where that came from.

Cardinal Fang

Bazinga Bitches
Feb 14, 2002
I'm right here
It doesn't necessarily prove that there are. Just that one may have been detonated in Iraq. It could have easily been transported into Iraq. As one who easily thought WMD were going to be found in Iraq I’ve become more critical of the information I read.

I will wait for more information.
information is only as valuable as its level of authentication.

first rule of war;
"The Truth is invariably the first casualty"


Arrogant American Idiot
Oct 28, 2002
While its obvious now (atleast apparently) that Iraq did not have large stockpiles of WMD, its not outside consideration that there are still some smaller devices lying around....


sick of it all
johnnyhandsome said:
So does this now prove that there are WMD's in Iraq???
Surely there must be more from where that came from.
Have you ever heard the expression, "You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time"?

I'm guessing you fit into the second category. This so-called WMD (Weapon of MASS Destruction) went off and didn't kill anyone you dolt. It could have been easily transported into Iraq. You are so brainwashed by your Christian upbringing and your hatred of all things Muslims that you lose all sense of objectivity and grasp at straws.

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
The_Jaded_One said:
You are so brainwashed by your Christian upbringing and your hatred of all things Muslims that you lose all sense of objectivity and grasp at straws.
I'm sorry, Jaded, but his Christian beliefs have little or nothing to do with his neo-con ideology and his xenophobia regarding Islam. This sort of slur is beneath you.
bbking said:
You again. While this doesn't prove a mass Iraqi WMD program existed at the time the US invaded, but it does confirm UN concerns that Iraq may have made these kind of weapons (sarin) and while the injuries from this weapon was light it could have been worse. In fact Iraq, after the defection of Sadam's son-in-laws admited that they made Sarin shells but had exploded them all and BTW, CNN is reporting that the shells where Iraqi made - do really think Iran or Syria would take a chance of introducing this kind of weapon that might be traced to them.
All this shell does is confirm Iraq's non-compliance with the UN and their own cease fire agreement, but can Bush hang his hat on this - no.
Now for you, I am really getting pissed off with your bigoted statements regarding all Christians hating Muslims - you keep repeating this over and over again with anyone who dares to disagree with you. Frankly I am very sick of it and wish the mods would step in and delete your bigoted remarks.
Why do you even bother to respond to this Kook who obviously has his head stuck in the sand. If they ever do find WMD's in Iraq (which is still possible), Jaded-1 will simply say that it was planted there by Bush as an election ploy. Or he'll say that it was the Mossad or something equally stupid.
The Shake said:
I'm sorry, Jaded, but his Christian beliefs have little or nothing to do with his neo-con ideology and his xenophobia regarding Islam. This sort of slur is beneath you.
I dont have xenophobia but I do have WMD-phobia. I'm particularly worried about something like smallpox and how it can devastate an entire nation. Smallpox can also leave someone pockmarked for the rest of their life after they have contracted the disease, but from what I hear about your facial appearance, Shake, a few pockmarks will just be a another drop in the bucket. ;)
And I use the term 'Facial Appearance' loosely.


sick of it all
The Shake said:
I'm sorry, Jaded, but his Christian beliefs have little or nothing to do with his neo-con ideology and his xenophobia regarding Islam. This sort of slur is beneath you.
Come on Shake!! His radical beliefs are borne from his Christian upbringing. I am not saying all Christians are like that, am I?

Anyways I will give you one guess who said these quotes:

"The Jews are the true owners of the land because it was given to them by God thousands of years ago. Israeli's are God's chosen people and not the Phillistines."

"Romans 1 says that the Bible has been imprinted on us instinctively, so there's no excuse."

SO what do you think came first, Johnny's neo-con ideology or his Christian beliefs? His Christian superiority complex gives rise to his neo-con ideology and his xenophobia. My brother is Christian and he has a Muslim girlfriend so I obviously don't think ALL Christians are like that.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
The Shake said:
I'm sorry, Jaded, but his Christian beliefs have little or nothing to do with his neo-con ideology and his xenophobia regarding Islam. This sort of slur is beneath you.
Not really, TJO likes to make snap evaluations on people, it helps him feel superior - that and his Mensa status.

Sounds like your whimping out already, jaded-1. And also you failed to catch Shake's sarcasm which further leads me to question your IQ.


sick of it all
bbking said:
I hear ya but one of the reasons to respond to a kook like this is because he would be the first one to cry bigotry for anything we say. I just get tired of the bigots on the so-called other side who paint bigoted pictures of what I stand for. I am tired of comments like this from him.
You are right, Jaded-1 response would be that the CIA, Mossad or hell even Putin put WMD in Iraq.
Do you guys ever think? The Republican administration accused Saddam of having WMD. Why wouldn't Saddam have used them before he was caught? Do you honestly think the Republican administration is above planting WMD evidence, when it makes them look extremely bad for not having found them and that was their flimsy justification for going to war? Yeah, they are above planting WMD but not above torturing Iraqis (copper green ever heard of it?).

Besides they haven't found WMD and how many months has it been? Only an idiot would consider the homemade sarin bomb that went off as a WMD.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
The_Jaded_One said:
Do you guys ever think? The Republican administration accused Saddam of having WMD. Why wouldn't Saddam have used them before he was caught? Do you honestly think the Republican administration is above planting WMD evidence, when it makes them look extremely bad for not having found them and that was their flimsy justification for going to war? Yeah, they are above planting WMD but not above torturing Iraqis (copper green ever heard of it?).
That didn't take long LOL!

onthebottom said:
Not really, TJO likes to make snap evaluations on people, it helps him feel superior - that and his Mensa status.

Mensa status???? Does he belong to Mensa??? You are kidding, right??
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