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Saddam captured


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
It'll be interesting to see how much, or even if, the Americans allow him to talk. The rest of the captured Iraqi leadership has never been accessed by the press. Ah, what stories they could probably tell about past dealings with the western powers! Seems they're gonna be locked up and shut up and we'll none of us be the wiser for it. :(



New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
jwmorrice said:
It'll be interesting to see how much, or even if, the Americans allow him to talk. The rest of the captured Iraqi leadership has never been accessed by the press. Ah, what stories they could probably tell about past dealings with the western powers! Seems they're gonna be locked up and shut up and we'll none of us be the wiser for it. :(

Seems to me they had years of speaking publicly.


Sugar daddy II
Oct 17, 2003
Come on ALL bullshit aside...

This is the BEST news!!

What a wonderful thing to wake up to!
Finally, that SICK, dirty, bloated crazy fuck is captured! Now, if they can only catch that Crazy towel-head OSAMA...

I hope not to offend anyone, but this is just IMHO...


Apr 16, 2003
hiding behind my computer screen.
jwmorrice said:
It'll be interesting to see how much, or even if, the Americans allow him to talk. The rest of the captured Iraqi leadership has never been accessed by the press. Ah, what stories they could probably tell about past dealings with the western powers! Seems they're gonna be locked up and shut up and we'll none of us be the wiser for it. :(

Saddam challenged Bush to an international televised debate before the war but Bush wouldn't go for it. Saddam would've smoked that mental midget. I guess too many (ex) Republicans would be implicated of war crimes.

What I would like to know, is, what’s the difference between the Republican administration and Saddam Hussein's regime? For the life of me I can't figure that out. Okay, it's a matter of degree, but it's a slippery slope.


Active member
Aug 16, 2003
I've got to say seven - I'm not a fan of the President or his administration's policies - but your second statement is ridiculous in the extreme.


New member
Jul 14, 2002
tonymontana.jr said:
Finally, that SICK, dirty, bloated crazy fuck is captured! Now, if they can only catch that Crazy towel-head OSAMA...
I hope not to offend anyone, but this is just IMHO...
I'm happy that he will be brought to justice too but you can't use the phrase "towel-head" and not offend a lot of people.


New member
Feb 3, 2002
is anyone else totally stunned they took him alive? I mean how many people in that regime went down in firefights (including his sons) and the leader wont go down with a fight? the media definately spun him to seem a lot tougher then he was as a person. not to mention the shock that US military officers showed restraint when face to face with their own personal satan. thats interesting to me.


Apr 16, 2003
hiding behind my computer screen.

Originally posted by zydeco
I've got to say seven - I'm not a fan of the President or his administration's policies - but your second statement is ridiculous in the extreme.
Is it? If I handed you a gun knowing that you were going to kill someone with it, am I not just as bad as you? Does it matter if I walked away and turned a blind eye to what you were about to do?

If I sold Saddam chemical weapons knowing what he was going to do with them (duh!!) am I not just as bad as he is? Please explain to me the real difference in moral relativity.

PS - I think some Americans think they are in the right by virtue of being American.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Re: Great news, but....

Ross said:

2) We're never going to hear the end of this from George Bush. And unfortunately, this is going to be held up as a victory standard -- and it just might be the push that Dubyah needs to get re-elected. I've made it no secret that I dislike Bush - but this development really does help him. I'm sure every Democrat must feel the same way....
I can't wait for Hillery to tell the world how she talked him into surrendering to US troups.

Face it solid intelligence and vigilane by the colotion forces led to his capture. This was accomplished with George Bush as the Commander and Chief. Credit goes to him, his staff and all the brave men and women involved in this action. The cirizens of Iraq deserve the peace we pary is comming.


Active member
Aug 16, 2003
Seven - I agree that the US policy in the Middle East has been duplicitous and worse. However, the moral equivalency argument is flawed - there is none. It does not reflect reality.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
As I sit here and wonder what BUSH had to do with sales to Iraq of chemical weapons. I can't imangine why people want to distort truths.

GirlFriends Toronto

Established since 2002
Jan 24, 2003
North York
With this good news, I think it will be a waste of money and time to hold a 2004 election. No matter who dislikes Bush, he will get another four years in office.


Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Yes, there is a difference between handing someone a gun that they "may" use to kill someone and actually pulling the trigger. The judicial system sees the difference, I don't know why you can't.

You seem to be referring to the fact that the USA provided Saddam with weapons, which he then used to murder his own people. Well, sorry to shake you out of the utopia-tree but the world is not one of absolutes. There are times when nations must deal with the lesser of two evils - and Iraq in the 1980s was it.

To compare the current Bush administration to Saddam's regime is either a joke on your part or a matter of extreme ignorance. Saddam's goons routinely tortured and murdered Iraqi citizens; if you think this is the road the Bush administration is on then you're obviously a conspiracy-freak and there's nothing else I have to say to you. To think that the US gov't could embark on a path that would lead them to the systematic extermination of Americans (re: Kurds in the north of Iraq) is ludicrous. The western world has come a long way since WWII and the extermination of a nation's own people is one thing the western world will not allow itself to do.

Don't get me wrong, I have no love for Bush. But I have no love for conspiracists and moral extremists who live in a fantasy world. Saddam will likely be tried in an international court (probably the Hague) by the international community. I would find it very difficult to believe that the Iraqi people would be allowed to try him for his crimes - the risk of keeping him in Iraq is far too great.


Active member
Aug 16, 2003
Not so fast Amber. There is still an "eternity" of time prior to the election for intervening circumstances to have a dramatic effect on the election's outcome. Most of these circumstances will be beyond anyone's control.


Exile on Main Street
Sep 21, 2002
Re: Yay Bush

Tonto said:
As an American I like Bush. Would you have preferred Gore who wants to phase out gasoline engines? I was a Democrat when I was younger but they have become too liberal and want to continuously expand the welfare state. Everybody is eager to criticize Bush but it took courage to go into Iraq would everybody been happier until the next 9/11 came along? I was around during the Vietnam and that was a wrong war but since 9/11 and the terrorist threat there is something to be said for taking aproactive stance. We tried appeasing Hitler nad look what that got us.

So what is stopping you yanks from invading North Korea?

They clearly are the next rogue nation that needs to be dealt with, we all know they have "nukes" for sure because they have told us so.


New member
Oct 13, 2001
Heather Elite
papasmerf said:
As I sit here and wonder what BUSH had to do with sales to Iraq of chemical weapons. I can't imangine why people want to distort truths.
This coming from the same person who suggested Hillary Clinton would attempt to take full credit for his capture. Good stuff.


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
Question: Good idea to sell into the upcoming Santa Saddam stock rally?



New member
Oct 13, 2001
Heather Elite
Re: Re: Great news, but....

papasmerf said:
Face it solid intelligence and vigilane by the colotion forces led to his capture. This was accomplished with George Bush as the Commander and Chief. Credit goes to him, his staff and all the brave men and women involved in this action. The cirizens of Iraq deserve the peace we pary is comming.
So at the cost of 450 Americans (and counting) and $160 Billion (and counting) we got the guy who fantasized about killing thousands of Americans but seemed to know better than to try. Meanwhile, the guy who actually did it is walking around a free man.

Call me goofy, but something tells me that if we went into Afghanistan with the force we went into Iraq with, and spent $160 billion chasing the right guy, we'd be closer to catching him rather than where we're at now. I guess if you can't get the guy you need, then go after the guy you can get.
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