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Russian girls


Registered User
Aug 21, 2005
Jesus, you still have faith and believe in this fake "love match" websites? I wouldn't touch them with a 10-ft pole.


New member
Mar 14, 2002
Downtown T.O.
Kommander1975 said:
Jesus, you still have faith and believe in this fake "love match" websites? I wouldn't touch them with a 10-ft pole.
What is fake?
At least I know one of them! And she is not fake!


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Kommander1975 said:
I wouldn't touch them with a 10-ft pole.
How about an 11 ft. Dane? nyuk. nyuk.


Blondes Are More Fun
Jul 14, 2004
Isn't this on a T.V. commercial? I see these girls in fur coats in the middle of summer, looking washed up in their late 30's hoping some waelthy American will come sweep then off thier feet :p


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Tina_Ballerina said:
Isn't this on a T.V. commercial? I see these girls in fur coats in the middle of summer, looking washed up in their late 30's hoping some waelthy American will come sweep then off thier feet :p

Damn yousaw me in that commercial


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Tina: Don't be so critical "washed up in their late 30's...." even if the site posted is fake, a lot of sites aren't. You have to remember that life in the eastern bloc is NOT what we're accustomed to here. In those 30 yrs they've had to endure food shortages, power shortages, long lines for bread, no quality products to speak of, state run television and print, no real freedoms, no civil rights and pitiful healthcare. For most russians (men and women) life here in North America is Xanadu compared to what they have.

Believe me, a lot aren't looking for a rich anything, they're just looking for a better life and unfortunately the only way they can get it is by looking abroad.

The only thing holding me back from exploring the possiblility of meeting a russian or eastern woman is the cost.

let's be a little more sympathetic to those who don't have it as well as we do, ok?

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
tboy said:
Believe me, a lot aren't looking for a rich anything, they're just looking for a better life and unfortunately the only way they can get it is by looking abroad.
Hence the reason that these sorts of websites are just a disaster waiting to happen.

There are 5 million people in the GTA, half of whom are women. If you can't find a wife in there somewhere, either your expectations are too high, or you are in denial.

The women on these sites are strictly mercenary and once they are here, they are going to make it their mission in life to bring over their entire family (at your expense) including their "second cousin Boris" who really is their good for nothing boyfriend from back home.

She sees you as a meal ticket, plain and simple, and if you are fool enough to go for it, then you deserve what happens.


Oct 24, 2002
S ontario
I love their info-mercial.
Totally stunningly beautiful women in bikini's, saying they love cooking and cleaning, and just want a kind fellow who's looks aren't important.
Almost the most convincing sell since Tom Vu.
I almost called!


New member
Aug 20, 2003
james t kirk said:
Hence the reason that these sorts of websites are just a disaster waiting to happen.

There are 5 million people in the GTA, half of whom are women. If you can't find a wife in there somewhere, either your expectations are too high, or you are in denial.


I don't disagree that these are scams . I do disagree about finding a wife here , I think most women in the GTA 'S expectations are too high. Look at the ads women post with online dating . They expect perfection, money, looks , and of course you " have to make them laugh " .
They are the reason these Russian ads work .


Oct 24, 2002
S ontario
booboobear said:
I don't disagree that these are scams . I do disagree about finding a wife here , I think most women in the GTA 'S expectations are too high. Look at the ads women post with online dating . They expect perfection, money, looks , and of course you " have to make them laugh " .
They are the reason these Russian ads work .

But some guys' perfection, money and looks WILL make them laugh.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I am glad I am not the only one that thinks the GTA (not the sp agency lol) women have too high of expectations. According to most of the personals sites and from personal experience, it is now taboo for a woman to "settle" for a nice guy, with good manners, respect and integrity. If you're not A list, you're off the list. It has become taboo now for a woman to settle for anything less than the perfect male (in their eyes) and since I am far from perfect, I'm am off most women's list.

While I admit there are many scams on the net for russian brides, 60 minutes did a special on this phenomena a couple of months ago. There is one agency (I forget the name) who has a 80% success rate hooking up men and women and this rate is based on couples that are still together 5 - 10 yrs after they've hooked up through the agency. They also pointed out the failures from this and other agencies and some atrocities that occurred. They admited that scams do happen and some ppl just aren't honest about their intentions. Strangely enuff, and no offence to the philopino community, but most of the problems occurred with philopino/asian marriage services (where the lady bails and takes the guy for all his money once over here).

The special was indepth and pointed out that many eastern european women are truly fed up with the BS eastern men lay on them and are truly looking for a better life. Plus the fact that many still desire the better qualities in a man, not just looks/money/lifestyle.

As for my expectations, I look for similar qualities in a partner, that I have myself. ie: reasonably attractive, slim, honest, intelligent, respectful, sexually active and most of all, I desire a woman who hasn't entered into the matron stage of life. Basically, I'm looking for a cougar lol. Unfortunately all the cougars in T.O. are after 30 yr old (or younger) and it has been a while since I was 30.......

wrong hole

May 4, 2003
25 malbury lane
tboy said:
I am glad I am not the only one that thinks the GTA (not the sp agency lol) women have too high of expectations. According to most of the personals sites and from personal experience, it is now taboo for a woman to "settle" for a nice guy, with good manners, respect and integrity. If you're not A list, you're off the list. It has become taboo now for a woman to settle for anything less than the perfect male (in their eyes) and since I am far from perfect, I'm am off most women's list.
I would tend to disagree with this....I think you just have to have the right keys to open women up regardless of their beauty. I think most women are looking for what most men are looking for....chemistry between two people.

It's hard to look for it....I think it just happens


Blondes Are More Fun
Jul 14, 2004
tboy said:
Tina: Don't be so critical "washed up in their late 30's...." even if the site posted is fake, a lot of sites aren't. You have to remember that life in the eastern bloc is NOT what we're accustomed to here. In those 30 yrs they've had to endure food shortages, power shortages, long lines for bread, no quality products to speak of, state run television and print, no real freedoms, no civil rights and pitiful healthcare. For most russians (men and women) life here in North America is Xanadu compared to what they have.

Believe me, a lot aren't looking for a rich anything, they're just looking for a better life and unfortunately the only way they can get it is by looking abroad.

The only thing holding me back from exploring the possiblility of meeting a russian or eastern woman is the cost.

let's be a little more sympathetic to those who don't have it as well as we do, ok?
HA HA HA.....You tell me, "Don't be so critical" ...funny statement, tboy


New member
Nov 21, 2001
Is it just me...or does anyone else see the irony in that ever "bio" on that site lists the women all as Christian (which rules out marrying a Pagan such as myself...but that's not the point) and it has "instant chat" yet all of them have elementary English, at best...



resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Your statement:

looking washed up in their late 30's....
is what I was referring to.........Just remember tina, you will be in your late 30's too someday......

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
booboobear said:
I don't disagree that these are scams . I do disagree about finding a wife here , I think most women in the GTA 'S expectations are too high. Look at the ads women post with online dating . They expect perfection, money, looks , and of course you " have to make them laugh " .
They are the reason these Russian ads work .
You have a good point.

You can have a completely average woman in every respect (looks, job, intelligence, family, morals (ie drinking, smoking, etc.) and she figures that she "won't settle" for anything less than John F. Kennedy Jr.

That's why you meet so many single women from 35 to 45 who have never been married, never had a long term relationship for more than a year, never had children. They keep thinking that they are somehow entitled to the perfect man and come hell or high water, they will find him out there. Better to be married by age 25 in that regard.

I'm just not so sure that the russian chicks are any different.
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