I hope the ads DO create dialogue about the candidates because there was no way Ford should be this high in the polls.
I've never voted before, but I am making an exception this year and voting for the candidate that looks the strongest against Ford in the polls.
Yep an introduction to democracy vote for the first time because you can not stand one of the people running. I don't suppose you could find something to vote for?????????????
Actually there is a reason for Ford to be this high in the pols, he is running a campaign that resonates with 40 odd percent of the voters poled. The other candidates have done nothing except throw mud and complaion that Ford should not be mayor. Do you really think he would
a) be in the lead if people were really satisfied with the status quo?
b) any one of the other candidates had run , oh i don't know a campaign maybee
The really "odd " thing is , he is ahead in every metric measured in all parts of the city. He even has a small lead in the old Toronto core ridings. He is not winning because the burbs decided to vote this time, he has hit a nerve and the voters are reacting to it.
He also destroyed the wait till labour day to really campign theory , he has been at it all summer and the others have just realized the PEOPLE WERE LISTENING .