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Rob Babcock part I


New member
Aug 7, 2003
I don't really know
I couldn't be happier that Babcock and Peddie might get fired.

It's about friggin time

why let Babcock screw up anymore, I can't even imagine the draft pick he will want

the main reason for the potential firing is that 'there's no plan', babcock can't even give a definitive answer for the 'plan' except he plans to get character guys(that means shit). Also there's no public confidence in him and that's the main reason the teacher's pension plan is getting involved, people are not renewing raptors season tickets and they can't force people since there is no hockey.

once the basketball division is losing money then that's when the teacher's pension steps in.

Also, around the league Babcock is seen as a chump after the vince deal and the contract he gave to alston, so he becomes a ineffective general manager when dealing with other GMs.


New member
Aug 7, 2003
I don't really know
If I'm in a private business and my clients won't purchase anything from my business b/c they have very little faith in my business manager.

What do I do in order to get back the clients? I fire my business manager's ass or sleep with his trophy wife.

Comparing it to GG is pointless IMO, so MLS lets GG screw up for 4 years justifys letting Babcock screw up for a couple more years. That does not make sense.

Could someone name one thing Babcock did right since he was hired? I'm having a hard time comming up with anything.


Mar 14, 2004
holden said:
why let Babcock screw up anymore, I can't even imagine the draft pick he will want
Great. Hire a new GM just before the draft again. Maybe if Babcock had some time to put together a plan before he had to draft and sign players, things would look a little brighter.


Jan 13, 2002
holden said:
Could someone name one thing Babcock did right since he was hired? I'm having a hard time comming up with anything.

Just sat on his ass and let the trade deadline expired without making one stupid move. No move is the the best move, as far as Babcock is concerned.


Unleash "The Animal"
Feb 23, 2005
Big Papa Smurf said:
This is freakin' stupid. Grunwald is allowed 4 years to Fuck up the franchise and Babcock is given 1 year before he is canned. Babcock does have a plan. The problem is that the fools who run the franchise and some of the fans have no patience.
Sorry Big Papa i had to edit ur post (in bold-replace of fark-just sounds wrong)

Anyways, the franchise has been in existance for how long now...10 years? There are no room for errors anymore fire who makes stupid decisions starting w/ Peddie then Babcockless. Richard Peddie has already made this team into a laughing stock throughout the whole league, all he knows is hockey (in MLSE)and nothing 'bout basketball- his answers are repetetive and the answers don't relate to the questions if u go back last year in a few interviews.
Babcock- on the other hand makes very stupid decisions. first he drafts Arujo who's a PROJECT, then he ships VC to a team within our division, worst yet we got shit in return. When i heard 'bout the trade, the first thing that i asked was did we get Jeferson in return.What the fuck!!!

Sorry,but your telling me and all other raptor fans to be patient....geeze
How long have you watched basketball for-don't tell us to be patient-there is no room for error w/ this franchise- have u seen the Vancouver Grizzlies- look what happened w/ being patient.


New member
Aug 7, 2003
I don't really know
ice_dog said:
Actually, he signed up Bonner. Give him credit for that.
No he didn't, that was Grunwald who drafted him and it was Mitchell who beg babcock to keep him this year

now I hope the raptors don't over pay him -Bonner can shoot but can't create his own shot

with trade deadline, only babcock could get nothing for Marshall the most sought after player during the trading deadline. Now we just watch him go to another team without compensation


Active member
May 18, 2003
I haven't been impressed with Bonner lately. Once teams figured out he could shoot, he hasn't done much. As stated, he cannot create his own shot. On defense, his footwork sucks, the slowest of the slow get by him and opposition loves getting the ball to whomever he is guarding. Sure he hustles, but that isn't enough.


New member
Dec 2, 2001
If either or both of Babcock and Peddie are still with this organization for next season, I will surrender my Raptors loyalty and seek a new team to root for... at least until these two clowns are gone and can't screw up this organization any further.


Jan 13, 2002
Powershot said:
I haven't been impressed with Bonner lately. Once teams figured out he could shoot, he hasn't done much. As stated, he cannot create his own shot. On defense, his footwork sucks, the slowest of the slow get by him and opposition loves getting the ball to whomever he is guarding. Sure he hustles, but that isn't enough.

Bonner is a pure shooter who knows how to get open and keeps the opponnents' defense honest. He is not in the same class as Bosh, who, rebounds, and plays defense. and has one-on-one move to 'create his own shots'. Bonner was only a second-round pick

I think his deal is a one-yr deal with min wage. At least it is not a bad deal when you compare it with Araujo who has a 3-yr contract, and has yet to contribute.

It will be too harsh to criticize Babcock for this deal


Apr 22, 2004
I'd have to agree...

Powershot said:
I haven't been impressed with Bonner lately. Once teams figured out he could shoot, he hasn't done much. As stated, he cannot create his own shot. On defense, his footwork sucks, the slowest of the slow get by him and opposition loves getting the ball to whomever he is guarding. Sure he hustles, but that isn't enough.
His defense is going to have to improve quite a bit...and will prove vulnerable against quicker or taller/longer opponents..There are quite a few on this list!......this makes him a part-timer!...

his shooting is reliable, he even has some decent moves to the basket including a baby hook, his rebounding can and should have to remember that he is very intelligent and will figure out how to contribute more.

Bottom line, he can be a contributor and his intelligence will keep him in this league for a while!..........definitely can play for under 1million/season until he shows how "smart" he really is!

Whenever I think of Bonner and Hoffa, my optimism makes me think of Bill Lambeer. Bonner may have a better chance of being a Bill Lambeer than Hoffa does. Its hard to judge Hoffa cause we've seen so little....but there have been plenty of big men come into this league and not measure up. Usually the survivers have entered with at least shot blocking, rebounding, or quickness. So far I've seen none from Hoffa. He even has to battle the language barrier. THe odds seem to be stacked against Hoffa....I hope I'm wrong.


Mar 14, 2004
To be able to earn a continued pay check, the Rocket needs to develop a passable post game. Too many times, he is covered by a perimeter player who he should be able to take advantage of, especialy with a post lake Donyell who can play outside.


New member
Oct 15, 2002
This guy has to be gone this summer....
Same old typical Moves.. Let a great player go fer nothin, sign a sub par player to a long term contract off of what he's done in ONE season alone..
Great move Rap's..

Bosh will be gone in a few years and they'll be called the Las Vegas Raps soon after...........UNLESS we have one more horseshoe up our ass and draft another future great player???? :rolleyes:


Nov 5, 2001
Just thinking .....

I was thinking about the draft picks the Raptors picked up .... during March Madness, there was always speculation about who would jump early. There's suppose to be a deeper draft this year due to the threat of an age limit in the NBA. The draft picks may be a little more valuable than we think right now. Not saying the trade was worth it but those picks could turn out nicely.


Apr 22, 2004
Is it true that..

keenez said:
I was thinking about the draft picks the Raptors picked up .... during March Madness, there was always speculation about who would jump early. There's suppose to be a deeper draft this year due to the threat of an age limit in the NBA. The draft picks may be a little more valuable than we think right now. Not saying the trade was worth it but those picks could turn out nicely.

with Philadelphia and Denver both in the playoffs, does that negate their first round picks???

still not clear on this!


Active member
Dec 8, 2003
I think the Raps get the 76ers pick for this year but that's it. I don't think they get Denvers pick because they're in the playoffs.


Mar 14, 2004
I think there is a rule that you can only have 2 first round picks in any draft. Whether or not this is the case, the denver pick is for next year. BUT, both picks are protected meaning that they get passed to the next year if they are a top pick (top 3-8 if I remember right).

This year the raps will have their lottery pick (statisticaly 7-8th) plus philly's pick at about 16. If the scouts do their job it could be good. (Or we could pick a second rounder at 8)
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