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Rob Babcock part I


New member
Nov 28, 2004
strange1 said:
I think there is a rule that you can only have 2 first round picks in any draft. Whether or not this is the case, the denver pick is for next year. BUT, both picks are protected meaning that they get passed to the next year if they are a top pick (top 3-8 if I remember right).

This year the raps will have their lottery pick (statisticaly 7-8th) plus philly's pick at about 16. If the scouts do their job it could be good. (Or we could pick a second rounder at 8)
The better make the two picks count the next 5-6 years are riding
on the selections.
CB4 Needs to see some light or he may leave as soon as he can
[Maybe this is a done deal any way]


Jan 13, 2002
Nets' MVP

Was talking to a friend in New Jersey. He and his budies were debating who should be the Nets' MVP for this season. The votes are in a deadlock, Vince Carter and Rob Babcock are tied for this award.

Your thoughts ?
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