Toronto Escorts

Rob Babcock part I

Rising Sun

Jan 18, 2004
Received the below email from the Raptors today. He sounds very defensive but I think he gives a good explaination of the trade and the future of the team. Especially when he breaks down what needs to happen to make an NBA trade work.
I say give the rookie GM some time (2-3 more years) before we run him out of town. Although, I still think the Vince trade was brutal.

Dear Rising Sun,

Now that the trade deadline has passed, I think it is important for all of you to understand the thinking behind the whole trade process and where we are as a team.

First of all, I want to note that the term "trade deadline" is misleading. The 24th of February deadline means that we can not make a trade until we are done with the season. It doesn't mean that we have to stop working on trades. A lot of the work that we did over the last several months has helped prepare us for possible trades during the off-season. We are continually working on ways to improve the team.

There are several basic trade rules that all fans should know. Few people take the time to learn these rules. Fewer still choose to take these rules into account when they're writing or talking about potential trades. Basically, these rules are:

The total salaries involved in a trade must be within 15% plus $100,000.00 of each other. Example: Team A trades a $10 million player to Team B. Team A can bring back up to $11.6 million in salaries. Therefore, you can not just trade a $5 million player for a draft pick.
Under the current CBA, there is a luxury tax line that we estimate will be a little more than $60 million.
Currently, if a tax is in effect and you go over the line as a club, you end up suffering anywhere from a 100% to 300% penalty (depending on how far over the line you are).
The vast majority of teams in the NBA are concerned about staying under the luxury tax line.
There are many other items such as trade kickers and base-year compensation that can complicate the ability to make a trade.
The following links do a good job of summarizing CBA rules:
With the above in mind, you have to get two teams to agree that the trade is equal. This is not an easy accomplishment. When you consider a trade, you have to factor in the age of the players, the length of their contracts, the position they play, their health and character, how they would fit in with your current roster, is their pay equal to their ability and how does it compare with the rest of the players on your team.
We are concerned with all of these and especially concerned with three other items:
1) Does the player fit into the long-term plans of building a championship team?
2) How does the player affect the development of our core group of young players?
3) Does his contract hurt or help our ability to develop our team for the future?

Some people have criticized us for not making a trade. We have consistently stated that we will not make a trade unless it is a good trade for the future of this team. We were very close to making two trades last week, but in each case there was one item that could not be resolved. We will not make a trade just to make a trade.

Speaking of trades, there is still and will always be critics of the Vince Carter trade. It is certainly true that neither Aaron or Eric Williams have been major contributors lately. Eric started very well when he first came to us, but he had a shooting slump and is now playing behind Jalen Rose (who is playing so well that there are few back-ups minutes at that position). Aaron is playing behind Rafael and Donyell Marshall. Donyell is playing very well and Rafael is developing and needs minutes to do so. I still believe that they are both valuable players and will help our basketball team in the future. The financial flexibility this deals gives us is huge, but won't be fully realized until after the 2006-2007 season.

The two first-round picks are unknowns, but they should fall somewhere in the middle of the first round and they will be valuable as future roster players or assets to help make a trade. We won't know their value for years to come. Right now, we do know one thing - we were 8-16 with Vince, and are 16-17 without Vince. The other thing that is important to remember is that though Vince is a very talented player, he wasn't doing it for us and his trade value was only diminishing.


Rising Sun

Jan 18, 2004
Rob Babcock II

Rafael is another topic of much discussion. Rafael is working very hard and has shown to us what his potential is to play in this league. He is still a year or two away, but we have great confidence that he will produce in this league. Keep in mind that centres take longer to adapt to the NBA. Take note of the following rookie statistics for recent starting centres: Jamaal Magloire (4.6 pts, 4.0 reb, 15 min), Samuel Dalembert (1.5 pts, 2 reb, 5 min), Eddy Curry (6.0 pts, 3.8 reb, 16 min), Nazr Mohammed (1.6 pts, 1.4 reb, 5 min). Rafael is at 3.2 pts, 3.5 reb in 12 minutes.

We need to have patience with Rafael. He has the talent, he has the work ethic and he has a great team attitude. A lot of what he is already accomplishing on the court are things that go unnoticed to the average fan. He sets great picks, he makes great passes, he is one of our best help defenders, and he keeps players from driving to the basket. Centres develop more slowly than other players and are difficult to find. We need to be patient with Rafael.

There is a lot to be excited about with our team. Rafer Alston has made great personal strides and is playing very good basketball. Mo Peterson has proven to be a good defender and a productive scorer. Jalen Rose was just named "Eastern Conference Player of the Week" and is playing great basketball for us. Chris Bosh is a rising star who has the work ethic, talent and character to be an all-star. Donyell Marshall continues to give us solid back-up minutes and has won many games for us. Rafael Araujo is developing and making steady progress. Matt Bonner is another rookie who has shown that he is a keeper. Milt Palacio has been playing steady basketball.

We have veterans in Lamond Murray, Eric Williams and Aaron Williams that are capable of big minutes at any time. Loren Woods showed a lot of promise early in the season and is working hard to improve. Pape Sow has yet to get significant minutes, but his potential and character are worth serious future consideration. Our coaches are learning about our players and developing our philosophy both on and off the court.

We still have at least seven weeks of basketball left and we're working hard to make the playoffs. The coaches have been improving our defense and it is beginning to show on the court. If we become more consistent at the defensive end, we have a legitimate chance.

We will continue to work hard to develop this team and win every game that we can. We can not veer from our main goal and that is to develop a team that plays hard, plays team ball, helps each other both on and off the court, gets involved in the community and does things the right way. We are making real progress towards this goal, but we still have a lot of work left. We are committed to doing things the right way.

I thank you for your continued support of the Raptors. You have helped make my first year in Toronto enjoyable and rewarding. With your support, we will be able to continue to pursue our goal of building a team capable of contending for a championship.

I hope to see you at our games this year,

Rob Babcock
General Manager
Toronto Raptors


Dec 16, 2004
depends how drunk I am
Wow..he actually replied to your email...

No doubt that this was a generic statement sent in response to the (I'm sure hoards of) recent angry emails sent to both him and the Raptors organization in general. At least there was a reply and your email wasn't just deleted.

Rising Sun

Jan 18, 2004

I never sent him an initial email. I'm a Raptor Insider (whatever that means) and I get periodic emails from the Raptors informing me of the goings on of the Raptors. This was just one of them.
I usually just delete them but for some reason I actually read this one.

Nice move on his part.


Dec 16, 2004
depends how drunk I am
Strongbeau said:
How much does Babcock get paid?
Not sure....Glen Grunwald was making around $1 mil per yr when he got canned. I'd imagine Babcock is in the same salary ballpark- since he's inexperienced as a GM.


New member
Nov 10, 2004
this was just an email sent out to Raptors Insiders, I got one too.

I give Babcock credit for at least responding and trying to educate the hoards of Leaf fans who have suddenly taken interest in basketball since their precious hockey is cancelled. Most of the heat that Babcock has received is because Toronto sports writers have actually paid attention to basketball this year since there's no hockey around.

I still have faith in his decisions and suggest that we give him another year and another draft to help mould and shape this team the way he wants it. Babcock and Mitchell took over a team that was in rough shape and didn't know how to play proper defense, so I think that they've done a good job considering.

I must be drunk or stoned, but I still think we're sneaking into the playoffs. But we need Philly or Orlando to keep playing like crap, and we need to step it up on this road trip.

keep it real,



Jan 13, 2002
Comparing Oranges With Apples

Babcock forgot that :

Jamaal Magloire was 19th pick

Samuel Dalembert was 26th Pick

Eddy Curry was 4th Pick , but jumped to NBA from High School

Nazr Mohammed was 29 th Pick.

The reason people second-guessed Babcock is because Rafael was picked too high at #8.

Most GMs draft the best player available, not what they really need. You then make trades to achieve your need.

Rising Sun said:
Rafael is another topic of much discussion. Rafael is working very hard and has shown to us what his potential is to play in this league. He is still a year or two away, but we have great confidence that he will produce in this league. Keep in mind that centres take longer to adapt to the NBA.

Take note of the following rookie statistics for recent starting centres: Jamaal Magloire (4.6 pts, 4.0 reb, 15 min), Samuel Dalembert (1.5 pts, 2 reb, 5 min), Eddy Curry (6.0 pts, 3.8 reb, 16 min), Nazr Mohammed (1.6 pts, 1.4 reb, 5 min). Rafael is at 3.2 pts, 3.5 reb in 12 minutes.


We need to have patience with Rafael. He has the talent, he has the work ethic and he has a great team attitude. A lot of what he is already accomplishing on the court are things that go I hope to see you at our games this year,

Rob Babcock
General Manager
Toronto Raptors
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Big Michael

Aug 23, 2004
ice_dog Babcock forgot that :

Jamaal Magloire was 19th pick

Samuel Dalembert was 26th Pick

Eddy Curry was 4th Pick , but jumped to NBA from High School

Nazr Mohammed was 29 th Pick.

The reason people second-guessed Babcock is because Rafael was picked too high at #8.

Most GMs draft the best player available, not what they really need. You then make trades to achieve your need.

My thoughts as well ice_dog. Babcock could have picked up Araujo with a second round pick, where he was expected to go. As well, I think he could have gotten a lot more for VC and he should have made Mourning show up in Toronto to at least collect his cheque. The only way the Carter trade would make sense to me was if New Jersey sent the money to pay for Mourning's buyout.
The way i see it, babcock blew the draft, the VC trade and signing Rafer Alson. If he blows the draft this summer then they should get him out of here...Just my $0.02


Unleash "The Animal"
Feb 23, 2005
As much as I hate to say it but the Raps season is pretty much down the drain, there will be no cinderella playoff run this year. Yes trading VC within your conference or even worse your own division, was very stupid by Babcock. He should have shipped VC to Memphis and gotten a Gasol or a Swift back along with some draft picks. I would of been more happier w/ that instead of getting two useless bodies (the Williams), a dead body (Zo), and couple of first rounders which was the best part of the deal.

Well, anyways w/ the draft around the corner in a few months, the Raptors can use some help down the middle at center. A player who I really like to see the Raps draft is Utah's 7'0" Center, Andrew Bogut. Bogut can get rebounds, he possesses a dynamic low post game, which the raps don't have much of aside from Bosh, he has a great drop step shot, he's a great passer for a big man, and he is a high productive shot-blocker- something the raps also lack of. Oh yeh if that's not good enough, just to let u guys know he's the leading scorer for his team - sounds like another Shaq.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Bogut will probably go high in the draft..... only 2 ways the Raps can get him.

1) a lucky day at the lottery.


2) package a pick and a player to trade up which is feasible since the raps have a few players that overlap in skills and use (e.g. Marshall and Bonner have similar games)


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Interesting article in The Star today where 'Zo says Babcock knew BEFORE he made the deal that 'Zo would never report. Basically, Babcock made the trade for Mourning to save $6 million on the cap.

wrong hole

May 4, 2003
25 malbury lane
I wonder if we can trade Rob Babcock for 2 basketballs


Jan 13, 2002
In Defense(?) of Babcock

Babcock has been saying that the Raptors have been playing better since the trade. With less than 10 games left, let's do an analysis:

For the Raptors:

Before the Trade(Nov 1- Dec 22)

10 wins 17 losses( 12 home games 15 away games)

winning percentage = 10/27 =.370 ;home court percenatge = 12/27= .444

After the Trade

20 wins 26 losses (23 home games 23 away games)

winning percentage = 20/26 =.435 ; home court percentage = .500

So, the Raptors are playing better slightly.

But look at the New Jersey Nets:

Before the Trade(Nov 1- Dec 22)

9 wins 16 losses (13 home games 12 away games)

winning percentage = .360; home game percentage (13/25) = .52

After the Trade

26 wins 22 losses(22 home games 26 away games)

winning percentage = 26/48 = .542; home game percentage = 22/48= .458

The Nets are playing much better, thanks to the trade. As of Friday night, the Nets are half-game out of eighth place in the conference, the cutoff point for a postseason berth.
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New member
Aug 7, 2003
I don't really know
Babcock gets to pick 8th again based on our standings, I wonder how he will scew the raptors more during the draft

maybe he'll use lines such as 'he's most NBA player in the draft'

then he will later say "He needs at least 3 years to develop"

The Raptors are getting worst and worst by day, it's like a circus - what free agent would want to come to an organization seen as a joke of the league


Active member
Dec 8, 2003
They're talking about Bogut as a top 3 pick I believe, so the Raps have no shot at him. I don't think people would feel as bad about the Carter trade if it wasn't widely viewed that Babcock blew last years draft so badly. They could've had the same player 10 picks later so why didn't they trade down or draft a tradeable commodity? Having 3 first round picks is only a positive if you know how to draft (plus there's talk about this being the thinest talent pool in the draft in recent years).

wrong hole

May 4, 2003
25 malbury lane
Story in the Globe and Mail that Babcock and Peddie are gonna get canned



Mar 14, 2004
It would be stupid to fire babcock or mitchell this soon. Neither one's been working a year and had been handed a terrible situation in terms of team's attitude and contract situation. That being said, I was at Wednesday's game and if there's anything like that next year, I'll be leading the "Can the Bunch" bandwagon.
Toronto Escorts