Toronto Escorts

Road Tolls Announced DVP GARDINER


Jan 31, 2005
I think the biggest hurdle is having enough available cars that you can call one up and have it at your door within 10 to 15 minutes. I don't think anyone living out in the suburbs would wait over an hour for a ride to do their daily tasks especially when the weather is lousy.
I think at scale when the thing becomes ubiquitous you would be able to get a car in a few minutes, and you would also be able to schedule your daily ride.

At a macro level today we have a car per family, maybe more, and they spend most of the time just parked someplace doing nothing. We could have half as many self driving cars on the road all the time and it would be far cheaper. With that many cars in circulation you wouldn't wait more than two or three minutes.

Of course between today and that world there will indeed be an intermediate world where it's more like calling a cab and people in the burbs will wait. It's going to happen in phases.

Today is DRIVERS that limit the availability of cabs. A self driving capability is ultimately going to be built into every car, so why would your car just sit someplace parked when it could be out earning fares while your aren't using it? So long as the income exceeds the depreciation it's not going to make sense to leave a car parked.

One of the first will be jitney services. Minivans that can carry five or six people that run around picking people up and dropping them off. Takes you to work but also picks up somebody else who is on the way and going near where you are.

Those jitneys have a real shot at eliminating public transit, go trains, etc, as they will be cheaper, more convenient (door to door), and potentially more economical.

Things like building a new subway line or light rail may be mistakes in light of the coming self driving car revolution. People may abandon those things for cheaper and more convenient self driving transit systems.


Well-known member
May 23, 2012
Wonder how this will affect Uber and Taxis, guessing instant fare increase in 2019 ? Both of these get on and off the DVP all day long, gonna need quite an increase in fees to cover that expense.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Too bad the people of Toronto never had the balls to stand up to their elected leaders. They have been played for decades on end by their elected "leaders" and partisan politics has been the key weapon used against them.

Road tolls? They are nothing but a band-aid solution to the city's current perceived financial woes. Toronto will have bigger problems to face inside of twenty years, mainly the fact that it will no longer be needed by the new generation.
The problem is that most people just wanted lower taxes and politicians are concerned about re-election, not long term. So we get gas plants cancelled for NIMBY and subways where we don't need them.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Why should people in Muskoka pay for roads that are clogged with 416er's during the summer season?

Because there is a benefit for the local community.

Those 905er's are supporting the local Toronto community. Would you rather have most of the downtown businesses relocate to Mississauga, Brampton, Hamilton, etc. and Toronto lose out on that revenue cash cow?

Imagine all those temples downtown are empty and the underground malls are sparse.

Toronto, in its arrogance wants to bite the hand that feeds them.
They only "…support the local community" if they leave their cash behind when they go home. Tolls are just another way of making sure they do.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Wonder how this will affect Uber and Taxis, guessing instant fare increase in 2019 ? Both of these get on and off the DVP all day long, gonna need quite an increase in fees to cover that expense.
r they just add a straight two bucks for using the toll roads and leave the fees alone. Easy-peasy.

It's called marketing strategy.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Why should people in Muskoka pay for roads that are clogged with 416er's during the summer season?

Because there is a benefit for the local community.

Those 905er's are supporting the local Toronto community. Would you rather have most of the downtown businesses relocate to Mississauga, Brampton, Hamilton, etc. and Toronto lose out on that revenue cash cow?

Imagine all those temples downtown are empty and the underground malls are sparse.

Toronto, in its arrogance wants to bite the hand that feeds them.
People in Muskoka do not pay for those roads, 416ers largely do through rural subsidies. And for the most part those roads are built for their use.


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2013
No tolls, let them stop covering Viagra for the city employees, that should cover for the money needed.
Toronto Escorts