Point being she still received twice as much from large donors as Trump. Right?
More than.
And more than 3 times as much from small donors as Trump.
So what, 2/1 billionaires but for her 2/1 multimillionaire?
I don't know what you mean by this statement.
If you mean the biggest donors supported Trump while more rich, but not as rich people gave money to Harris, then that seems to be correct.
And where did she spend all that money? On other millionaires. For endorsements. And to buy influencers to fake up support. And to consultants. Who did nothing.
I wouldn't be bragging about the campaign financials of her. She wasted her small donors money. And still left the party in debt. With unpaid campaign workers.
That the money probably wasn't spent as well as it should isn't at issue.
The whole focus of Democrats on the wrong media environment seems to be pretty well accepted now and that the Democratic consultant class is a shitshow is a long-standing problem that's well known.
But that's not what I was answering.
You asked for the top donors, I provided.
More people who spent the most money supported Trump.
Trump got fewer small dollar donations in both total amount and in percentage.
Trump got more outside money from the non-campaign commitee super PAC associated with him.
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