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Rep. Tom Tancredo like our Truncy says, PANCAKE EM !


New member
Mar 21, 2005
Peeping Tom said:
How about instead we cut a deal with the Mahometans and export all of the blue state's sodomites, degenerates, morally insane, drug freaks and sexual pathologens to them for disposal? Stoning could become their core economic industry ... ;)
I've been doing some reading on the subject of Islamic law recently and I grudgingly have to admit that I like the way they think. Consider their jurisprudence concerning the disorder of sodomy and sodomitic unions(link) :

Rasulullah SAW said: "Kill the one who sodomises and the one to who lets it be done to him." (Tirmizi)

Sayyidina Abû Bakr RA had passed such a ruling and Hazrat Ali RA was very severe in his ruling against such a crime. It is established that once Sayyidina Khalid bin Walîd RA found a man in the frontiers of Arabia marrying another man in the way a woman marries a man, so he wrote about it to Abu Bakr RA. When Abu Bakr RA consulted with the Sahabah RA, Ali RA who was the severest in his condemnation of it, said: "Only one out of the many nations had indulged in it and you all know how Allâh had dealt with them. I feel that he should be destroyed by fire." So Abu Bakr RA wrote back to Sayyidina Khalid RA who then put the man to death by means of fire.

Ibn Qassar and Ibn Taymiyyah Rahmatullah alaihim have said: "All the Sahabah RA were unanimous that he should be killed though some of them differed in the manner in which it should be done. Abu Bakr RA said that he should be executed by being thrown from a great height. Another view of Hazrat Ali RA was that a wall should be dropped upon him. Hazrat Ibn Abbâs RA, Ali, Jabir bin Zaid RA, Abdullah bin Ma'mar RA, Imam Zuhri and Imam Malik Rahmatullah alaihim have said that those who commit the evil deed of the people of Lût AS should be stoned to death, whether they be married or unmarried. This is also one of the narrations of Imams Ahmad, Shâfi'î and Abu Thour Rahmatullah alaihim


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Peeping Tom said:
When will you neo-Nazis ever learn? It wasn't a matter if only Hitler did this instead of that, or glossing over some small mistakes.
I see you've learned your wit at the knees of truncy. Small mistakes. If you believe the allies could have defeated Nazi Germany without the Russians, except at tremendous cost, you're even dumber than you think I think you are.
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Feb 15, 2004
Peeping Tom said:
When will you neo-Nazis ever learn? It wasn't a matter if only Hitler did this instead of that, or glossing over some small mistakes. Germany was toast the day it decided to bomb England and guaranteed a pancaking the day it declared war on the US.

Not really, Tom. Germany was doing quite well in the war against England, until he overreached and took on the Soviet Union also. Yes, the US involvement was critical, but far from the only factor. Consider that Hitler let a million of his soldiers get encircled at Stalingrad, when he should have retreated instead. That was definitely a turning point of the war for the Germans.

And by the way, where do you get off calling anyone here a neo-Nazi? You're the one always telling us about the "good things" that Hitler supposedly did for Germany. You're the one with perhaps the most extremist, hateful invective on this board.

Although I am disappointed, Tom. So far in the this thread you haven't labeled everyone who disagrees with you as a terrorist or terrorist symphathizer. You're slipping.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
irlandais9000 said:
And by the way, where do you get off calling anyone here a neo-Nazi?
I believe he was trying to make a joke. He really needs to rely on smilies when attempting humor, becasue without them it's near impossible to tell.


Feb 15, 2004
He may have been joking, but if he has, then quite a few of his posts have been jokes. Tom has often talked about the "good side" of Nazism, but then has lumped liberalism together with Nazism. He also lumps people who oppose Bush in with terrorist supporters. Maybe Tom gets his kicks out of saying outrageous things, or maybe he actually believes them. I honestly don't know which.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
irlandais9000 said:
Tom has often talked about the "good side" of Nazism, but then has lumped liberalism together with Nazism. He also lumps people who oppose Bush in with terrorist supporters.
Those times, I'm pretty sure he wasn't joking.


Feb 15, 2004
Peeping Tom said:
All of the below should be considered, adapted and implemented in ridding America of the left.

And if we took your advice, tell me again how we would be better than the terrorists? You want to throw away everything our country stands for so you can get rid of people whom you disagree with? And before anyone jumps in and tells me that you are joking in this post, I concede that you might be. The scary thing is, given the crap you write on here routinely, it's not clear that you are joking.


Feb 15, 2004
Asterix said:
Those times, I'm pretty sure he wasn't joking.

Unfortunately, probably not. I just wish it was some kid having a good time baiting everyone instead of a grown man believing these things. It's probably the second choice, though.


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
Peeping Tom said:
How about instead we cut a deal with the Mahometans and export all of the blue state's sodomites, degenerates, morally insane, drug freaks and sexual pathologens to them for disposal? Stoning could become their core economic industry ... ;)
I was trying to find a single intelligent post you may have made. However, I give up. If anyone else can find a signal post you have made that is not nonsense, all the power to them.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
someone said:
I was trying to find a single intelligent post you may have made. However, I give up. If anyone else can find a signal post you have made that is not nonsense, all the power to them.

Hell, I did not know it was your job to deem worthy posts by others.


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
papasmerf said:
Hell, I did not know it was your job to deem worthy posts by others.
I like a challenge. However, I admit that trying to find an intelligent post by Peeping Tom is to big of a challenge for me. Perhaps finding one by you would be easier (although doing so might also be beyond me).
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