RCMP and Satellite


Jun 11, 2002
I can't believe this country, while the rest of the country is using all it's resources to counter terrorism, we have the RCMP busting people for grey market dishes. All because Rogers and Bell are crying like little school girls after they get their pig tails pulled. I know that the cops really don't care about this, I think about 90% of them own these dishes themselves.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
The major consideration here is that if I can't watch my satellite I'll have more time on my hands and I'm afraid it will cost me $200-$250/hr.


Jun 11, 2002
it helps

I think alot of guys will go broke if they take away Playboy and Vivid. but the girls will definately love it.


Jan 6, 2002

Just a note on your original statement and not meant to nitpick. However these dishes, which I do own one and enjoy totally, are not "GRAY MARKET" any more. It is black and white now, they are considered illegal, although it has not yet gone to the top court of the land that I am aware of. I am with you 100% in that there is a lot worse crimes out there that could use the resources of the cops. If you are having problems buy a downloader and keep searching the net for people with programs and you will remain happy for a while, or at least until the RCMP bust into our homes and remove the equipment.....not likely though.



New member
Nov 25, 2002
Trent Hills
I for one cannot get my head around the fact that if you cannot buy the service in Canada they are sending signal where they dont belong.
If we intercept it what have we stolen. Something that doesn't exist.
This is another chance for the state to control it's citizens through harassment.
Maybe it should become an issue for the next election, or we should merge the two countries so we can buy Direct TV.


Jun 11, 2002
I think I will call Sheila Copps and ask her to send me one of those free Canadian Flags and stick it right on top of the dish. If we are allowed to listen to radio signals for free, why can't we watch the satelitte signals for free. They should stop sending the signals to my neighbourhood, perhaps I should sue them for tresspassing or invasion of privacy...hmmmm


Jun 11, 2002
Just get a can of grey spray paint. You actually don't have to cover it up, cuz you can use different dishes for other systems. It's upto the LE to prove what you are using it for.


Say wha!
Aug 28, 2002
The Land of MONEY.

The Le must first get a warrant to enter your house, then catch you watching DTV. I love the fact I pay a ton of taxes that gets filtered to the CBC so I can get Anne of green Gables.


Active member
Nov 29, 2002
Right here. But wish I was there!
Of course it wasn't that many years ago that radio and TV signals were jammed by the Russian authorities so that their citizens could not receive foreign content.

Seems like an unlikely reversal that as the Russians open up their society and turn off the 'jammers', that Sheila Copps 'et al' are cracking down on Canadian's right to foreign signals.


New member
Dec 8, 2002
Anne of Green Gables rocks...

It's a little known fact that Anne of Green Gables grew up to be one of the most popular SPs in the region (rural PEI being a hotbed of immorality and all).

That flaming red hair.............


Ok, so I made that up, but it would make a hell of a CBC Sunday night movie, no??



Oct 20, 2001
parts unknown
Satellite TV

I'm really tired of the crtc, bell, and others involved trying to get rid the U.S satellite trades. They call it stealing that's bullshit. I think they're stealing by trying to charge like almost $100.00 for cable service or bell's price $80.00. This get you most of the channels but if you want to add the porn channels add another 20 or 30 maybe $40.00 on top of that. Then those ass clown will say well select the channels you want or you can afford. What if I want them all? Honestly, what is the crtc, bell, and others afraid of. Maybe to admit that their programming sucks. With bell satellite, they give like 30 cbc channels coast to coast the same for ctv etc. Honestly why the fuck would I want to watch the same crap over and over again. Like do they think I'm stupid. Also, now they have ads on TV saying U.S satellite is stealing. Like this is going to stop me. I had a black box with cable before when that was going around and that's the closest i got to the premium channels on cable T.V. Another question is canada a free country or communist Russia back in the cold war era where the berlin wall went up over night. I waiting for the crtc to build a wall over the canadian/U.S border like the russians did with berlin. The bottom line the U.S satellite is a one shot deal and I like that. The enemy listed above wants u to pay to the death. If they regulated a way to break HBO, SHowtime, and others to canada and if it was cheap I would pay. However, I would only pay 40-50 a month for 400 channels. Also with ppv they may say no paying is a crime but that's bullshit. Paying for a Tyson fight for like almost 90 that's a crime. Paying for a wrestling event for almost 40 that's a crime. The point is these bastards are already making their money and they just wanna make more. if the y came out and said hey we're greedy bastards and we want to suck u people dry, I won't like it but i would respect it. There agruments about stealing signals theft is theft and other bullshit stuff is just a ploy to make more money to these greedy empires. Also, they don't wanna reveal their greedy ways to the public and screaming stealing is a way to hide their power money grubbing ways. The bottom line is this. I will never subcribe to bell, or star choice. I almost was going to subcribe to bell satellite but then when all the bullshit started with the satellite. I SAID I NO TO BELL BECAUSE OF THAT SOLE REASON!!!!! I went with direct tv and never looked back. So bell cause of you greedy ways how do u like that u losted a customer. I guess u don't give a care but what if everyone who has a bell dish did what i did. Then maybe u guys would be more respectful of what the people want. As far as the ctrc goes, I had the big dish, I had the black box, and now I have DTV. The LE in this country should be out trying to find the murders, pedaphiles, and spouse abusers in this country than pity stuff like this.



New member
Dec 8, 2002
As a fellow satellite enthusiast, I have a bit of a different view.

Sure, we are obtaining signal without paying for it, but the way I see it, the FCC in the US does not allow DTV and DISH to sell their services outside the continental USA. As such, even if I WANTED to payfor it, I couldn't.

So....the fact is that my house happens to be outside their geographic market, but inside their satellite footprint. Hmmmmm.

They can't charge me for it, even if I wanted to pay them, so what do you do?? You just enjoy the service, and try to sleep well at night :)



New member
Jan 4, 2002
K-W Area
To all those slamming Rogers, Bell and Shaw.

The only people to blame for this is the CRTC. They have restricted what Canadian cable and satellite providers can broadcast. If the cable and satellite providers could show the same programming choices as available on US satellite they would not be crying foul. The CRTC will not let them do this and they have no choice but to seek relief from the courts. If they did not then everyone would be free to get US satellite and put Rogers, Bell and Shaw out of business. Any business operating in either Canada or the US would complain to the courts in this situation.

The olny way to solve this is to get ride of the CRTC and let Rogers, Bell and Shaw show the programming that Canadians want. If this was to happen then those of us with DTV systems would not need them anymore.


New member
Jun 7, 2002
shack said:
The major consideration here is that if I can't watch my satellite I'll have more time on my hands and I'm afraid it will cost me $200-$250/hr.
Heheh -good one shack! I'm in the same boat er... dish!

The PeNN

New member
Oct 2, 2001
North of Toronto

The CRTC is the problem here. They are the reason we have MTV Canada and not regular MTV, the Comedy Network and not the comedy Channel. MTV, HBO, Cinemax, Showtime and all of those other US channels do not show enough Canadian content. Radio stations and TV stations must have a percentage of Canadian content, which is why we have so much more Canadian music on the radio (not a big deal with me).




New member
Dec 8, 2002

<bursting in with red cape and blue tights>

On the other hand, were it not for the CRTC, Canadian music would consist of the following:

Anne Murray
Celine Dion
Brian Adams
Shania Twain

Were it not for the CRTC imposing canadian content rules, Canadians starting up would never make it. ClearChannel would come in and snap up every radio station in the country (like its doing in the US), and voila (that's french), you are getting spoon-fed N'Synch and Brittany Spears on a heavy rotation basis, or piped in morning shows from somewhere (but not sure EXACTLY where).

So lets not completely bash the CRTC to shit. Yeah it sucks, and if I see one more CBC heartwarming saga of pioneer love in the praries, I might just barf, but without the CRTC, there would never have been:

The Tragically Hip
Lee Aaron
April Wine
Barenaked Ladies (they were huge here before finally "making" it in the US)
Big Sugar
Big Wreck
Blind Vengence
Blue Rodeo
The Box (or Sass jordan)
Tom Chochrane (or Red Rider)
Bruce Cockburn (dontcha just love that name???)
Leonard Cohen
Coney Hatch
The Cowboy Junkies
Doug and the Slugs
The Dream Warriors
Econoline Crush
Frontline Assembly
Frozen Ghost
David Foster
Great Big Sea
Glass Tiger (OK, maybe we could have done without them....)
the Gues Who (granted, American Woman did get them some play in the US)
The HEadpins
Jeff Healey (man that guy can play guitar)
Honeymoon Suite
The Hopping Penguins
I Mother earth
Images in Vogue
Paul James
The Killjoys

I could go on and on but you get the point. Think of the music you listened to growing up (and enjoy now as well). How much of it was Canadian (and did you even realize it)? What do you think the odds are of those bands even making it out of their garages without the CTRC demanding Canadian content. Forcing stations like CFNY and Q107 to conduct talent hunts for good canadian talent they could play on the air? And then MAYBE if they are good enough, getting some play in the US?

Here's a great example. 1990. I was in New York city on business. The Hip was selling out every single venue in Canada that summer (it was the Up To Here tour). They sold out huge venues. The weekend I was in New York they were playing IN A BAR in Manhattan. A bar! Ask any Canadian today if they have heard (or seen) the Hip. Then ask any American (the ones living near the border and can pick up Canadian radio stations don't count) if they have ever even HEARD of the Tragically Hip.

Anyway, that's just The Hip. inset your favourite Canadian band name here_____________

My two cents worth. I can't say I'm a huge fan of the CRTC, but they have done great things for the Canadian music scene.

'Nuff said.

Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts