Toronto Escorts

Ratings are subjective - What do you base them on?

Aug 1, 2006
If your love making is reflected in the eloquence and passion of your writing, I imagine the experience defies anything that could be defined in purely physical terms anyway. That being acknowledged, it is a fact that like a diamond in a lump of coal, it is hidden from the casual viewer when they meet you. In most social gatherings, you do not have the luxury of in depth character review so your impression and investment of time will be set by the appearance (looks/mood) of the person. These are personal preferences and they vary widely for everyone. My problem is that people will set standards on both sides of the equation. If you are attracted to slim young female - it is unfair to criticize this choice over heavy set, mulatto, Muslim, etc, etc ... it's a personal choice and not subject to critique IMHO.
I agree, personal preference isn't subject to critique and that's what I was trying to convey in my first post. It's now more acceptable to voice those preferences when they don't align with what is assumed to be the norm. In a social situation, those worth knowing don't focus on the purely physical; they look for the details. A man who is groomed well, has paid attention to the details will catch my eye regardless of his physical appearance. So while some are distracted by the shiny there are a growing number who are self aware enough to know whether a conversation should begin, regardless of the physical qualities; they know those are irrelevant. It may not lead anywhere but it's definitely worth having to see if there is.

As for the suggestion that advertising, casting, etc steers public opinion - I suggest that public opinion steers advertising. The slim models (male & female) are featured in publicity , fashion, etc is a money driven decision by presenting what people respond. To be frank, if I saw clothes on a model that looks like me - I won't buy them. Weird as it sounds, my goal is to look better - to look similar to the model and that motivates my buying which pays for the advertising.
This is certainly logical on the surface but if my memory serves, the research has shown otherwise. Yes we want to buy into things we think will make us better, but we also want to see images that we relate to. I grew up being a Marilyn in a Farrah world and have struggled to buy clothes that accommodated my waist to hip ratio. It's only the last decade that my body type is being acknowledged by manufacturers and marketers and that market share is huge. People want to be a better version of themselves, not someone else. The lack of diversity at the top of this giant food chain simply had a very narrow vision but fortunately it's changing for the better.

My summary (sorry if the message appears convoluted) is that you can't complain and twist peoples opinions to meet your expectations. Don't eat bonbons and complain that the skinny girl next to you gets more attention. You have some control over your own body and appearance - I think it's unrealistic to expect people to adjust to your personal preferences.
Absolutely! One should never complain about or envy another; it's an exercise in futility. My participation here was simply to address the OP's post and offer my insight that ratings systems for an experience are extremely suggestive because everyones definition of beauty is different. And know that if I'm on the couch eating bonbons, I have no problem owning it along with the exceedingly well loved curves that result. Thank you for the delightful conversation...

smiles, cat


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
I'm one of the ones that rarely if ever uses "numerical" scales. My "type (s)" may be different to many others. If a girl is beautiful in an unconventional way I'll say so, so the guys only into Hollywood definition of beauty can choose otherwise. Most important is attitude. A great outlook on the encounter, sex, human interaction and life in general is more likely to get me going other than a 9-10/10 by some media driven beauty standards.

Wizard Merlin

Well-known member
Apr 6, 2009
Many of the ratings are inflated, or not particularly helpful (GND to DDG).
Many guys who write reviews are especially charitable, especially if the lady gave her all, but may not have been the gentlemen's cup of tea, physically.
In addition, many guys who hobby frequently, get to know the owners or the booking people. They don't want to write a review which could hurt the agency's business, or the lady herself.
My suggestion to you would be to look at photos, then to check reviews. Try to get a consensus regarding reviews. (Use this board, and others). If uncertain, ask a few guys who review a lot, by PM. They are more likely to be candid, man to man. However, you need to return the favor, by posting reviews, and sharing you own experiences.
You have to have realistic expectations too. Just as there are not supermodels galore walking around downtown Toronto, there are not many supermodels in the industry. However, if you do your research you can find some really attractive (and, yes beautiful) ladies in the industry...many that you would be, or would have been, happy to date in real life.
And, if you don't want to post by the numbers, you can use adjectives like: attractive, very attractive, extremely attractive, beautiful, extremely beautiful, gorgeous, striking etc.
If you say a lady is attractive, it is not demeaning, but most people are not going to think she is drop dead gorgeous.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
This is certainly logical on the surface but if my memory serves, the research has shown otherwise. Yes we want to buy into things we think will make us better, but we also want to see images that we relate to.
You are in a better position to monitor research than I am ( not my thing) but I am guided by a free and open market to follow the desires of the public not for the betterment of mankind but to make the most money from the product they are selling. As the public opinion swings, the advertisers will follow.

Thank you for the delightful conversation...
I thank you !
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