Rappers are terrorists (says the French)! I certainly agree! This ain't sucka MC!!


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Like nearly every art form, there is Rap that I like and much that I don't. Words are just words, if they affect people there is a reason for that. One of the more regrettable aspects of our culture is being exported at the moment, the thug culture, the "Get rich or die trying" culture of the ghetto is cool these days. Go play Grand Theft Auto.....



Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
langeweile said:
Did you download "the XXX patch"?:D
No, I play it on my PSP.



Nov 3, 2002
To all who mistake rap for real music...

Fiddy is shiddy
And so is Pee Diddy;
Sorry there, buddy,
I'm an ol' fuddy-duddy.
That doggy named Snoop,
Does nothing but poop.
I'll sling it back at ya',
'Cause I dig Sinatra!

So there....

Vancouver Femme Fatale

Multihour Specialist
Apr 25, 2005

Man. I can't believe how disrespectful you'd have to be to equate rap with terrorism. Tell that to the 9/11 widows.

Face it dude. You're old. The world has moved past your ass and any real discussion goes right over your head. You bitch and whine, claiming allowing rap to be heard is like yelling "Fire" in a crowded theater, yet you're right there yelling "Terrorism" in a crowded theater. Again, tell that to the 9/11 widows, the NYPD and the firemen of New York City. Tell them how some clueless blustering windbag is right there with them fighting terrorism. I'm sure they'll congratulate you for your selfless sacrifice; hell, they'll probably give you a plaque for bravery!

Good luck with that.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
This might be...

Gyaos said:
Rap is the equivalent of yelling fire in a movie theatre and condones not being educated.

You have the first amendment freedom to yell fire to save lives. Rap is the crying wolf syndrome and must be stopped. Every rapper allowed to be paid is a terrorist, any media outlet that pushes rap supports terrorism and any NBA player wearing hip-hop clothes, glorifies terrorism.

They can disagree in a democracy, but that's what they glorify and support. Without that support, they will disappear. So stop terrorists, stop rap. Simple.
...the stupidest thing I have ever read on this message board in my roughly 3 years here.

It isn't even worth responding to.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Thank you...

canadian_liberal said:
Agreed, because being Black is whats cool....Just drive by any High School, and the point is very obvious. Is it a bad thing? not at all...people are free to be whomever they want to be...But ask yourself this? White kids in the suburbs are the largest buyers of rap music - why dont you hear about shooting spree's in places like Oakville or Forest Hill....because....they are not poor....
...but you know this point / fact will be wasted on most.


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
MLAM said:
...but you know this point / fact will be wasted on most.
Could you clarify this for me....are you saying that if you are poor, you are more likely to commit a crime? and does that make it my fault? because I chose to play by the rules, worked my ass off to get out of subsidized housing?

Inquiring minds want to know?

You have choices in your life. If you chose to follow a life of crime and use yur social status as an excuse, go ahead. BUT don't blame anybody but yourself.
There is a way out if you chose to take it.


Jan 18, 2004
Interesting post. I hadn't heard that the French blamed the violence on Rap music (as opposed to their own inept social policies and racism). I did hear a few sound bites from an interview with the French Prime Minister, Dominique de Villepin, with CNN's Christian Amanpour on talk radio. She was asking him about the riots and the guy refused to acnowledge they were riots, He insisted on calling them "Unrest".

The radio program then had some callers talk about the legal definition of riot. Apparently two people involved in violence is a fight, three or more people is a riot.


New member
Mar 21, 2005


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
MLAM said:
...the stupidest thing I have ever read on this message board in my roughly 3 years here.

It isn't even worth responding to.
By cha did, didn't ya, holmes! :p

Vancouver Femme Fatale said:
Man. I can't believe how disrespectful you'd have to be to equate rap with terrorism......tell that to the NYPD.
You mean the terrorist rappers that call for the killing of NYPD officers and law enforcement in general?

All rappers that promote terrorism should all be arrested under the US Patriot Act. If you think not, then push for the abolishment of that Act. That's my point. So while the US Patriot Act is law, that's how law enforcement views them now. Maybe not publically, but certainly privately.

The likes of Cameo and the Gap Band are not terorrists. Snoop Doddy Dog and Mark Walberg are terrorists. Remember, it's the French that's trying to enact legislation to outlaw them. And the USA has a law on the books "The US Patriot Act" that can arrest them now. I would LOVE to see 50 Cent given his 10th bullet (totally protected by the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution), Snoop Doggy Dog getting it up the fanny by a big fat jail prisoner (protected by gay marriage laws), and Marky Mark Walberg given his date with destiny (protected by the Punch Mark Walberg and Sean Colmes in the Face Act), just as much as Osama Bin Laden getting his Gitmo date arrest, while his "rap music" is on the air on the Al Jazeera fully funded Top of the Pops show.

Did you find those comments offensive? Then listen to everyday rap. Those are metaphors in that crap.

Don't worry, Vancouver Femme Fatale, darling, I pay 2 girls to suck my cock at once.

Again, have a nice day! I'm glad I got you all going on this! LOL!!



Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
Gyaos said:
By cha did, didn't ya, holmes! :p

You mean the terrorist rappers that call for the killing of NYPD officers and law enforcement in general?

All rappers that promote terrorism should all be arrested under the US Patriot Act. If you think not, then push for the abolishment of that Act. That's my point. So while the US Patriot Act is law, that's how law enforcement views them now. Maybe not publically, but certainly privately.

The likes of Cameo and the Gap Band are not terorrists. Snoop Doddy Dog and Mark Walberg are terrorists. Remember, it's the French that's trying to enact legislation to outlaw them. And the USA has a law on the books "The US Patriot Act" that can arrest them now. I would LOVE to see 50 Cent given his 10th bullet (totally protected by the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution), Snoop Doggy Dog getting it up the fanny by a big fat jail prisoner (protected by gay marriage laws), and Marky Mark Walberg given his date with destiny (protected by the Punch Mark Walberg and Sean Colmes in the Face Act), just as much as Osama Bin Laden getting his Gitmo date arrest, while his "rap music" is on the air on the Al Jazeera fully funded Top of the Pops show.

Did you find those comments offensive? Then listen to everyday rap. Those are metaphors in that crap.

Don't worry, Vancouver Femme Fatale, darling, I pay 2 girls to suck my cock at once.

Again, have a nice day! I'm glad I got you all going on this! LOL!!

OMG..he is in competition with himself??


Nov 3, 2002
After reading that report and viewing the video in the links provided by Truncador, I'm inclined to believe that Gyaos is not that far off-base with his comments after all, provocative though they most certainly are. I don't totally share his view that all rappers are terrorists, however, at the very least, I believe that the majority of rappers are idiotic little shits intent on spreading needless hate and generating a lot of generally anti-social behavior among their followers.

Personally, I despise rap and I believe that if nothing else, all rappers, whether Muslim or otherwise, have launched a jihad on real music. If all youth, black, white or other, had better black music to listen to, along the lines of the great, fun, tuneful Motown stuff from the 60s and 70s or the sweet pop ballads of a Stevie Wonder, maybe they wouldn't be so likely to seek gang affiliation and take up the hobby of offing each other for no more reason than a dirty look...


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
BeaverCleaver said:
After reading that report and viewing the video in the links provided by Truncador, I'm inclined to believe that Gyaos is not that far off-base with his comments after all, provocative though they most certainly are. I don't totally share his view that all rappers are terrorists, however, at the very least, I believe that the majority of rappers are idiotic little shits intent on spreading needless hate and generating a lot of generally anti-social behavior among their followers.

Personally, I despise rap and I believe that if nothing else, all rappers, whether Muslim or otherwise, have launched a jihad on real music. If all youth, black, white or other, had better black music to listen to, along the lines of the great, fun, tuneful Motown stuff from the 60s and 70s or the sweet pop ballads of a Stevie Wonder, maybe they wouldn't be so likely to seek gang affiliation and take up the hobby of offing each other for no more reason than a dirty look...
There is a long way from disagreeing with rap and banning it IMHO. if you go back to comments made about Elvis, The Beatles and others, they sounded very much the same....

Vancouver Femme Fatale

Multihour Specialist
Apr 25, 2005

You get your plaque yet? For fighting terrorism by bitching about rap music? If I were you, I'd start whining to Mayor Bloomberg right away. You are a true American hero.

When you get it please post a photo.

BTW? I listen to rap all the time; all kinds of hardcore shit you don't know a thing about. But I have this thing, see, called looking at the larger picture that, having your head jammed firmly up your ass, you may have difficulty seeing. In any case, I'm sure the three billygoats and bridge miss you; give them my love when you get home.


New member
BeaverCleaver said:
Personally, I despise rap and I believe that if nothing else, all rappers, whether Muslim or otherwise, have launched a jihad on real music. If all youth, black, white or other, had better black music to listen to, along the lines of the great, fun, tuneful Motown stuff from the 60s and 70s or the sweet pop ballads of a Stevie Wonder, maybe they wouldn't be so likely to seek gang affiliation and take up the hobby of offing each other for no more reason than a dirty look...
The sooner they all kill each other the better... I'll spring for the bullets...


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
In response....

Could you clarify this for me....are you saying that if you are poor, you are more likely to commit a crime?

Statistics would say "yes".

and does that make it my fault?

I don't know...I suppose that depends on what role you play in society in regards to perpetuating poverty. Since I don't know you personally, I can't answer.

because I chose to play by the rules, worked my ass off to get out of subsidized housing?

Not sure what you meant by this comment. Are you asking if because you managed to rise up from poverty are you responsible for crime in poverty stricken areas?

You have choices in your life. If you chose to follow a life of crime and use yur social status as an excuse, go ahead. BUT don't blame anybody but yourself.

There is a way out if you chose to take it

Not sure what your point here is either - I didn't read where anyone was blaming anybody for anything, though I admit I didn't read every post. All *I* did was say (actually, more like "agree") that the correlation between crime and poverty is order of magnitude stronger than the correlation between music (or any form of entertainment, including movies and video games) and crime....so it is ridiculous to say "rap music" causes violence.

As has been posted here (and documented in many, many places), the primary purveyors of hip hop music is young white middle class males, who "identify" with the rebellious nature of hip hop just as their father did with rock. Beyond that, like all young men of virtually all cultures, young white boys are suckers for images of violence and implied misogyny.

So why do some people turn to acting out violently while others do not? Well, again, many studies have shown that poverty seems to be the central thread, and a far stronger one than geography, race, or anything else. Middle class kids in the same neighborhoods as poor kids are less likely to turn to crime. Black kids from middle class backgrounds are less likely to turn to crime than poor white kids (people tend to fall for the media driven images of crime as being primarily Black and urban…ask people in Alberta about their “X” problem and the associated gang violence). These things have been proven over and over again.

Honestly, I am not sure I understood to point of your post, but hopefully I answered your question…
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