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rape victim sentence to being lashed


New member
Apr 1, 2005
Absolutely correct! There is such a thing as a UNIVERSAL TRUTH that all human beings must adhere to. No one is above it regardless of birth, culture, religion, politics or societal conditions.

Amongst these truths is that rape is a despicable act of inhuman levels. The violator is the one who needs to be punished, not the victim. That is simply reprehensible.

All human beings have the ability and obligation to strive for a higher level. Regardless of how you've been raised and conditioned to think, all can reach a better and higher level where violence towards anyone is NOT part of the norm. It stars from within.
While I sympathize with the intent of your post I don't believe there are any UNIVERSAL truths. Thats why we, and all other countries, have laws. Rape is common in wartime and is rarely punished(esp. if performed by the victors or the dominant force). just anoter reason to despise armed conflict.


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
Remember we are the infidels.



resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Remember we are the infidels.

There was a long thread on that around here somewhere....oh, shit, that was on infidelITY not infidels......

So, if Castro was gay, he lover would literally be INfidel.......hehehe


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
article said:
Her rape emerged after her pregnancy test and Muslim elders in the village issued a fatwa insisting that the girl be kept in isolation until her family agreed to corporal punishment. Her rapist was pardoned by the elders.
What a misunderstood, learned, and gentle society they are. Why can't we just respect their ways?


Oh wait, is it because it's a mental illness disguised as a culture?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
It's hard to respect cultures that are 500 years behind your own in terms of rights for the individual.
Unless you want to invade them and run the risk of an endless guerilla war, there is absolutely dip-ass shit you can do to make them wise up and behave like human beings.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Absolutely correct! There is such a thing as a UNIVERSAL TRUTH that all human beings must adhere to. No one is above it regardless of birth, culture, religion, politics or societal conditions.
and the universal truth is: Americans (and to some extent Canadians) are entitled to have enough cheap oil to allow them drive gas guzzling SUVs.

Any attempt to change this status quo is worth sending our boys to die. And nothing else really matters.


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
There was a long thread on that around here somewhere....oh, shit, that was on infidelITY not infidels......

So, if Castro was gay, he lover would literally be INfidel.......hehehe

If I wasn't laughing so hard I'd say that was really bad.



Well-known member
Become a Savage to defeat a savage.Send in special forces to have a chat with the leaders.Black Ops.Nothing on the books.Go something like this from behind Camo-paint."We respect your values but when laws against nature are violated(such as this was the case)....well....if you do it again..we will find you..and we will kill you...and they'll never find the bodies.

I suspect many of these religious extremists would piss their pants and learn to find new ways of discipline.Make it a multi national task force.You could probably find volunteers for garbage like this very easily.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Become a Savage to defeat a savage.Send in special forces to have a chat with the leaders.Black Ops.Nothing on the books.Go something like this from behind Camo-paint."We respect your values but when laws against nature are violated(such as this was the case)....well....if you do it again..we will find you..and we will kill you...and they'll never find the bodies.

I suspect many of these religious extremists would piss their pants and learn to find new ways of discipline.Make it a multi national task force.You could probably find volunteers for garbage like this very easily.
Actually, they would laugh because, even if they actually FOUND them, they'd be forced to let them go due to political BS (just like Bin Laden, they were 1 hill away from catching the fucker but couldn't because that hill was in pakistan and they weren't allowed in).

This is what the US is facing: line up 10 afghani men: 2 are Al queda. Which 2? Who the fuck knows, the others won't say, THEY won't say, so what do you do? Shoot all 10? Do that and you breed 100 more......


Feb 29, 2004
Just to way in here. The 'Religion' being referred to here is Islam. The religion isn't condoning or punishing the woman. It is the ignorant people 'elders' or 'men'' in most cases that impose their own rules. No religion condones or promotes anything of the sort. Religion is about spirituality and having a connection to God. All religions including Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddism, Hinduism and others, promote using the intellect, reflection, and the law of common good for humanity. When self interests are incorporated for personal gains thats when things go wrong, especially when it is done in the name of Religion.

In addition, being a Muslim, a somewhat practicing one, familiar with most of the edicts of the religion of Islam, one finds that the 'Islamic Countries' are the furthest in values and ethics in certain areas than there Western Counterparts. Do you really think a God sent religion would prevent women from driving? owning property? In fact our religion says whats theres is theres don't touch it without her permission. Yeah I'm defending my religion, but at the same time saying that logic works.

I mean I can't blame the Bible, or the Catholic Church, or the Pope for all the little boys that were abused. I have to blame the sick men behind it that abused there position of authority, and misunderstood there scripture and never married or sought means of fulfilling there sexual desires in a lawful and respectful manner.

With regards to the Killing the infidels, Bin Ladens, Al-Qaeda's, etc. Who do you think created them? Financed them? offered them big money to overthrow there governments? That's right the great US of A. Who knows if Bin Laden is dead or alive. Right now he's keeping the US wartime budget happy. If there's a war there's gonna be money for grabs. If Bin Laden gets caught, we gotta find someone else. Just like Sadam, he's gone, he was the US of A's best friend at one time. Now they go after North Korea and Iran.

Poor Canada were suffering because there US dollar is low and no one is buying our products anymore.
Last edited:


Dec 9, 2006
With regards to the Killing the infidels, Bin Ladens, Al-Qaeda's, etc. Who do you think created them? Financed them? offered them big money to overthrow there governments? That's right the great US of A. Who knows if Bin Laden is dead or alive. Right now he's keeping the US wartime budget happy. If there's a war there's gonna be money for grabs. If Bin Laden gets caught, we gotta find someone else. Just like Sadam, he's gone, he was the US of A's best friend at one time. Now they go after North Korea and Iran. tell em!!!!!! I completely agree with you. The population of Muslims is 2nd largest in the world......Unfortunately, the Media loves the "So Called Muslims" that cause terror on people. The media doesn't notice the people who do good for the world....but they notice the bad ones.

Maybe we should focus on the Bad in the Christian religion, I am sure that would not be very fair. Religion is an is NOT the reason these psycho's do what they do.....and that goes for any religion.

Best line.....

I mean I can't blame the Bible, or the Catholic Church, or the Pope for all the little boys that were abused. I have to blame the sick men behind it that abused there position of authority, and misunderstood there scripture and never married or sought means of fulfilling there sexual desires in a lawful and respectful manner.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
The 'Religion' being referred to here is Islam. The religion isn't condoning or punishing the woman. It is the ignorant people 'elders' or 'men'' in most cases that impose their own rules. No religion condones or promotes anything of the sort. Religion is about spirituality and having a connection to God. All religions including Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddism, Hinduism and others, promote using the intellect, reflection, and the law of common good for humanity. When self interests are incorporated for personal gains thats when things go wrong, especially when it is done in the name of Religion.

I mean I can't blame the Bible, or the Catholic Church, or the Pope for all the little boys that were abused. I have to blame the sick men behind it that abused there position of authority, and misunderstood there scripture and never married or sought means of fulfilling there sexual desires in a lawful and respectful manner.
Well said, let's not confuse religious beiefs with sick minded individuals who happened to be part of a certain religious group.


Been here too long
Jul 18, 2008
Lost in a daydream of beautiful women.
sirpleasure is spot on. Religion is not the problem here, its cultural beliefs...old ones. I know many Muslims and I cannot think of ONE family where the woman is subservient or mistreated. In most, actually, the woman is running the show (just like the rest of the world). People will hide behind beliefs and in some cases people really are just so thick that they actually believe that they need to follow their beliefs so literally that they become extremists. Not only in the Middle East either. There are still certain parts of Ireland where a Catholics and Protestants cannot be in the same area without fights breaking out and people getting killed. There are still parts of the US where you would not find one single person or family that is not white - and if someone of a different colour of skin were to show up, they would greeted with a gun in their face. There are extreme right wing Christian groups that will show up at the funeral of a gay person, just to set up out front and tell everyone that God killed that person because they were gay.

Has anyone stopped to consider that the media sensationalizes things and will twist stories however they see fit. I'm not saying that things like that aren't happening in the world, but in the circumstance of this particular story they could be twisting it. Lets bring the same story to the west;

Girl is engaged to a guy. Girl has a few too many cosmos one night and ends up in bed with another guy. Fiancee finds out about this so girl claims rape to protect her name. Case goes to court and the judge decides that the man did not rape her, but that it was, in fact, consensual. The only difference in the end is that the girl is likely not given any kind of punishment for false claims - although it would be possible for her to be prosecuted after the fact for giving false statements to the police.

I don't think that it is right for anyone to be "lashed" in our age and time. Pushing our western beliefs on cultures has most often caused more harm than good around the world.

...and for the record, I am no liberal hippy...I just think that sometimes we need to keep our noses out of certain places.

Never Compromised

Hiding from Screw Worm
Feb 1, 2006
I certainly do not condone the punishing of rape victims. But before we decide to "save the world" from itself, we have to examine if we really have the right to do so. It is within my lifetime that rape victims here would have to defend themselves in court for how they dressed and their past sexual behaviour. In the very recent past in our society husbands could not rape wives because the wife had to provide the husband with sex on demand with no right of refusal. In the example that started this thread, the woman is being punished not just for being raped, but for being in a position where she could be alone with a man that is not a close blood relative. And while the story is certainly lurid, the allegations have not been proven in court. Do you think that the girl cried rape only after she discovered she was pregnant, in an effort to avoid being stoned?

Sure, that society is intolerant and injust by our standards. But we have to remember that our society is seen as evil by other societies. What we believe does not mean that it is the absolute truth. It is something that simply works for us.

If we set ourselves up to be the judge, jury and imperial power over all other cultures and countries, we will be no better than any other despot in history.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
Are you reading some other article, the title says she recieved 101 lashes for becoming pregnant, not what you're saying.

We're seen as evil to other societies for many other reasons, not because we don't give lashes to girls who get pregnant.

Women that are raped in the west still have to defend themselves in today's court, that's because the accused lawyer's job is to rattle the girl and to get his client off, that's a standard tactic, I don't get your point on this.
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