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rape victim sentence to being lashed


New member
Jul 30, 2009
rape is bad, but why are we still in shock of this, in thier country and in thier rights and belief and religion, this is normal, this happens every day, i know, as does everyone else its rong, but to them its right. im sure some of our customs and beliefs are as crazy to them as thiers are to us.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
rape is bad, but why are we still in shock of this, in thier country and in thier rights and belief and religion, this is normal, this happens every day, i know, as does everyone else its rong, but to them its right. im sure some of our customs and beliefs are as crazy to them as thiers are to us.
That doesn't make it right. There are international human rights standards to adhere too. As far as I'm concerned if there are widespread human right violations happening in a country (Sudan) we have an obligation to act. Unfortunately, geopolitics and special interests get in the way.


The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003
And what would you have us do about it? Invade? Force our Western Imperialism on them? Send our boys off to die? The military would do it, but then you have all the cowards whining about bringing them home.

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
That doesn't make it right. There are international human rights standards to adhere too. As far as I'm concerned if there are widespread human right violations happening in a country (Sudan) we have an obligation to act. Unfortunately, geopolitics and special interests get in the way.
Absolutely correct! There is such a thing as a UNIVERSAL TRUTH that all human beings must adhere to. No one is above it regardless of birth, culture, religion, politics or societal conditions.

Amongst these truths is that rape is a despicable act of inhuman levels. The violator is the one who needs to be punished, not the victim. That is simply reprehensible.

All human beings have the ability and obligation to strive for a higher level. Regardless of how you've been raised and conditioned to think, all can reach a better and higher level where violence towards anyone is NOT part of the norm. It stars from within.
This is not in the religion! Don't ever think that it is!
I don't think that there is any rational explaining why a young woman would be whipped for conceiving after being raped. My guess is that because she didn't report the rape, some panel of elders decided that she was simply having sex out of wedlock and should therefore be punished....

Like I said, there is no rational explanation. These people live in the dark ages.


New member
Oct 13, 2005
I heard France to Ban the Berka, good for France, enough is enough. I know its off topic but this religion stuff has to stop somewhere.
I heard France to Ban the Berka, good for France, enough is enough. I know its off topic but this religion stuff has to stop somewhere.

"The problem of the burka is not a religious problem. This is an issue of a woman's freedom and dignity. This is not a religious symbol. It is a sign of subservience; it is a sign of lowering. I want to say solemnly, the burka is not welcome in France," Sarkozy told lawmakers.

Good for them. The traditional Muslim will raise Hell, but Sarkozy is right... It's a visible symbol of the woman's status, which is roughly equivalent to that of a dog.

Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
In an Islamic society, women have no rights and are the property of a man. In our western society, such ideas are completely abhorrent.

Yet under the PC notion of cultural inclusiveness, such unacceptable treatment of women is accepted and even defended by the Islamo-appologists.

The western world took a decisive stance against the ethnic apartheid in South Africa and managed to change its policy. Now we are faced with this primitive, barbaric gender apartheid that is commonplace in Islamic countries.

We need to take a decisive stand against this as well. The Islamic world has demonstrated that when international pressure is placed on it, when international attention is focused on its barbaric practices, it will back down.


New member
Sep 18, 2002
It's hard to respect cultures that are 500 years behind your own in terms of rights for the individual.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
"Her rapist was pardoned by the elders"...the same ones who put her under the lash for being raped by him? Strange culture over there. Glad I live over here. Rape a girl, you get pardoned and she gets 100 lashes - what a system.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I don't think that there is any rational explaining why a young woman would be whipped for conceiving after being raped. My guess is that because she didn't report the rape, some panel of elders decided that she was simply having sex out of wedlock and should therefore be punished....

Like I said, there is no rational explanation. These people live in the dark ages.
Actually, there have been news stories of muslim women being raped and reporting it and still getting whipped, stoned, and imprisoned.

As it says in the Qu'ran: treat them as livestock (or words to that effect).


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
"Her rapist was pardoned by the elders"...the same ones who put her under the lash for being raped by him? Strange culture over there. Glad I live over here. Rape a girl, you get pardoned and she gets 100 lashes - what a system.
That's the culture that is spreading like wildfire.

But besides that, I would be curious as to what the catholic church did to rape victims back in the day? I know they tortured and murdered millions......


New member
Sep 19, 2006
Catholic church probably encouraged them to become nuns back in the day.

Not all cultures are worth protecting. This african islam won't survive an onslaught of liberal western media....we just have to translate britney videos into amharic (or whatever they speak in Sudan), give them all laptops, porn...and wait.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
In an Islamic society, women have no rights and are the property of a man. In our western society, such ideas are completely abhorrent.

Yet under the PC notion of cultural inclusiveness, such unacceptable treatment of women is accepted and even defended by the Islamo-appologists.

The western world took a decisive stance against the ethnic apartheid in South Africa and managed to change its policy. Now we are faced with this primitive, barbaric gender apartheid that is commonplace in Islamic countries.

We need to take a decisive stand against this as well. The Islamic world has demonstrated that when international pressure is placed on it, when international attention is focused on its barbaric practices, it will back down.
Dude, are you serious? WTF do you think happened to the world trade center? Pakistan? Afghanistan? Iraq? They don't seem to be backing down do they? I mean hell, even here in Toronto we had a young girl murdered by her father because of his religion.

One thing everyone forgets: It isn't like there is ONE royal KING that needs to be swayed, there are millions. Then even if the leaders of one country say "ok, we're going to treat women better" you have another 999,804 in other countries that have to be swayed. Frankly, if an Imam in Buttfuck Pakistan says Ok, wtf does an imam in afghanistan care? He'll do his own thing.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
It's hard to respect cultures that are 500 years behind your own in terms of rights for the individual.
The thing is, it isn't necessarily cultural differences, it is religion. And what is "your own"? There are a LOT of backward religions here in North America too.

This is just another example of how (as a global society) we will never progress until religion is abolished......I mean hell, Catholics still believe in talking snakes FFS and this is 2010!!!!


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
And what would you have us do about it? Invade? Force our Western Imperialism on them? Send our boys off to die? The military would do it, but then you have all the cowards whining about bringing them home.
No but complaining and launching international protests does not seem like too much to ask does it ? My memory is a little hazy on this but didn't Condeleza Rice, when Secretary of State, intervene on behalf of some poor African woman who was sentenced to death for some similarly unjust reason.

tboy said:
......I mean hell, Catholics still believe in talking snakes FFS and this is 2010!!!!
Lol...I don't disagree with your point on religion but I'm guessing that even if catholics believe the garden of eden story not many believe in talking snakes.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Train: you should watch Religulous. You'd be surprized at just how many truly believe the bible word for word.....(and it is basically just a novel like stephen king's "pet sematary"...can you imagine if 1 billion people believed THAT story?.)
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