Racism or sexual assault


New member
Aug 20, 2003
:( Has it come to this that just about every time a black person is accused of a crime they cry racism . I am referring to the school incident in which a white girl has accused 14 or 16 other students of sexual assault.
It is almost comical as if it just isn't possible that these black students could do wrong.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Yes after I saw the news yesterday with the comments one of the mothers of the accused was complaining I thought the next news we will hear is that Dudley Laws or some other race card player lawyer is going to be all on top of this.

I know the whole innocent till proven guilty thing... but at the same time I am thinking... the police must have some amount of evidence to back this up. I don't think the police are going to go out and arrest 16 black kids just because they are black and the victim is white. That is just not going to happen. With all the scrutiny they (cops) are under right now... that would be impossible for them to get away with for one thing.


Jul 10, 2005
Personally, I think those who cry discrimination and racism from the start without gathing facts and making intelligent deductions are the real racists. If the shoe fits....


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
My mother always told me that bullies are really cowards in disguise. I didnt understand what she meant then, but its so obvious you can see it from the cheap seats.

Now it isnt enough to pick on someone weaker. They team up and outnumber or swarm their victims. Whether its gang mugging someone for their leather jacket and Doc Martens or physically abusing a single girl, bullying is back with a renewed sense of vigor and power. Often the victim is someone who does not mix well socially with the misfits who follow their paths of least resistance to find each other in the back-door vestibules and outdoor smoking lounges, away from things extracirricular, educational, or related to school activities altogether.

Their collective resentments lead to discussions of how the current school athletes and "mean popular girls" shun them and make them feel inadequate. Rather than drift as islands of isolation they now find each other and bounce their collective resentment off one another. Occasionally the right or wrong mix converges to form wannabe gangs of pseudo toughs who target people they know wont be able to fight back even if they want to.

They can also count on the laziness of the school administration who either sidestep the thorny issue or try to downplay these incidents in their schools to preserve their institutions reputations. Only stepping forwar when an actual assault of this nature takes place. It's a gradual process that leads to a gang of 14 or 16 realizing they are free to sexually assault a single victim. A process that begins with teasing, leads to humiliation and confrontations. I'm guessing she went through the wringer even before the assault.

My own daughter was a victim of bullying in her school. Not to the extreme that she was assaulted, ut she received threats, insults to her race, body type, and skin color, and humuliation through collective pranks. I managed to persuade a better school outside of our catchment area to enroll her, but not before experiencing the bull-headedness of her former teachers, principal, vice-principal, Superintendant of Schools, and local Trustee first.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
WhaWhaWha said:
My mother always told me that bullies are really cowards in disguise. I didnt understand what she meant then, but its so obvious you can see it from the cheap seats.

My own daughter was a victim of bullying in her school. Not to the extreme that she was assaulted, ut she received threats, insults to her race, body type, and skin color, and humuliation through collective pranks. I managed to persuade a better school outside of our catchment area to enroll her, but not before experiencing the bull-headedness of her former teachers, principal, vice-principal, Superintendant of Schools, and local Trustee first.

You make a lot of good points , when I was a kid it was one on one fights mostly , now kids swarm and travel in packs . Secondly a white group harassing a black person should be treated a severely as black people harassing white doesn't matter. I wonder if no teacher ever noticed this ?

Chivas Regal

A Fine Lickor !
Jul 5, 2002
We will all know the truth after all the facts are out. I can't presume on heresay. That being said, colour/race notwithstanding, I blame all the parents for showing their children the wrong way to act when their kids f*&k up. Back in the day, if I did something stupid, I was more concerned with the discipline I would receive at home! I was always told that I represented my family in public and not to bring shame to the family name.Accountability by our children should be instilled at a young age, why these parents think that it is the systems responibility to raise their children is beyond me.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
booboobear said:
:( Has it come to this that just about every time a black person is accused of a crime they cry racism . I am referring to the school incident in which a white girl has accused 14 or 16 other students of sexual assault.
It is almost comical as if it just isn't possible that these black students could do wrong.
I have to assume this was in Canada.

All I can say is welcome to the wonderfull world of the ACLU, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Have fun with this mentality and a liberal court system.


Oct 23, 2005
Sexual assault???

Original Post...................
the police must have some amount of evidence to back this up. I don't think the police are going to go out and arrest 16 black kids just because they are black and the victim is white. That is just not going to happen
I can't believe People are this naive. The only evidence the police have is a girl crying rape against 16 kids. I guess this girl is not capable of lying and that just doesn't exist ??????

The fact still remains, innocent until proven guitly. and even then guilty or non-guilty verdict has to be questioned ???

I'm a vitim of 15 years of abuse by our lovely police service because i looked like someone else. In and out of jail for 15 years because someone looked exactly like me. DNA solved my problem when they caught the right guy (PAUL ANTHONY DEMARCO). But it doesn't excuse the police service for not investigating the crimes. Not investigating known alibi's.Making evidence fit the crime to fit someone else by altering evidence. Look at the first picture of PAUL ANTHONY DEMARCO and note that it doesn't match the rest of the pictures. However, it's an exact picture of me. For 15 years they were convinced and would stop at nothing to lock the wrong guy up regardless of alibi's and witness's.

Our police service is very primative. Think about it, our police service is cultivated from college and university drop-outs ! Most of these lovely officers abuse the public and it's only when caught on camera that they
suffer any consequences with pay. They break the law everyday. Whether it's by searching you ilegally before your under arrest or by doctoring the evidence to fit the suspect. (Guy Paul Morin). What about the fact that the only verdicts that are ever turned over are related to serious crimes. The poor bastard that does a year in jail for something he didn't do but takes 5 years to overturn the verdict. At which point most people lost interest in fighting it because they've already done the time.

As a society it is extremely important to question both sides of every incident that happens. Never assume anyone is guilty when they are charged. Pay attention to what these power-trippin college drop-outs are doing because the public has too much faith in how smart these overpaid drop-outs really are.

P.S. I don't feel this girl is lying, but it still has to be questioned before you ruin the lives of 16 children. Just as they may have ruined her life.

P.S.S, Our police is corrupt right down to the core just like our government
that instructs them what to do.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
being in the education system myself I am familiar with the school itself this really doesnt come as a shock to me that something like this has happened, this school unfortunately is in a bad area attracting some undesirable characters raised by some similar characters, reading one of the articles one of the mothers of the accused is 31 years old, having a 16 year old child, hmmm someone do the math as to what kind of choices she made when she was younger and what kind of environment he was raised in, that he has to be suspected of doing something as horrible as this. The cries of racism are absurd and will be only used by the radicals to further get away from the real issue, as to the guilt or innocence of this group of boys, and what damaging effects they have caused this girl the rest of her life, i mean being assaulted continuously for over a year.


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
The cops would've acted in the same way whether the acused were white, asian, hispanic, indian, or any other color or race.
This whole race card is fucking ridiculous in this scenerio.
Plus, what about this poor girl? Nobody, not even you guys, are focusing on this girl who brought the allegations.

Cardinal Fang

Bazinga Bitches
Feb 14, 2002
I'm right here
thorbax said:
Original Post
I can't believe People are this naive. The only evidence the police have is a girl crying rape against 16 kids. I guess this girl is not capable of lying and that just doesn't exist ??????
I have to ask. How do you know what evidence the police have? Are you privy to something the rest of us don't know of?

With respect to the rest of your post I am in general agreement.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
ruck said:
The cops would've acted in the same way whether the acused were white, asian, hispanic, indian, or any other color or race.
This whole race card is fucking ridiculous in this scenerio.
Plus, what about this poor girl? Nobody, not even you guys, are focusing on this girl who brought the allegations.
The idea is to make the victum the villian. You turn the criminals into victums in order to deflect the bad press. This will predjudice the case because the media is how can I say this, a bunch of pathetic morons who have no idea of reality.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
thorbax said:
Original Post...................
the police must have some amount of evidence to back this up. I don't think the police are going to go out and arrest 16 black kids just because they are black and the victim is white. That is just not going to happen
I can't believe People are this naive. The only evidence the police have is a girl crying rape against 16 kids. I guess this girl is not capable of lying and that just doesn't exist ??????.
They have more evidence then that. They came on TV and clearly stated that the reason why all these guys were under arrest is because they had lots of stuff to lead them to believe she was being truthful. Then the TV reporter was kind enough to point out that they have 30 some video taped surveillance cameras in the school. They did not mention if any of the tapes are their evidence. However I’ll be willing to bet that once some of these kids catch wind of this… somebody is going to start singing.

I feel bad for you in your troubles with LE in your situation. Believe me I have had my own problems in the past. When I was a kid for example I would be getting stopped all the time just because I was out late at night had long hair and wore torn blue jeans all the time. And I’m talking about as a pedestrian not as a car driver. Anybody here remember Yonge St. Mall? I knew about Cherry Beach from first hand experience before some on here were even born. In my hometown (up north) when ever I made a trip to Toronto and returned if they spotted me in the pool hall or just walking down Main St. I would get stopped and questioned and searched and asked, “So what did you bring back this time?” I could go on and on… And of course we all know about all the false convictions that have happened over the years.

All in all though… today policing IMO is much different then back then. And by far I don’t think IMO a majority of police are like those old school guys. Sure there are power mongers and there are racists on the force etc. IMO not the majority though. And yes there are false convictions and there are over zealous officers who seem to act anything but logical. For the most part though I don’t think that is the case. I think given the limited resources and powers that they do have they are doing a damn good job. In other words in part what I am trying to say is I have let go of my resentments from the old days and do not paint all police the same color because of a few bad experiences I had.

I do of course wish they would stay away from the adult industry. But… lets save that for another time.


New member
Mar 7, 2005
scouser1 said:
this school unfortunately is in a bad area attracting some undesirable characters raised by some similar characters, reading one of the articles one of the mothers of the accused is 31 years old, having a 16 year old child, hmmm someone do the math as to what kind of choices she made when she was younger and what kind of environment he was raised in, that he has to be suspected of doing something as horrible as this. The cries of racism are absurd and will be only used by the radicals to further get away from the real issue, as to the guilt or innocence of this group of boys, and what damaging effects they have caused this girl the rest of her life, i mean being assaulted continuously for over a year.
Where are the girls parents for "over a year"? what type of household did she grow up in? that she could not tell her family or friends about being abused for such a long time. That is a suspect issue to me. Her parents should be investigated by the children's aid, and charged by the police for neglect, if all this bullying in fact occured, same goes for the school.

Since so many of you have children, than you know - you know when your kid is having problems at school or with their friends. Conscious parents know when something is off. I know I do and if I have an incling of suspicion that something is not right, I investigate, by speaking with my kids, their teachers and friends.

If you are a victim of sexual abuse and bullying and you don't come forward, well you are asking for it some more. IMO the girl is lying.


Proverbs 23:27 ; )
Oct 16, 2005
Another Plane Of Existence
Blacks are very sensitive to these kinds of situations because they are usually the victims of these kinds of situations.

Had the accused students been Chinese, Indian, etc. chances are no backlash would've occurred, but not cuz they're aren't victims, but because they just aren't as over-reactive as Black people are.

Say what you will, but it's truth, Black people are more sensitive and reactionary than any other minority race, why? Cuz they've been persecuted more often than others, and it's difficult for them to try to negotiate or think clearly before speaking because of that.


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
Gawd said:
Say what you will, but it's truth, Black people are more sensitive and reactionary than any other minority race, why? Cuz they've been persecuted more often than others, .
Blacks have been persecuted more often then Jews????? :confused:


Oct 18, 2004
In today's society it be music,sports or just normal everyday living i as being white is looked down upon as being of 2nd class,there's way too many whites caring around unwanted quilt from what was done 2 blacks down in the southern states 30-200 years ago.Sure we all know some cops are dirty & racist,but in this case when you pull 16!!!!! not 1 kid out of school for this crime then you have 2 believe that there's something going on in & around that school.

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
They said that the girls parents had immigrated from Eastern Europe. Most regular kids would not allow this to take place over 18 months, but bullies are often pretty good about picking out the kind of victim who will not resist and not report them. They prey on the most vulnerable person they can find. I don't know if that is the case here, I am just assuming.

As for Black People often trying to present themselves as victims when they appear to be at fault, I think it is easy to understand why they do it - because it always works, the liberal media and politicians suck it up. They do so because there is so much collective liberal guilt that allows it. Everyone would be so much better off, minorities most of all, if it was made worth their while to have self respect and improve themselves, instead of rewarding them for playing the victim.
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