Naming a disease is all political, like almost everything these days. Calling it the Spanish flu is ok. Calling AIDS a gay disease is not apparently. Chinese virus is up in the air. Its all political. This virus although originating from Wuhan, isn't really surprising. History repeats itself. SARS, MERS, mad cow, h1n1, avian flu, we've seen this shit before and will continue too. Par for the course. Its the government that fucked us. If Trudeau closes the border in fucking November when this virus surfaced wed all be laughing now enjoying our lives, getting laid, making money with the economy booming. But he didn't because he wanted to avoid the negative press, to save/garner votes to keep his sorry ass in power. He and (just about every other politician) would rather see thousands die, millions lose their jobs rather than miss out on another term. Disgusting.