Racial Judgements

Snake Pliskin

New member
Sep 14, 2003
Am I a racist?

I only drink ales, not lagers! Molson Export, Labatt’s 50, others, it doesn’t matter! I know, I know, I’ll burn in hell for my narrow-minded views.

Although, I occasionally sneak in a Sleeman’s Honey Brown. Will that be my saving grace?

P.S. Did TRD get banned for his posts on this thread?


Flaming Pig :(8)~
Jan 7, 2003
GTA (Gash, Tits, and Ass)

If an SP declines to see a client for the specific reason of skin colour then this decision is a racist one. The same is true if a client declines to see an SP for reasons of skin colour.

Does this mean that SPs (or clients) should not have the right to turn down bookings? Of course not. If an SP has an irrational and racist aversion to black clients (for example), she cannot be stopped from turning them down. However, this does not justify her choice in this matter.

Those of us who can overcome the racist pressures that touch all people in our culture will realise that it is ridiculous to assume that all people of the same skin colour will also share other personality traits. There are members of every visible minority working as both squeegee kids and CEOs in this city...you can't tell me skin colour is really an indicator of an individual person's characteristics.

Some SPs may (wrongly) assume that customers of a particular skin colour will automatically have other characteristics in common. Those that do are mistaken and misled. They may not even know that their false assumptions are racist!

However, "Archer" and others have made an excellent point. An encounter with an SP (or dancer or MPA) is supposed to be fun, relaxing, and comfortable. If the provider is uncomfortable with the client (even if her reasons are racist), the encounter will be less satisfying and may even be unpleasant. The best thing the potential client can do is look elsewhere.

In the mainstream world, we can sue companies and service providers who decline to serve customers on the basis of race. In the Adult Entertainment world, there is no real benefit of trying this approach. Do we really want the attention and scrutiny that would come with making a legal issue of being turned down by an SP? It would be almost impossible to prove and the outcome would not be worth the effort and cost.

So, realistically, this issue can be divided into two separate points:
  • Client selection (solely) on the basis of skin colour or ethnic background is morally and ethically wrong and not a realistic method of screening out bad clients.
  • There's nothing we can do to prevent some SPs in behaving in this racist way so the best thing to do is review their foolish attitude (so others know to stay clear) and move on.
In my SCing experience, I've had some dancers make extremely racist comments to me (about other customers or dancers in the bar). My response is always to end the service, pay-up what is owed, and decline to see the dancer again. This is not because I'm some sort of PC crusader...I'm actually offended by racist attitudes even if they are not directed at me. I don't want to pay to be exposed to intolerant attitudes!

Pyro the (unbiased) Pig.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
If a SP doesn't want to see a person of a particular race, that's her decision. If you don't like it, tough. She won't get your money. Go see someone else. The idea that an SP should have to have sex with someone they don't want to have sex with is absurd. It's there bodies to do with as they please. If an SP is racist, that's her problem and her (potential) loss. Get over it already. There's some ethnicities that I'm not attracted to and if someone told me I HAD to go on a date with one (let alone have sex) otherwise I'm racist, I'd go tell that dumbass mofo where they could shove it.


Flaming Pig :(8)~
Jan 7, 2003
GTA (Gash, Tits, and Ass)
Still...there's a moral issue too.

I do agree that one should never force an SP (or anyone else) to be intimate with a client that she (or he) does not want to see. Unfortunately, in protecting this freedom of choice, there remains the opportunity for the SP to act in a racist way.

Legally, there is no issue here. Unless an SP advertises specific racial restrictions, you'll never prove enough to make a legal case stick. That's assuming that any of us care so much about this issue that we would be willing to suffer all the negative effects of making a public case out of being turned down by a hooker! So, obviously, this discussion is not about the letter of the law.

What is worth discussing, is whether it is morally and ethically right for the SP to make a racial restriction. I, for one, am very offended by racism and I can't enjoy the company of an overtly racist person. Any Dancer or SP that is known to be racist will automatically be off my list of possibilities.

The other point to consider, just for the sake of discussion, is how it would look if any other professional tried to have a racial restriction on their service. If a Lawyer, Doctor, Chiropractor (etc.) declined to see a client because of race they would get badly trashed in the press and probably sued by a civil liberties group.

So my question is: is it actually OK for an SP or Dancer to be openly racist (as opposed to other professions where we know it's wrong) or is there just nothing we can do about it?



El Duderino
Mar 20, 2003
Running Amok
An SP doesn't have to justify her reasons for turning someone down. If a majority of guys who show up wearing green shirts act a certain way, then an SP is going to have a natural distrust of all people in green shirts, regardless of their individual merits. Is this discrimination? Of course. Is it her right to turn these people down? Damn straight.

An SP puts herself in a very vulnerable position every time she meets with a guy. Look at what's going on in the news right now - all these sex workers turning up dead. If an SP doesn't feel comfortable with a certain type of person, then she needs to act on the side of caution...racist or not.



New member
Aug 16, 2003
Wisdom-at 6am.

After all is said and done--The Mind is the last Uncontrolled Frontier,and one has the right to hate whom ever one wants.

The biggest Complainers about Racism ,are usually the biggest Racists.
Hate in any shape is the most negative emotion i know of.
To practise it---Equals Stupidity.

But let's not forget Nature--A Female has the Right to Choose her MATE, in every case.
Life is too short to hurry.
Ashley Madison
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