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Racial Judgements


New member
Sep 7, 2002
Sorry all, but i seen a post REALLY made my stomache ache alittle.

As i do agree with RUBMEISTER on his reply to the subject. One should know how to act and carry themselves according to the situation. A person can not go to a fancy gathering with a foul mouth, dressed in ripped jeans and so on.....

What does tho make me alittle uneasy is the fact that even in an ADULTS world there is sooooooooooooo much Racialness. We try to teach our kids NOT to act like this and the schools are teaching them as well and here we are as adults acting the same way as the kids we are trying to teach.............



New member
Mar 25, 2003
Maybe ....

... it's just a matter of personal preference and not out and out racism. As already stated in the thread you mentioned, some SPs prefer not to see members of their own race in order to avoid encountering family members or friends of the family etc.

Much as some gentlemen prefer blondes, others only book large breasted women etc., women also have sexual preferences and accept bookings accordingly in order that they might garner some enjoyment from their assignations and not just perform mechanically.

I am definitely not looking at the world through rose tinted glasses, and I am fully aware, having been the brunt of it on numerous occasions, that racism exists in many forms however, unless she is rude and insulting, I wouldn't necessarily state that simply because an SP prefers not to see a gentleman of a certain ilk, that her actions are racially related.

(open to calls from all - Martians need not apply)


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
If I do the research I can distinguish between races of cars. And I find the colour makes no difference to the price, performance or worth of the car.
When people do the research, they find they can't actually distinguish between the races of people. Hitler couldn't, the Afrikaaners couldn't, the eugenecist's couldn't, our own First Nations and Métis are having trouble, and don't even think of looking south. So the only thing they wind up going by is the paintjob.
The fact is: that's just the decoration, and has nothing to do with performance or worth. Thankfully, since the beginning of time, enough boys and girls have figured that out for themselves. Which of course is why you can't actually do a racial spec sheet like you can a car's. People are people folks, they just come in a variety of flavours so we won't get bored.


Deeeeeez Nutz...
Aug 19, 2003
like I said on the other thread (which I'm beginning to regret, bless my heart)... I'm witchall.

oldjones, you're right about race being an illusion for the most part. I agree with everything you said there. I'm just carrying on your car analogy.

In the end you do decide which car you're going to buy simply because it is YOUR car. If you decide solely based on color, it is YOUR choice. You could decide to buy a shitty car that's your favourite colour and if you make that decision, no-one should have the power to stop you or force another decision, since your decision violated nobody else's rights.

Same thing with SP's, they can refuse anyone they want (I would be refused by some, btw), and people shouldn't think any less of them for doing so because it's their body and their right.


New member
Mar 25, 2003
A question .....

What's the difference between an SP exercising racial judgements and a gentleman only booking asian or EE SPs?

Why the fuss about SPs refusing certain races, when certain hobbyists only book certain races?

Is that nasty thing called "double standards" raising it's ugly head - it's okay for Michael Douglas to snag Catherine Zeta Jones, but Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher .....



Nov 22, 2001
Re: A question .....

I don't mean to answer your question with a question, but how much is selectivity actually based on racism? I don't book Asians simply because I'm not attracted to them. It has absolutely no reason whatsoever to do with racism.

Again, what is it with Martians???


New member
Mar 25, 2003
Martians - it's a communication thing - sex for them is more intellect than anything else and I absolutely hate having my mind messed with. Added to which, if you've heard the joke, know that I abhor violence of any kind and their constant pounding on their forehead and pulling their ears completely turns me off.

If you haven't heard the joke:

My apologies to all those who have heard this sorry tale countless times.



Nov 22, 2001

Well, that was a more complicated answer than I was expecting! I thought it might have something to do with green skin (for which I would have screamed, "RACIST!!!") or anal probing. But then watching the Simpsons has taught me that aliens have learned all they can from anal probing.


El Duderino
Mar 20, 2003
Running Amok
An SP can choose her clients any way she pleases because she's going to be fucking them. I think this gives her every right to include or exclude anyone. If you go into a Burger King, and they refuse you service because of your ethnicity, well hey, you've got yourself a legitimate complaint. But you can't look at seeing an SP as just another type of transaction. It's incredibly personal, one on one, and involves sex. I'm sorry that some men are made to feel uncomfortable when turned down by an SP because of their race, and I'm sure it sucks and doesn't make you feel all that great. But these girls put themselves in a very vulnerable and intimate situation day after day, and they can refuse service to whomever they please.



New member
Aug 19, 2001
Silicon Valley, USA
Re: A question .....

Astra said:
What's the difference between an SP exercising racial judgements and a gentleman only booking asian or EE SPs?

Why the fuss about SPs refusing certain races, when certain hobbyists only book certain races?

Is that nasty thing called "double standards" raising it's ugly head - it's okay for Michael Douglas to snag Catherine Zeta Jones, but Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher .....

The difference here is very fundemental and is perhaps the most often confused strawman for racism offerred on this board. This is a supplier/consumer type relationship. This business is based on consumer choice as the party who purchases service, NOT SP choice. Don't believe that. The majority of SPs would starve to death if the only clients they entertained are those that they consider suitable for their private lives. As a consumer in this market, I absolutely demand the right to engage whatever lady it is that I prefer and that cannot be construed for racism. A purchased liason has nothing to do with the real world in this sense. Most Sps that express a preference for say white clientele, may entertain those clientele, but do so only as a business proposition. By and far many of the men who are entertained even by racist SPs are not individuals that they would consider as suitors in private life. Herein lies the problem.



CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
You make a good case Good Sam, but so does DenWa and I think the answer must lie between. First of all, no one has any 'right' or business making someone else feel uncomfortable because of their race. Or gender, or size, or…. You get my drift. When such things are the givens of our lives, it just ain't fair or civilized. Would that we all were; civilized that is. This wouldn't be a topic at all.

A single buyer's choice is a private matter, as long as they keep it so. But a single seller's choice can distort the marketplace as only a multitude of buyers can. That's why a seller who discriminates unfairly is reprehensible. As you said.

But as DenWa points out, these are peculiar transactions, somewhat similar to romance where boy and girl are each 'buyers'. I can understand an SP who declines the custom of a person they won't be at ease with, believing they cannot give their usual good service, believing that the acting skills required are beyond their talents. And as a consumer, I'd certainly rather have a good act than a grudging one.

It's not that I condone it. Those who practise this sort of discrimination are settling for being less than the best people they can be. A choice of personal mediocrity/bigotry is a shameful thing. Anyone and any SP who lacks the skill to maintain their prejudices privately without embarrassing or hurting others deserves all the exposure and shame they get, here and elsewhere. But if she sweetly and convincingly† turns me away when I call, without me ever realizing it's because I'm pink, then let it be for whatever 'real' reason she wants.

† Of course the reason we have these discussions is that they don't have even that skill, and the rejected clients see through the transparent excuses. The SPs who think being direct is 'more honest': see above.


Apr 16, 2003
hiding behind my computer screen.

If a heterosexual girl refuses to take on other girls as clients is she sexist? The same argument can be made for SP's not taking on some races as clientele.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Re: Re: Re: A question .....

Anya said:
[snip]…If you go in a restaurant they can refuse to serve you based on what you're wearing and they can kick you out if they don't like your attitude - your money doesn't buy you any kind of guarantee of anything - why would it be any different here?…[snip]
But Anya, they absolutely can not refuse to serve you because you're of a race they'd rather not see in their restaurant. It's against the law and offends simple human decency.
The issue in this debate is the extent that an SP can legitimately claim that his/her service should be exempt from respecting the human rights of others. Everyone from landlords to waitresses has tried to justify their prejudice in the past, "because it's different for our business". They all lost.
I've got lotsa sympathy for the view that an SPs transactions are like 'dates' as much as they are jobs; that's my fantasy too. But even if the SP is not the "parish pump, available to all", catering to your own comfort factor can't trump politeness and fair treatment for the rejected.
Granted there's lotsa legal issues for SPs before they have to worry about the Human Rights Code, but shouldn't they, like all of us, be trying to behave so that codes aren't needed? Pre-judging people for where they were born, the shade of their skin, their gender, their profession demeans the judger most of all.


New member
Aug 19, 2001
Silicon Valley, USA

I don't see anything strange or difficult to understand here. The real problem is that when these threads start talking about issues of racism that invariably somebody introduces discrimination and subsequently confuses the discussion. I think the problem is you fail to understand your role as a provider of sexual services. Please don't go overboard with the analogies here. Restaurants and most real life interactions have little parallel with paid liasions in the sex business. Your analogies using the examples of the restaurants are rather weak as examples of racism..which afterall is the topic of this thread. Restaurants have a right to discriminate against clientele based on their dress presentation. That right is actually granted them by law. In fact there are many local bylaws that require that patrons of restaurants be suitably attired. Restaurants have no right to discriminate based on race. If I walked into that establishment properly dressed and they refused my business, I guarantee you that by the time the smoke cleared, I'd own the place.

Of course as a provider you have a right to refuse my business. The nature of your business invites males to contact you for sexual liasion. That is in its purest form a business transaction and something which believe it or not you offer to the general male public. You may discriminate against guys who are too short, too fat or bald. That is discrimination. If you refuse my business based solely on issues of your racial preference, that is textbook racism. As a procurer of a fantasy sexual experience, I have an absolute right to choose whomever I wish to consumate a liason. In doing so, I may choose any nationality of lady, size, weight, height, etc. Whereas in making such a choice, I am discriminating, I by no means am being racist. I personally don't like fat women. I discriminate against them in my personal choice for the physical features of an escort that I'd choose to engage. Inasmuch as this is a service that I purchase, I reserve that right. If you wish to specify your clientele in terms of physical or sexual orientation..that is discrimination. You may also refuse them based on race...that is RACISM. The two are entirely different concepts. Racism in the choice of an escort in this business simply doesn't apply on the client side of the equation. You either are racist or you aren't. Afterall, there are many members of the Klan that had liasions with black women. One of our former Presidents, a slave owner himself, had liasion with his black slave resulting in offspring. Was Jefferson a racist, most certainly. But that certainly had no bearing on where he chose to "get busy".




New member
Aug 19, 2001
Silicon Valley, USA
seven said:

If a heterosexual girl refuses to take on other girls as clients is she sexist? The same argument can be made for SP's not taking on some races as clientele.
That argument is baseless and absurd. Learn the definition of sexist which has nothing to do with sexual preference and get back to me.



CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
seven said:

If a heterosexual girl refuses to take on other girls as clients is she sexist? The same argument can be made for SP's not taking on some races as clientele.
What argument? She's sexist. DFK knows no gender, DATY, like a BJ can be provided by anyone.
But terms like racist and sexist are as helpful as informing me my mother wears army boots.
The essence of this debate amongst us highly-evolved and enlightened TERBists is to examine how much 'racism', given that both providers and partakers have preferences. But sure, it's racism. Can we keep it from being ugly?
The essence of life is to make the labels we all apply guide us to expanded opportunities, not box you into stereotypes.
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