Question for the ladies: How do you handle regular clients who fall in love with you?


New member
Aug 20, 2003
deepdish said:

She might not have been into you, booboobear w/o it having anything to do with your rationalization/generalization that "they're not interested in a real relationship nor can they have one while they're still working.

I agree she may not have been interested in me , but guess what she is still not in a relationship with anyone.
I think you are forgetting this thread was started by sp saying
how they wanted to keep the relationship as a sp/customer basis.
I don't know how you can honestly believe that an sp can have a real relationship whie still working .
I think the ones who end up in a relationship by their own admission are not working. Maybe you have different standards for what a relationship means.

Think about it sex every night with different men and a relationship. What's wrong with this picture.


Jan 18, 2002
I had somewhat of a similar problem. I met a SP (a pretty legendary one on these boards at that), and we hit it off right away. It ended up with us going out clubbing, drinking and having sex completely outside of the business. Simply put, we both found each other really attractive. I wanted to get into something more serious than just the casual "call me up whenever you're not working and we'll go out and party" thing. She didn't. She said she couldn't do a relationship while working, and was completely upfront and honest about just wanting me to hang out with as friends who fuck. I couldn't really do that as I knew I'd end up having deeper feelings for her.

Can SPs have relationships while in the biz? That's of course differs from person to person. But the only one I got to know very well couldn't.

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
Re: part two

Originally posted by Aphrodite Those who started a relationship while a SP have given up the SP side of things and the relationships are working for them... For now. Give it a couple years. Ask them how they feel then.

Jenn [/B]
How dare you post this Jenn?
You have decided that my relationship will be over in a couple years have you?
Perhaps it will(nothing lasts forever) but you have no right nor reason to say so.

You are coming across as very a bitter young lady.
Just because your relationship was a sham does not mean ours are.
Last edited:

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
As we discussed Jenn, I have no issue with your choices for yourself.......just your generalizations about everyone else relationships.

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
Oh jenn whatever.

BTW ,I am in this thread because I am in a realtionship with someone who met me as a client when I was a SP.

Believe me,its not all about you.

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
kiarra said:
I personally I could also never commit to someone who started seeing me as a client, only because when I quit I know it will be very easy for him to go and see another SP.


If your relationship and sex life are good, why would he want to see a SP?

Dont sell yourself short....I'm sure you could keep a man at home and content.

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
Re: my thots

beachesgal said:
misty,,, miranda, i aplaude both of you and what you both have is something special.... hugs to you both.....

Thanks hun!

Snake Pliskin

New member
Sep 14, 2003
kiarra said:
I could also never commit to someone who started seeing me as a client, only because when I quit I know it will be very easy for him to go and see another SP.
I see your point. But, if you started to feel like you wanted commit to someone, even if it meant retiring, don't you think its possible he would feel the same way?

Snake Pliskin

New member
Sep 14, 2003
Well, I’ve given some thought to Kiarra’s and Jenn’s posts, reflected on my own experiences, and I think I understand where they’re coming from (begrudgingly). Check it out.

Sometimes it just doesn’t matter if you’ve met the greatest guy in the world, ie. Mr. Right (Ms. Right in my experience…thought I best clarify :)). Because if Mr. (or Ms.) Right comes along at the Wrong time, its just not going to work. No matter how much your friends and family want it to work! Been there, done that!

When you’ve got a lot on the go, you just don’t want to allocate time and effort to work on a relationship, and keep your partner as happy as they deserve to be. Its not fair to them. So, its best just to avoid having an SO altogether, and stick with casual relationships. They already have sex as much as they want. Plus, they have children, so the need to make a difference in someone’s life is being fulfilled (advantage of being a mom).

Dang! Methinks I figured it out! And there wasn’t even any mind-altering substances involved, other than a little caffeine. Of course, I’m waiting for one of these two to come along and stomp on my buzz and post that I’m f*&!ed in the head. Hehehe!

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
Aphrodite said:
Amazing how so many people can't understand how one can be happy and single. Especially those who said the same until their current relationship.

I am assuming you are referring to me Jenn.......if not ignore this post.

Noone ever said you couldnt be single and are the one saying you cant be attached and happy for any period of time.

Have a nice weekend.


New member
Nov 8, 2003
the loveing client

I myself have had an experience of a gentleman wanting more than i was willing to offer it is better to be open and honest right away can't handle the rejection tell him nicely to move on.Have had person react wrong way just again be up-front !

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
Aphrodite said:

Mir I can handle an attachment. In 20 years... Right about when I figure I will be able to do the rest of the traveling I want to do which isn't safe to take a child

Who said you couldnt jenn?

For the umteenth time I will say it...............Your life is yours.......especially your love life..........I wouldnt step over the line and tell you what will and what wont work for you.

All I am asking for is the same in return.....................not just from you, but from all who are making generalizations about SP's,ex-Sp's and clients and if they can or cannot be in a healthy relationship.


I'd rather be Boating
Jun 12, 2002
My Boat
kiarra said:
Miranda, that is not going to happen any time soon. Sorry to tell ya that. This is a board where people discuss their opinions and feelings. Sometimes we wish it would be an expereince based opinion but that is not always the case.

You can't stop the gerenaliztions or the opinions of other people. Presonally I know I could not be in a relationship with an client, or while I was escorting, but I don't condem those who try it. I know it is not for me, but can be for others.

Just as I am different from you, people are different from me and will project thier opinion to be fact. Nothing you can do about it. You can't change that, just like they can' change your view on your relationship. Better to just skip the thread then beat a dead horse.

Stop bickering and allow people to be themselves. Foster communications and understanding rather than putting down other people. We are all different. Be there for your fellow human being and allow them to develop on there own.

Thank Kiarra well put.


The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
kiarra said:
Miranda, that is not going to happen any time soon. Sorry to tell ya that. This is a board where people discuss their opinions and feelings. Sometimes we wish it would be an expereince based opinion but that is not always the case.

You can't stop the gerenaliztions or the opinions of other people. Presonally I know I could not be in a relationship with an client, or while I was escorting, but I don't condem those who try it. I know it is not for me, but can be for others.

Just as I am different from you, people are different from me and will project thier opinion to be fact. Nothing you can do about it. You can't change that, just like they can' change your view on your relationship. Better to just skip the thread then beat a dead horse.


Thank you for letting me know which threads I should read Kiarra....however just as they are entitled to post their opinions,I am entitled to post mine.

And Thunder I am not putting Jenn down for her opinions.
What did piss me off is her referring to things on a public boardshe knows only because her and I are friends in real life.

And Im sorry but noone has the right to say hand downs a relationship will not work because the woman involved is a SP and I will argue that till the cows come home.So there.

Well perhaps they have the right,but they are wrong.So there.

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
kiarra said:
I wasn't letting you know what threads you should read, just saying that maybe you shouldn't let it bug you, but I guess that was just stupid of me.

Go figure.


New member
Jan 31, 2003
No, I am not kissing Miranda's ass, but..

miranda said:
... noone has the right to say hand downs a relationship will not work because the woman involved is a SP
I second that. With relationships, you never know what works and what doesn't until the fat lady sings.

Dr Watchsom

New member
Aug 28, 2003
on top of miranda
Aphrodite said:
There are places I want to see in the world which are unsafe for adults let alone children and I won't go until she is old enough to fend for fherself... Just in case. God only knows where shrapnel will fly but I really want to see some of the places where it is a possible event.

My life is hers. It is part of being a parent. My love life is mine yes. But my life is hers first and foremost. I honestly don't feel I could be fair in the amount of energy or time I would have for a significant other at this point in my life. I have a lot of goals I want to achieve over the next 12-15 years. Between those things and doing the best I can to raise my daughter I don't think I can realistically give someone the time, love, consideration and support that they would deserve in a full time relationship. JMHO.

You and I both know how much I will go the extra mile for a friend. Can you imagine me trying to juggle family, friends, a career and a SO? Oy vey! ;-)
Jen I understand the fact that you are a new mother and very exited about your new baby, but I it has nothing to do with this thread and somehow mentioning her on an adult chat board just doesnt seem right to me imho.
Also thinking of an S.O. as an expenditrue of energy or a task to perform is wrong.The RIGHT S.O. should not be a burdon, they should be a complement to your life and a help in achiving your goals and raising your child. Life is a juggleing act but your S.O.should not be thought of as one of the balls.

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
Aphrodite said:

You and I both know how much I will go the extra mile for a friend.

Yes my love,I do.

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