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Question for married guys

What I definitely wouldn't count on, however, is her keeping quiet about it. Even if she doesn't divorce you, you should count on the fact that all of her friends, and probably (soon enough) your family will know about your hobbling during the first five years of your marriage.
This is an interesting point. My wife and I were in an "OK" marriage, although I was guilty of having too many outside interests (not "this" hobby, but others) and a very demanding job. All the same, things at home were ok. I have no doubt we would have remained married.

It wasn't until my ex took up with a bunch of women and started doing things together... opera, shopping trips etc. I only knew a couple of them, but I know that these two at least were bitter, divorced ladies who (according to them) had been screwed over by philandering husbands. My ex got it in her mind I was doing the same thing (which I wasn't) and that was the beginning of the end, in spite of me working more from home, and reducing my involvement in my hobbies. (As it turned out, she ended up having an affair before our marriage was over. She is still with the dude, who is now going blind, and has developed some weird arthritic condition in his spine which will leave him in a wheelchair eventually. Sometimes, Karma's a bitch!)

Don't underestimate the power of a woman's "support" group... right or wrong, it can have great influence over her.


New member
Aug 2, 2011
Things you admit can be forgiven but never forgotten. They will stay back in a dark corner festering and tickling the subconsciousness, always an invisible weight placed on the scales of judgment against you. And without fail, this annoying hurtful truth with be within reach to use as a club for the next major disagreement.


Aug 25, 2011
Here's a thought. If you can't tell your current or future partner the truth than maybe you shouldn't be doing what you are doing, period. And if you are, man or woman up and face the consequences.


Oct 10, 2010
You know I will be one that disagrees with the rest. You should tell her ... You know, TOFTT!

Afterwards, come back here and educate the rest of us to prevent another remorseful bastard from doing the same. You will be providing an invaluable service all terb members!


Active member
Feb 15, 2003
If you are gonna change, then change. You should only speak by your actions. No good will come out of telling anything.
Correct that this "hobby" is looked down upon by most "others."

If you get tired of SP's and want to be with her, that is great. At least now you know that, and you have gone through a learning process to find out. If that is the case, just appreciate her and appreciate being with her. What is in the past is in the past and will only bring harm if you bring it up.

When I was estranged from my wife, she never knew about SP's ( a society thing), but she knew damn well about the affairs, even though I tried to at least show her respect by not parading these to any extent.

If you want to be with her, you have found the right one... and the right one is hard to find, so don't wreck it.


Sensual Seduction
Feb 1, 2008
You need to ask yourself honestly, what would the benefit be if you were to be completely honest with her.
YOU would rid yourself of the guilt and heap it on her. You would feel relieved of coming clean and would then be able to go on with your life unburdened by the numerous betrayals. She would now spend the rest of her life with you carrying that burden and wondering when you will stray again, every time you are late home, every time you end a phone call the minute she walks in, every time you are on the computer, every time you are having a 'business meeting'......
She will also have the benefit of questioning herself at every opportunity......doubting herself and her attractiveness.

If you love her do HER the biggest favour of all, keep your mouth shut and spend the rest of your married life making her feel like she is the most beautiful, desireable, enjoyable woman in your life.


Jan 4, 2009
You need to ask yourself honestly, what would the benefit be if you were to be completely honest with her.
YOU would rid yourself of the guilt and heap it on her. You would feel relieved of coming clean and would then be able to go on with your life unburdened by the numerous betrayals. She would now spend the rest of her life with you carrying that burden and wondering when you will stray again, every time you are late home, every time you end a phone call the minute she walks in, every time you are on the computer, every time you are having a 'business meeting'......
She will also have the benefit of questioning herself at every opportunity......doubting herself and her attractiveness.

If you love her do HER the biggest favour of all, keep your mouth shut and spend the rest of your married life making her feel like she is the most beautiful, desireable, enjoyable woman in your life.
Well done lady TY. That's the best way to handle the situation he's in and it"ll make her a very happy woman and he himself too.


New member
Aug 28, 2011
Not all women think the same. As a woman, I'd say tell her. Some women are stupid or emotionally (or financially) dependent enough to forgive. If you have young children, that might help you too.
I personally wouldn't forgive and much less forget, for all the reasons already listed on the previous replies. I'm just saying that I see it happening a lot; some women just don't have the courage to walk away.
Regardless, bottom line is, SHE HAS THE RIGHT TO KNOW. If you made a commitment to marry her, it means plain and simple that other women are out of the picture. Be a man and honor the commitment you made with her. You can't pick and chose when to honor it or not. You either are faithful or you are not, there's no grey area.
If you don't follow the commitment you've made, she has the right to know. And then decide what she feels about it and how to deal with it.


Dec 20, 2010
Not all women think the same. As a woman, I'd say tell her. Some women are stupid or emotionally (or financially) dependent enough to forgive. If you have young children, that might help you too.
I personally wouldn't forgive and much less forget, for all the reasons already listed on the previous replies. I'm just saying that I see it happening a lot; some women just don't have the courage to walk away.
Regardless, bottom line is, SHE HAS THE RIGHT TO KNOW. If you made a commitment to marry her, it means plain and simple that other women are out of the picture. Be a man and honor the commitment you made with her. You can't pick and chose when to honor it or not. You either are faithful or you are not, there's no grey area.
If you don't follow the commitment you've made, she has the right to know. And then decide what she feels about it and how to deal with it.
And who are you? I bet a women whose husband confessed to her and now you've gotten a nice big settlement - right? Don't listen to this advice at all and don't tell your wife anything as if you did it would be a very big mistake.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
Married men should always assume that their wives are sleeping around on them, so that they don't feel guilty about having sex with SPs. Because, in all honesty, she probably is.


Jun 6, 2009
Married men should always assume that their wives are sleeping around on them, so that they don't feel guilty about having sex with SPs. Because, in all honesty, she probably is.
Another gem from a single guy who wouldn't know what to say to a women without a C-note clutched in his fist. You, Winstar, zardoz, and PUA are four of a kind. The last three are history, so hey, maybe nature will take its course.

Frank Ricard

New member
Apr 26, 2011
You're a wise woman. :)

that has always been my stance.
Don't tell her. Ignorance really is bliss.
As much as I do what I do .... I am still a woman. I know that a lot of men (and yes - a lot of women) stray from their relationships and I understand that every relationship has its complexities and there are often understandable reasons why one party may stray....

but at the end of the day ~ regardless of what I understand (because of what I've seen and heard during my time working in this little word).... I'd be hurt if I found out my significant other was partaking in the services of someone like me. If I'm with someone who loves me but strays... I would just hope he respects me enough to hide it from me and those who know me. I don't want to look or feel like a fool.

Just protect her from it. You aren't a bad person for having seen escorts - she likely will not understand. Women and men really do have differences between how they do or don't compartmentalize sex and love. Telling her may clear your conscience but it may very-well cause her pain.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Another gem from a single guy who wouldn't know what to say to a women without C-note clutched in his fist. You, Winstar, zardoz, and PUA are four of a kind. The last three are history, so hey, maybe nature will take its course.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
Another gem from a single guy who wouldn't know what to say to a women without a C-note clutched in his fist. You, Winstar, zardoz, and PUA are four of a kind. The last three are history, so hey, maybe nature will take its course.
You sound insecure.


Jun 6, 2009
You sound insecure.
Another gem. How so?

I'm so insecure I've been successfully self employed for the better part of 30+ years. No one else to blame and no one else to pass the buck to If I don't do a good job I don't get any more work. If I screw up I can get sued and black listed in the marketplace.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
Oh sure, but how are things at the homestead? Have you been keeping the old lady sexually satisfied? Is she attractive?

What would happen if I met her and I didn't have a C-note in hand? I'd be a blabbering fool and she'd kick me to the curb?
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