PS3 or XBOX 360?


Sep 1, 2009
PS3 - has a blu-ray player and integrated wireless

Xbox360 has a only dvd player and a smaller harddrive with no wireless. once you pay 60-70+ for an xbox wirless adapter. its the same price
May 22, 2008
really the value u get in a ps3 kills the xbox. but value to every is different. personally i got a ps3. some people buy whichever console for different reasons.

1)loyalty to brand
3)certain exclusive GT5 or Forza.

1)cant really help u decide.
2)you want a blu-ray for movies or not. i dont even own a blu-ray movie or have a HDTV so doesnt mean much but nice to have if i eventually get into it.
3)i've always preferred the playstation exclusives.
4)its basically almost the same..though i feel the only thing that makes the difference on price is the fact that xbox live cost money. i think if you bought all the accessories for both systems it will run up the same minus the blu-ray.

i think...ps3=winner

or the wii! dont forget about them. i'd want a wii


New member
Apr 26, 2009
My guess is that the poster was referring to the maker of the consoles & their country of origin. Sony is Japanese, Microsoft American. Some may believe that Sony builds their consoles with the Japanese market in mind, while Microsoft has the North American market in mind. A theory, nothing more.

Reminds me of the car industry debates i would hear a decade or so ago. Are Japanese cars better built than American cars? The answer was & remains a resounding yes. Are we seeing the same thing when it comes to gaming consoles?
That's what i meant but i guess it came out the wrong way.
HD DVD died because no one was buying them. Blu-ray won.
And in my opinion the ps3 is a bit better because of the harddrive. It's so easy to upgrade and the 360 harddrive can't be upgraded unless you buy Microsoft's specific drives.


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
I got a PS3. Personaly for me it's the best value for your buck. Even if you are just into the gaming part, being able to play online for free on the PS3 sold me. I get bored of playing the computer after a while.

Question: for all you PS3 users, what type of speakers do you have hooked up?
I was thinking the easiest and cheapest way would be to buy computer speakers that hookup to USB, but are there any speakers that are linked by USB?
Was just in Best Buy and didnt see any that indicates a USB hookup. Is your only option to get a home theatre system and hook it up to the audio receiver?
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!


New member
Dec 22, 2009
I have both. I had an XBox for about 3 years, had it replaced once due to the red ring. I also recently bought one of the new slim PS3's with a 160 GB drive. It was cheaper than the Sony Blu-Ray player I was considering buying.

One thing I like about the PS3 is it takes only a few seconds to start the system up and play the game vs several minutes on my PS2. I think the interface is better too.

Graphics on the other hand seem a lot better on the XBox. I have Madden 2008 on my XBox and Madden 2009 on my PS3. The Godfather on my XBox, and Godfather II on my PS3. Both XBox games have better looking graphics than the PS3 games, but that might be the graphic engines used in the games more than the systems itself. Although compared to my PC the graphics on both systems are a bit outdated. Hopefully newer consoles come out in a year or too.

Blu-Ray's play great on my PS3, but I wouldn't want to use it without purchasing the Blu-Ray controller.

The game controllers for both are about the same, but I like the feel of the XBox's better. The PS3's seems a bit too small in my hands. I have played with the Wii and wish that the XBox and PS3's had a similar controller.
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