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PS3 or XBOX 360?

May 22, 2008
i personally recently bought a ps3 about a month ago. i love it. its the best thing ever. though im bias i guess since i dont have a xbox to compare it with. like here are my pros and cons

xbox pros:
xbox live community. this was such a huge factor that kept me thinking about getting an xbox. there is basically no other reason why i would have considered getting an xbox other than the huge community.

xbox cons:
where do i start? bad ring of blu-ray...ugly design...the list really can go on.

ps3 pros:
blu-ray, great design

ps3 cons:
not a huge community

i know my pros and cons are a little vague. one thing i should note is that i never considered price in this situation. if you honestly have a problem with cash, you should stick with a wii or a handheld. if your having a cost issue, and u still want one of the premium systems...look for craigslist, i got my ps3 for $295 for an 80gb and no tax...crazy deal. you can find some gems out there...but you can also get screwed too. cost really shouldnt be a factor because really...what you dont pay for the xbox'll end up paying for xbox live. now a days...if you really want to take advantage of a console..playing online adds to the experience. and even if you dont play online..the thought of the frequent "red ring of death" should be enough to balance the cost equation.

i must say, at the end of the was really hard to turn away from the large online community. but you have to understand what you're getting with the ps3. you're getting way more. the cost to produce a ps3 over an xbox is like double. sony loses money for every console they sell because they want to make it back on games and peripherals. having a blu-ray is huge considering where we are heading with movies. GET WITH THE 21st CENTURY! i hope this helps.

Doc Holliday

The One & Only
Mar 11, 2004
I own an XBox 360 & it's a great console. Live gaming on this console is miles ahead of the PS3 in that aspect. While i'd appreciate having the option to add a blu ray drive, it's no big deal. You also get a free HDMI cable with the XBox 360 Elite system. You have to purchase it separately if you chose the PS3, and costs are around $50-60.

But what has been a disappointment with the XBox 360 is the overheating problem, causing the infamous 'Red Rings of Death', causing the console to be unusable unless you send it to the factory for repairs. Yes, Microsoft has extended the warranty for this problem & it takes less than a week for the console to be shipped, fixed & returned (often they ship a new system to you), but still, you never know when you'll wind up with this problem. It's a design flaw caused by the company to hurry the release of the console, but i was told that if i bought a later generation XBox 360 (such as the 'Elite'), i likely wouldn't get the problem. But i did!!! One guy i know had this problem happen to him twice!!! A friend of mine just had it happen to him the other day, even though he had purchased one of those fans that you connect to your system to add ventilation to it.

What will happen when the warranty period ends & your console winds up with the RR of death again? Will people want to fork up extra money to get their consoles shipped to the factory, considering the fact they'll now have to pay for both shipping & repairs? With people winding up with quite a collection of XBox 360 games, it'll almost be a must since the games they bought will go to waste if they chose to switch to either a PS3 or WWi system.

So here's what i recommend: if online gaming (e.g. XBox Live) is a must for you, go with the XBox console & cross your fingers. Make sure you purchase a newer model of the console (e.g. Xbox 360 Elite) and get yourself those fans that you connect at the back of the machine. They're usually under $20. The drawback is that they're a bit loud, but they cool down the system considerably and will reduce the odds of overheating the console. The newer models now consist of settings that detect if the temperature inside the console starts warming up & the fans will only start then. Also make sure that you allow the console to be in a non-cramped area so that it permits good ventilation. Here's a site i found with very helpful tips, including putting your machine upside down (if you chose to put it vertical) & why:

Finally, if 'online gaming' is NOT important to you, i'd suggest you stick with the PS3. I've yet to hear of overheating problems with the PS3, and you'll have peace-of-mind.
May 22, 2008
one thing i must add about the fans. i was looking into the fans in the past and some problems came up. i dont know exactly how true it is but i've just been doing a lot of research since i got my new system. apparently the fans may not be that good and is maybe even worst for your system. reason is, they were simply built to fit the vent area of the system without doing some proper research. apparently most systems are designed like a river and it goes one way. meaning that the air goes in the the system one ends and is directed in a flow to another. the fans that you might buy are not designed for this and is basically just a strap-on fan and was noted that it can make it worst for your system if you have one. really dont know how true this is, but my real point is just to do your research.



Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
PS3 rocks, great games, blu-ray, build in HD on all systems, quality build...


Doc Holliday

The One & Only
Mar 11, 2004
onthebottom said:
PS3 rocks, great games, blu-ray, build in HD on all systems, quality build...
I agree. But their online gaming network stinks. :mad:
May 22, 2008
i guess at the end of the day, u need to decide what's more important to everything else....problem is such a huge selling point. and its not like xbox is that far behind in design than ps3. but the biggest problem is the fatal error on xbox. comes down to personal preference.

Doc Holliday

The One & Only
Mar 11, 2004
soulsphere said:
its not like xbox is that far behind in design than ps3. but the biggest problem is the fatal error on xbox. comes down to personal preference.
Quite true. I've heard the percentage of later XBox 360 models having problems is low. I don't know how true this is. I have an XBox 360 Elite & i also got the rings of death. I was sent a brand new machine & was told it likely wouldn't happen again. So far, so good. I've decided to reinstall my cooling fans just to be on the safe side. However, a guy i know had the rings of death problem twice. Most sites i've found mention the cooling fans are really good, but i've found 1 or 2 articles which state they don't help. But like i said, the overwhelming majority of articles i read said they can't hurt.

It's quite possible that Microsoft has finally resolved the overheating issue. If they haven't yet, theyr'e totally stupid. So i'll give them the benefit of the doubt.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Yeah the ring of death or their heatsink is the problem with the xbox360.
A couple of friends and i have had it. One friend bought a ps3 after his 360 died on him.
I got my ps3 on launch day, it hasn't given me any problems.


cum again
Sep 4, 2006
Near DT
I too have bought my PS3 one month after the launch date and no problems. However the next gen PS3 with the 80GB or limited edition 160GB won't be/fully backward compatable. As the parts are lighter or limited material.

I like going to the video store to rent Blu-Rays as most people don't have the option of having a BR machine or PS3.Alot of extra's to watch instead of the single disc DVD after hundreds of renters, the disc are scratched up.

Even the next gen stuff are not up to stuff. When the Wii launched Super Smash Bros. Warning signs across the world? The Wii machine can't read the disc and need to send your machine back to the manufacteur. Or clean your machine.
Hell my bro, had his PS3 trouble a used 80GB with the Wii problem and he sent it in and Wollah, a brand spanking new PS3 80GB within the week.

Sadly all the great games will be coming out early next year.
Drake's Adventure 2,Final Fantasy XIII,Heavy Rain and God of War III.

Even the Wii has the newer sequels...WTF?Dead Space and Resident EVil on the Wii?!

Xbox is going with Net flix service. Never with Blu-Ray player. That will be too wrong. Messing with the competitor next gen ideas.
May 22, 2008
sooo...ps3...massive price drop...$ can get the new version of it which is slim which comes with 120gb. in early september...the 360 CANT compete now. in my opinion. the blu-ray alone is worth the buy at roughly around $350 for the console.


Jun 6, 2009
soulsphere said:
sooo...ps3...massive price drop...$ can get the new version of it which is slim which comes with 120gb. in early september...the 360 CANT compete now. in my opinion. the blu-ray alone is worth the buy at roughly around $350 for the console.
Just about to ask about this as I heard part of the story on the tele. Is the new price down by $100 or to $100. I wondered what was about to happen when they started to give massive discounts last months with trade in games.

The only thing I heard about expecting to use it as a blue ray player is that there is a drop off in sounds quality when compared to dedicated units, but maybe only dogs can here it and not us regular humans.
May 22, 2008
blackrock13 said:
Just about to ask about this as I heard part of the story on the tele. Is the new price down by $100 or to $100. I wondered what was about to happen when they started to give massive discounts last months with trade in games.

The only thing I heard about expecting to use it as a blue ray player is that there is a drop off in sounds quality when compared to dedicated units, but maybe only dogs can here it and not us regular humans.
its suppose to drop $100 american. but im assuming its dropping $100 canadian too. i find it rare that they would take into account the exchange rate and all. so the $399 system will be $299. the $399 system b4 was 80gb..which i had and bought 2 months ago...but luckily i got it through a dealer for $295 flat so i dont feel its been a great console since i got it. some of the games look amazing.

i wouldnt be surprised if there was a drop in sound quality but i doubt it. and even if so, im sure its really not noticeable. like i have a 47 inch non-HDTV. and even though the games and everything looks amazing...i kinda prefer the HD cause i've seen it on HD. but there is always going to be some bigger and better out there. in regards to sound...i use the tv speakers..and it sound i dont have surround sound and if i did im sure it would be amazing. but sure they wouldnt put out a product if its was crap...its not really sony's thing to do. they may have someone that may produce something better...but that doesnt mean they didnt have their best work put out. im sure sony knows...the second they put out something shit...its going to go downhill....all sony really has is a brand name and they cant tarnish that. with the innovations these days, many products from many companies are comparable. all my stuff is sony just because of brand recognition and trust over the years. really..if there ever was a time to get a ps3...its now. 300 bucks for a blu-ray player? that only is worth it. you can surf the web on it..though it aint the greatest....but atleast u can. u can view photos..listen to with friends on long the amazing games they have....i was happy i waited 3 years for the ps3...there is just soo many games to play. it help me kick my world of warcraft addiction which is nice....sold my world of warcraft account for $1200!!! yeah!


Oct 12, 2005
A truly glorious day for those of us who patiently waited for the price drop on the PS3. I will be waiting til September to pick up the slimmer version. My friend bought a 360 about a year ago, i relished the feeling of rubbing this into his face, these last few days.:D
May 22, 2008
to be honest...i didnt like the way that it looks. the only real thing you get from slim is this:
extra 40gb on harddrive
sync with bravia tv if you have...basically if you turn off your tv ur ps3 will turn off too. lol
roughly 33% less energy and 33% less weight and is about half the size. they rumour that its less noise...but i was are they talking about? i dont hear anything with my current ps3.

if you need the extra space or you travel with ur ps3 a lot...go for the slim.
if you care about how it one now b4 they run out of the old model. the new ps3 is kinda hella ugly.


New member
Jan 29, 2009
Doc Holliday said:
I agree. But their online gaming network stinks. :mad:
They really got miles in front.
I used to own the 360, and love online play. I got the 3 lights of death, long story short, they kept it for 3 months, and refused to refund me the 10x3=30$ for online access. Got pissed off, sold everything and bought a PS3. Online system back then was shite, you could not access the PS3 menu from in game, network laggy, PS network had 2 demos on etc...
Now the PS3 online support and experience i would say is as good as it was when i last tried xbox live 1 year ago.

The only gripe i have with the ps3 is the outdated controller and the lack of as many games as the PS3.

But in the last 2 years i saved 240$ on stupid xbox live. I think that alone was worth it

Doc Holliday

The One & Only
Mar 11, 2004
mymojosup said:
I got the 3 lights of death, long story short, they kept it for 3 months, and refused to refund me the 10x3=30$ for online access.

The only gripe i have with the ps3 is the outdated controller and the lack of as many games as the PS3.
I'm surprised. It took me just a couple of days to get mine back. Same with a couple of friends of mine. But what they sent us back were brand new systems.

As for the PS3's controller, i agree totally. That's one of the reasons why i went with the Xbox 360. I love their controllers, and hate the PS3's controllers.
May 22, 2008
Doc Holliday said:
I'm surprised. It took me just a couple of days to get mine back. Same with a couple of friends of mine. But what they sent us back were brand new systems.

As for the PS3's controller, i agree totally. That's one of the reasons why i went with the Xbox 360. I love their controllers, and hate the PS3's controllers.
i dont have a problem with the controllers. never really noticed a real difference when i played the xbox or ps. like obviously they arent the same...but i never really thought about what was better.

i've never seen xbox live so i cant comment and compare that service to the psn.

i think the reality is that now with the price drop. the value of the ps3 is just sooo high not to notice.

anyone see the new batman game? looks insane. i have mine reserve to pick up on tuesday


New member
Apr 26, 2009
299$ for ps3 slim that's total win right there

i have to say i like the playstation 3, it's a classic since playstation 1
though i have to say 360 controllers were made for white guys and the playstation controllers for asians. no offense.

but one thing i despise about the 360 controller is the d-pad, it's so bad.


Sep 20, 2005
i do love the xbox (funny cuz im asian)
but they do die really easily. I'm on my 3rd 360.
the first one got the red ring and the 2nd the disk reader stopped working.
ps3 for durability
360 for better games

Doc Holliday

The One & Only
Mar 11, 2004
vivalapanocha said:
WTF ??? So what do the latino's and blacks use for controllers?
My guess is that the poster was referring to the maker of the consoles & their country of origin. Sony is Japanese, Microsoft American. Some may believe that Sony builds their consoles with the Japanese market in mind, while Microsoft has the North American market in mind. A theory, nothing more.

Reminds me of the car industry debates i would hear a decade or so ago. Are Japanese cars better built than American cars? The answer was & remains a resounding yes. Are we seeing the same thing when it comes to gaming consoles?
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