Priya at Pickering Angels


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2011
Just got back from a session with Priya. Loved it! And to think it started off with some serious misgivings, too. For the first time ever, I was forced to wait in the waiting area even though I had arrived precisely at the time I had booked. To make things worse, there were other people sitting there staring fixedly at their phones and avoiding eye contact with each other. Well fuck that. After checking to make sure none of em looked like my neighbour's douchebag son, who would rat me out to the wife in a heartbeat even if it meant admitting he was there too, I said "Howdy" to the room. "Grumble grumble" is pretty much what I got back. "Well fuck you," I thought to meself, "You're no better than me, with your long pants and fancier-than-my phones and all. In fact, I'm the ugliest bastard in this room, so you just keep sitting there pretending not to be chewing over the fact that you are paying to get your jollies just like that fat middle aged fucker who dared to say hi in a room full of punters." Anyways, tough crowd. Where was I?

...oh right. The session. It started late and I was a bit put off. But that lasted about 1 millisecond after Priya walked in. She's tiny, slim, pretty, and even at the end of what was no doubt a long day, bubbly and fun. She has a great touch, takes direction well, and was happy to indulge me in a footjob as part of the festivities. And so VERY much the opposite of a clock watcher, at the end of the session she insisted I pay only for 30 minutes even though I had booked 45, seeing as I was forced to wait for the start and didn't stay for a full 45. Receptionist was nice about it too and willing to accept the reduced session fee too, so kudos to PA all around on that one.

Anyways, Priya in short: Helluva nice gal, pretty, fun, and full of sexy energy even at the end of the day. I look forward to repeating next time I'm in the area. The rest of you motherfuckers steer clear of me in the waiting room though, I'm through being friendly to you surly perverts.
My session with her was pretty much the same as well. I found her a little bit chubby compared to Aria. I think Aria is actually lighter. Website list Priya at 85 pounds and Aria at 100.
She is also a very fun girl to play with.


Apr 9, 2018
My session with her was pretty much the same as well. I found her a little bit chubby compared to Aria. I think Aria is actually lighter. Website list Priya at 85 pounds and Aria at 100.
She is also a very fun girl to play with.
On Website, they only add that data once.


New member
Apr 26, 2018
I saw Priya a few weeks ago. Shes a tiny but sexy girl. Her finish is amazing with lots of headplay. She had me throbbing so much with her light touch


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
She is amazingly so much of fun to be with. But I now see that she is only working out of LaVilla Spa. Maybe, she will be back and forth between the two spas.
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