I remember when they caught the man who murdered young Holly Jones. They discovered he was a porn addict.
Conclusion: All porn addicts are potentially murderers of young girls.
Isn't that a ridiculous conclusion?
We are not talking about watching porn, this kid is actively sexually assaulting women at a young age. This is so far beyond a teenage porn addiction.
He is even continuing his assaults after his photo was released in the news and given to the police.
Obviously his need to commit sexual assaults is overriding his fear of getting caught, meaning he cannot control his overpowering compulsions.
Sexually assaulting women in a serial manner is not just about sexual gratification. If it was, he would not be risking his freedom to continue to do this. There are darker psychological issues at play here.
He is spending time in more remote areas like trails to seek out a victim who is alone and isolated, this shows predatory intent.
This may get him off for now but what happens when it doesn't anymore and he gets bored and feels invincible?
If he isn't caught and doesn't get help as well as face consequences, do you honestly think he will not escalate?