Crime tourists: Organized burglary gangs are wintering in Canada and ransacking homes
'Theft groups enter Canada shortly after DST ends and return home to their countries in the spring after they’ve committed crime'
Oh to be in Singapore. Those mother fuckers would have been thoroughly caned by now.Probably already out on bail.
An then pull five or six more inditable offences, paying no notice of any bail conditons, and only then think about skipping back out of the country.Probably already out on bail.
Hang them
Crime tourists: Organized burglary gangs are wintering in Canada and ransacking homes
'Theft groups enter Canada shortly after DST ends and return home to their countries in the spring after they’ve committed crime'nationalpost.com
I disagree, invite the media from their home country to come record them being put in front of a wall and shot. Won't take long before this becomes a thing of the pastHang them
Why is shooting or hanging such a popular option. Being strung up with one's hands tied behind you and being castrated while your shoulders dislocate, would be much more of a deterrent. Or not. But it would at least give some kind of emotional recompense.I disagree, invite the media from their home country to come record them being put in front of a wall and shot. Won't take long before this becomes a thing of the past
Caning is based on operant conditioning which is sound psychology. BUT I have never seen any studies to see if it reduced recidivism. I am not opposed to it for violent crimes. In fact I would have a machine do the caning and give the victim the option of pushing the button!!! I would also hand out sentences that would give maybe 12 strokes and suspend 10. So they know those 10 strokes are waiting for them if they offend again. Of course if it does not reduce the recidivism rate then I would cancel it.Oh to be in Singapore. Those mother fuckers would have been thoroughly caned by now.
Liberals happened.What's happened to the good old days when hottie immigrant young ladies would come here just to work and make extra cash from us pervy fuckers to bring back home
Fuck all that nonsense...bullet in the head fixes the problem. Once again....Canada, soft on crime.. pathetic.Caning is based on operant conditioning which is sound psychology. BUT I have never seen any studies to see if it reduced recidivism. I am not opposed to it for violent crimes. In fact I would have a machine do the caning and give the victim the option of pushing the button!!! I would also hand out sentences that would give maybe 12 strokes and suspend 10. So they know those 10 strokes are waiting for them if they offend again. Of course if it does not reduce the recidivism rate then I would cancel it.
It's the neocon Repugs and Conservatives that interfere in people's bedrooms not the Libs. Try again.Liberals happened.
I believe @Bucktee was referring to the Liberal party of Canada’s very solid reputation of being Soft on Crime.It's the neocon Repugs and Conservatives that interfere in people's bedrooms not the Libs. Try again.
I know what he was referring to, but I will never pass up an opportunity to slap the conservatives back.I believe @Bucktee was referring to the Liberal party of Canada’s very solid reputation of being Soft on Crime.
Interesting, as I am not aware of studies per se either. I too an curious. But I will say - crime in general in Singapore is miniscule.Caning is based on operant conditioning which is sound psychology. BUT I have never seen any studies to see if it reduced recidivism. I am not opposed to it for violent crimes. In fact I would have a machine do the caning and give the victim the option of pushing the button!!! I would also hand out sentences that would give maybe 12 strokes and suspend 10. So they know those 10 strokes are waiting for them if they offend again. Of course if it does not reduce the recidivism rate then I would cancel it.