account of an australian for a drug offence.
This is how you deal with a drug dealer. Caution, the video is a whopper.
In the video a man is shown tied to a post with multiple lacerations on his back.
"In the video the man is shown tied to a wooden post with red tape.
He has multiple lacerations to the back and can be heard begging for his life.
He is heard to say: ‘Stop please! I’ll say what you need. I will call another drug dealer and he will arrive with drugs’.
The torture was carried out by a militant identified as ‘Olkhon’ in the town of Communar, Donetsk Oblast, in Southern Ukraine.
Olkhon, who comes from the Russian city of Novosibirsk, accuses the man of having a drug dealer’s number on his phone.
He says: ‘Drug dealers and junkies please come here to us, we have a way to deal with people like you. Come to us and we will cure all of you’.
He adds that the man will be slaughtered like a dog.
‘See how he has p****d and s*** himself. He thinks we will have some mercy on him, but we will kill him,’ he says.
The man is reportedly missing and feared dead."