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PM Harper pockets the "Host" during communion


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
lookingforitallthetime said:
I wasn't spinning anything. I was referring to a Prime Minister that I considered an embarrasment. He happened to talk out of the side of his mouth but that was not where the embarrassment lies.

Believe it or not, I don't give a shit what you or your new little buddy think either way.
Good, now I can sleep well tonight.

lookingforitallthetime said:
Actually Harper speaks French fairly well and has improved his pronounciation considerable over the years. He felt it was important that he be able to communicate effectively in both official languages and worked hard to reach that goal. Of course, he gets no credit for it.

As for Chretien, he has the ability to make both French and English ears cringe. This is common knowledge.

Funny story. Shortly after Trudeau gave him the Indian Affairs cabinet post someone commented on Chretien's poor English. Trudeau replied; "You think his English is bad you should hear his French!".
Your partisanship is overtaking your common sense.

I couldn't care less if Harper spoke not a word of french, and obviously Chretien
spoke good enough in both languages to shut out the conservatives for 10 years,
agaist such formidable opponents as Kim Cambell and Joe Clark.

I maintain that Chretien deserves much admiration for having reached the highest
offivce of the land with a serious speech impediment.


Nov 26, 2008
On A Psycho Holiday
lookingforitallthetime said:
Hopefully I can sleep tonight with this hanging over my head.

I'm still waiting for your explanation on how mentioning the difference in the Lord's Prayer is bigotry.

In the meantime, fuck you asshole.
You made derogatory remarks about someones impediments, that is bigoted!

Then you make derogatory comments in the form of jokes. You are a piece of shit plain and simple!

A hardy fuck you asshole right back.

Run along now peewee, you irritate me, and besides I'm sure you wanna get to 10,000 posts before the end of the year.


CapitalGuy said:
They are right to kick up a bit of a fuss though, as one of the very basic tenets of their faith has been violated.
No they bloody well do NOT have the right to kick up a fuss. About what? The lack of knowledge of somebody from outside their faith as to the correct procedure? What a load of baloney. People make little mistakes all the time. Relax. Don't be a bunch of drama queens.

I was in a religious service once as an outsider, and I found out later I did several things unknowingly that were faux pas. So? I couldn't care less. If it's so damn important to them then they should make sure outsiders either don't get in, or are firmly told the rules. Pretty simple.

And in fact, most people are NOT offended in these situation: the press just likes to blow these things out of all proportion, because they need a steady diet of scandal and drama to keep the presses rolling.


Nov 26, 2008
On A Psycho Holiday
johnhenrygalt said:
Only to people who don't understand French. French is my mother tongue, and I have no problems understanding Mr Harper's French. It is not perfect, but it is certainly intelligible.
French is your mother tongue and you think he speaks French well? The French language press sure doesn't think so nor my SO who is French lmao.....:rolleyes:


Nov 26, 2008
On A Psycho Holiday
burt-oh-my! said:
No they bloody well do NOT have the right to kick up a fuss. About what? The lack of knowledge of somebody from outside their faith as to the correct procedure? What a load of baloney. People make little mistakes all the time. Relax. Don't be a bunch of drama queens.

And in fact, most people are NOT offended in these situation: the press just likes to blow these things out of all proportion, because they need a steady diet of scandal and drama to keep the presses rolling.
The problem is that it is a the Eucharist is at core of Catholic belief so naturally they are going to get upset. I am no fan of the Church or any religion but nor do I like people who bash peoples beliefs, it makes them just as ignorant as the Church they despise.


Well, if it is so important, then they should do something to prevent mistakes. Give newcomers a sheet with dos and don'ts. Or have people there to enforce the rules. Or make it a closed shop to outsiders.

I thiink going to a religious funeral is fine, even if it isn't your faith. but i would never think of participating in rituals I don't believe in. Just stay seated. Unless that too is a fuax pas!

I hate this whole getting hung up on little rituals and rules nonsense. If you order fish you need white wine. Bah! I like red wine with fish.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
lookingforitallthetime said: not add "for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever and ever" at the end of the Lord's prayer. ;)
It would be polite to do so. But theologicaly the doxology at the end of the Lord's Prayer is of far, far, far less importance than the continued use of the filioque clause in the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed.
Mar 19, 2006
johnhenrygalt said:
Only to people who don't understand French. French is my mother tongue, and I have no problems understanding Mr Harper's French. It is not perfect, but it is certainly intelligible.
Yes, and his pronounciation has improved. He's made an effort to improve his French, something Dion didn't think was worthy of any effort related to his English.

Hadrian is a troll, don't waste your breath.
Mar 19, 2006
Hadrian said:
You made derogatory remarks about someones impediments, that is bigoted!
No, I did not.

Hadrian said:
Then you make derogatory comments in the form of jokes.
This is the third time I've asked you to point out the bigotry. All you've been able to come up with so far is; "Then you make derogatory comments in the form of jokes. You are a piece of shit plain and simple! Run along now peewee, you irritate me, and besides I'm sure you wanna get to 10,000 posts before the end of the year."

I guess you have no argument, just allegations.

Hadrian said:
A hardy fuck you asshole right back.
Drop dead troll.


New member
Oct 13, 2008
who cares, he wasn't catholic, he shoudn't of been there in the first place, religion and politics shouldn't mix IMO
Mar 19, 2006
Aardvark154 said:
It would be polite to do so. But theologicaly the doxology at the end of the Lord's Prayer is of far, far, far less importance than the continued use of the filioque clause in the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed.
I don't know what that is but my point was both are stupid things to get worked up over.


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
Hadrian said:
French is your mother tongue and you think he speaks French well?
No - but he seems to speak French better than you understand English.

Let me summarize to the slow of learning like yourself>

1. Mr Harper speaks French
2. He does not speak it well.
3. His French IS intelligible.

Again, for the slow of learning, there is a chasm between "unintelligible" and "speaking well". Mr Harper's French is in the middle.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Why Not? said:
I once saw someone get ill and throw up immediately after receiving communion. The priest stopped the mass, got a cloth, recovered the host from the church floor and took it away to dispose of it in some appropriate way. (I don't know what.) He was very concerned that it had ended up on the floor and took extraordinary measures to get it back.

Only Catholics who have previously received 2 of the other sacraments (baptism and confirmation) are allowed to receive communion.

If he is a Catholic, and did consume the wafer rather than keeping it in his pocket, he did nothing wrong. Sounds like he could have made it look better though.
Great answer... but let me add... what they do, is burn the host/wafer, and the cloth that picked it up. I too was an altarboy LOL. (if they could only see me now!! LOL)

And to clarify, the catholic would need 2 of the 3 sacraments of initiation, (baptism, and holy eucharist/communion). They would also need the sacrament of penance/confession. Confirmation (the last sacrament of initiation) would come later in life (unless you are baptized as an adult, where you get all 4 sacraments at once, usually on the night before Easter Sunday.

OMG... the priests would be so proud I still remember all that. Hey, any one of them on here too?? LOL And yes, I also see the irony of sounding so preachy right now!! Jeeez... sorry about that! LOL


New member
Sep 6, 2008
johnhenrygalt said:
IMO the proper etiquette for non-Catholics attending a Catholic service is the following: stand when everyone stands; sit when others sit; remain sitting when the congregation kneels; do not cross oneself; participate in the hand-shaking sign of peace; and do not line up to receive communion.
Sorry JHG, but the etiquette aint a matter of "opinion". When they stand, you stand, when sitting, you sit, when kneeling, you can either stand or kneel.. but not sit. What Harper did (stand instead of kneeling, is perfectly fine). And as for the whole communion thing... if he didnt know.. then eating the host is perfectly ok. If he pocketed it, then he should have asked the priest what to do with it after the service (as was already mentioned here before). OR, he could have lined up, crossed his arms, and asked for a blessing (which is also a perfectly acceptable action). Being a leader of a large country, he SHOULD have know this, for services IN his country, and for potential services outside the country, when this would be MUCH more of an issue.

Also, the priest has the obligation NOT to give the host to someone he knows shouldnt get it (whether a non-christian/christian) or a catholic in mortal sin. and if in doubt, he should ask the person, if he is ready to get communion, and offer a blessing instead if he/she aint.

I am pretty sure its common knowledge that Harper is NOT catholic, so, I do have to lay some of this at the priests feet here, and say that the priest should have AT LEAST let Harper know that a blessing would be more appropriate, either before the communion started (as a general announcement to the whole congregation present), or one-on-one when Harper arrived at the head of the line.

In the end, it is as sheik said... a bit of a mountain out of a molehill.


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
Omnius said:
Sorry JHG
No need to apologize.

but the etiquette aint a matter of "opinion".
Etiquette is always a matter of opinion.

When they stand, you stand, when sitting, you sit, when kneeling, you can either stand or kneel.. but not sit.
This is not correct. One definitely can sit when the others kneel; no one will prevent you from doing so.


Dec 25, 2006
As a kid going to Catholic school, there was a story passed around about someone who pocketed the communion host, took it home, stabbed it with a knife, and the host started bleeding.

Maybe Harper wanted to know if this story was true :cool:


Jun 6, 2009
It's the aids fault again. today Harper said his incorrect comments about Ignatief were a result of incorrect information given him by another wayward aid. i smell another job opening up soon . Any takers?
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