Please join me in celebrating Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee anniversary.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
So now polls aren't worth anything now that they go against what you claimed, interesting. Now you're trying to weigh anonymous polls accoeding to IQ, which of course you can do; desperate much. You dissed the monarchy and now you're dissing democracy. If your shovel brakes I'll give you another one.
my shovel is full of shit and I'm spoonfeeding you with it, guvnah!


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
if you asked the person on the street. Do the royals have any signifacance to to your everday life...we would know tha answer would be a huge majority.of no...if you asked the question , do they have a positive influence in society, you may get a different answer.....polls are polls.....the fact of the matter most people could careless about them, until they come to canada....then there is a big fuss over i said before, they are handy substitutes for Holly wood celebrities...but let,s face it..they really are useless, unless you have a yacht to christen or a park to open...


New member
Jan 19, 2006
if you asked the person on the street. Do the royals have any signifacance to to your everday life...we would know tha answer would be a huge majority.of no...if you asked the question , do they have a positive influence in society, you may get a different answer.
You almost certainly would, provided those being polled had a modicum of intelligence.

the fact of the matter most people could careless about them, until they come to canada....then there is a big fuss over them.
Well not entirely true, but ok.

they are handy substitutes for Holly wood celebrities.
Not at all, all one need due is look at how actors and actresses behave in the presence of Royalty. We may joke particularly on TERB about how an actress is "to die for" not many of us though actually are willing to.


Jun 6, 2009
if you asked the person on the street. Do the royals have any signifacance to to your everday life...we would know tha answer would be a huge majority.of no...if you asked the question , do they have a positive influence in society, you may get a different answer.....polls are polls.....the fact of the matter most people could careless about them, until they come to canada....then there is a big fuss over i said before, they are handy substitutes for Holly wood celebrities...but let,s face it..they really are useless, unless you have a yacht to christen or a park to open...
apparently not, damn facts


Republicans point out that Australia is on its way to becoming a republic. Republicanism became fever-pitch in Australia recently as it was the pet-project of a previous prime-minister. After a divisive debate, the Australians voted against a republic in November 1999.
The only other Commonwealth nations contemplating republics are Jamaica and Barbados. However, there is no real evidence that the majority of these nations' population favour such a move.

The fact that2 Billion people watched the last Royal weding tells me that a lot of people throughout the world were interested in what was going on. Even in the USA, a republic, 23 million got up early to watch the wedding. I believe the recent Super Bowl average just over 100 million, mostly in the US, obviously. You wouldn't say that no one is really interested in the Super Bowl.

I'd love to see any real facts that support your claims, other than just your opinion, now that we've seen two of them are very wrong.


The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
After almost 300 posts on this thread, it seems like some people are just repeating themselves ad naseum. No one has anything new to say, no new revelations are on the horizon, just an infernal merry go round that no one will stop.

Next time this comes up, maybe it should be moved to the political forum, people seem to like repeating themselves over and over again there!


Jun 6, 2009
After almost 300 posts on this thread, it seems like some people are just repeating themselves ad naseum. No one has anything new to say, no new revelations are on the horizon, just an infernal merry go round that no one will stop.

Next time this comes up, maybe it should be moved to the political forum, people seem to like repeating themselves over and over again there!
Please find the previous post that commented on the viewership of the Royal wedding or the supposed desire of countries of the commonwealth wanting to get rid of the Monarchy in this thread. Somehow I don't think you will be able to.

If you're not interested there are over 6700 threads you can offer your insight to.

The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
Please find the previous post that commented on the viewership of the Royal wedding or the supposed desire of countries of the commonwealth wanting to get rid of the Monarchy in this thread. Somehow I don't think you will be able to.

If you're not interested there are over 6700 threads you can offer your insight to.
Please note that I did not quote your previous post.

I try to keep up with all posts in the forum in case I miss something interesting, but this one is just rehashing tired old arguments on both sides. Even you said at one point in this thread that there had been similar threads in the past. Why exactly do you feel the need to continue for a third time on the same topic?


Jun 6, 2009
Please note that I did not quote your previous post.

I try to keep up with all posts in the forum in case I miss something interesting, but this one is just rehashing tired old arguments on both sides. Even you said at one point in this thread that there had been similar threads in the past. Why exactly do you feel the need to continue for a third time on the same topic?
I didn't take it personally. I can only defend what I post, not others. All I'm doing now is responding to the posts of others, especially when they are wrong or misleading, not trying to keep anything going. it's not possible to allow lies like parasites and inbred comments stand unchallenged. They are just pure ignorance. When those who make those observation are asked to prove it or back them up they fall strangely silent.

The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
Please find the previous post that commented on the viewership of the Royal wedding or the supposed desire of countries of the commonwealth wanting to get rid of the Monarchy in this thread. Somehow I don't think you will be able to.

If you're not interested there are over 6700 threads you can offer your insight to.
I didn't really want to get dragged into this thread, but since you asked, I did recall you mentioning it before:

Apparently the leaders of the 50 + country in the Commonwealth feel it's not that loose nor do the citizens of same as they show up in huge numbers to greet the Royals on the visits and tuned in in numbers only matched by the Super Bowl to watch the recent wedding. If you feel that strongly get a move on to get us out of the Commonwealth and then go for a Canadian Head of State.

The following it sounds pretty official to me.


The Commonwealth is not a political union, but an intergovernmental organisation through which countries with diverse social, political, and economic backgrounds are regarded as equal in status.
Activities of the Commonwealth are carried out through the permanent Commonwealth Secretariat, headed by the Secretary-General, and biennialmeetings between Commonwealth Heads of Government. The symbol of their free association is the Head of the Commonwealth, which is a ceremonial position currently held by Queen Elizabeth II. Elizabeth II is also monarch, separately and independently, of sixteen Commonwealth members, which are known as the "Commonwealth realms".
The Commonwealth is a forum for a number of non-governmental organisations, collectively known as the Commonwealth Family, which are fostered through the intergovernmental Commonwealth Foundation. The Commonwealth Games, the Commonwealth's most visible activity,[SUP][2][/SUP] are a product of one of these organisations. These organisations strengthen the shared culture of the Commonwealth, which extends through common sports, literary heritage, and political and legal practices.[SUP][3][/SUP] Due to this, Commonwealth countries are not considered to be "foreign" to one another.[SUP][4][/SUP]Reflecting this, diplomatic missions between Commonwealth countries are designated as High Commissions rather than embassies.
It does almost seem like you take many of these threads personally, in fact too personally. I don't mean that as an insult in any way, but you seem to get yourself too involved in these back and forth arguments/discussions.

There are several posters on the board that are patently offensive to many and sometimes I can't refrain from responding to their inane posts. I know it isn't possible to change someone's opinion over the course of a few posts or threads, so I don't go banging my head against a wall each time they write more drivel. Sometimes you just have to let it go.


Jun 6, 2009
I didn't really want to get dragged into this thread, but since you asked, I did recall you mentioning it before:

It does almost seem like you take many of these threads personally, in fact too personally. I don't mean that as an insult in any way, but you seem to get yourself too involved in these back and forth arguments/discussions.

There are several posters on the board that are patently offensive to many and sometimes I can't refrain from responding to their inane posts. I know it isn't possible to change someone's opinion over the course of a few posts or threads, so I don't go banging my head against a wall each time they write more drivel. Sometimes you just have to let it go.
Well, you might have a strange definition of personal. What I don't like are people who spread lies mostly out of ignorance, bigotry, or hatred. I've been lucky to have gone through my life not being a target of such as has my immediate family, but I have known more than my share of people who's lives have been destroyed by them and I find it hard to let it go unchallenged and it's clear even in the little word of TERB that many back down and crawl away.

As for your highlighted quote, it was in response to a comment that the Commonwealth wasn't that important or even official which of course if false.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
Well, you might have a strange definition of personal. What I don't like are people who spread lies mostly out of ignorance, bigotry, or hatred. I
Thats really've assumed a strong stance expressing personal values against ignorance, hatred, bigotry etc. , however you relish the opportunity to pounce on people when they dont agree with you, by name-calling, swearing, and general attempts at belittling.. you've got quite the moral and ethical foundation that you're operating from slick.


Jun 6, 2009
Thats really've assumed a strong stance expressing personal values against ignorance, hatred, bigotry etc. , however you relish the opportunity to pounce on people when they dont agree with you, by name-calling, swearing, and general attempts at belittling.. you've got quite the moral and ethical foundation that you're operating from slick.
I don't mind people disagreeing with me and a number of members do so from time to, but the ones that do so with relative facts and logic or at least reasonable thought, don't get challenged as vigorously a those who just flame or are so off base with obvious ignorance, bigotry, or hatred. The former gets and gives respect and we do it over and over often learning something useful, the later not so much. There is a difference obvious to most members.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
I don't mind people disagreeing with me and a number of members do so from time to, but the ones that do so with relative facts and logic or at least reasonable thought, don't get challenged as vigorously a those who just flame or are so off base with obvious ignorance, bigotry, or hatred. The former gets and gives respect and we do it over and over often learning something useful, the later not so much. There is a difference obvious to most members.
By later, you actually mean LATTER...never the less, you're selective in how you dole out your respect and kind treatment of people..hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm sounds like a hypocrite to me..certainly not one who has the potential of becoming a role model of integrity, strong personal values, nor treating all mankind equitably...Likely you are more of an "eye for an eye" sort of fella...except you seem to like to bump it up and while you are taking the eye, might as well knock out a few teeth and grab an ear plus a chunk of hair.... You simply cant resist the name calling and are unable to take the higher ground...thats ok.....your only acting out frustrations stemming from god only knows how many decades of your own maltreatment . Channeling your anger and mini-revenges in a cyber-fantasy world such as TERB, will hopefully assist you in normalizing your feelings and behaviours towards others in your real and actual life.. If it's therapeutic for you ...carry on the name-calling there Mr. anti-hatred, anti-bigotry and anti-ignorance.. lol


Jun 6, 2009
By later, you actually mean LATTER...never the less, you're selective in how you dole out your respect and kind treatment of people..hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm sounds like a hypocrite to me..certainly not one who has the potential of becoming a role model of integrity, strong personal values, nor treating all mankind equitably...Likely you are more of an "eye for an eye" sort of fella...except you seem to like to bump it up and while you are taking the eye, might as well knock out a few teeth and grab an ear plus a chunk of hair.... You simply cant resist the name calling and are unable to take the higher ground...thats ok.....your only acting out frustrations stemming from god only knows how many decades of your own maltreatment . Channeling your anger and mini-revenges in a cyber-fantasy world such as TERB, will hopefully assist you in normalizing your feelings and behaviours towards others in your real and actual life.. If it's therapeutic for you ...carry on the name-calling there Mr. anti-hatred, anti-bigotry and anti-ignorance.. lol
Total babble, but we've gotten use to it. I thought you were one of the members who accused others of trying to keep this thread alive, but contribute anyway.

Being selective does mean you're a hypocrite, just one who realizes that some deserve it and others don't. Even FUJI, who has mellowed over recent months, may have found my challenges to him or his comments very much less frequent and he was in the cross hairs quit often in the past. as far as channeling ager, I do that on the court, the weight room, or the wood pile. Name calling; pot, kettle, black time maybe? as for the supposed maltreatment, I've said a couple of times that I've been very fortunate in my life and even now lead a good life with few enemies at this time in my life, remembering you can't be like by everyone, but have seen tremendous cruelty and injustice doled out against others, especially on the flimsiest of reason and evidence. When people use words like murderer, pedophile, and coward in describing someone they know so little about, they'd better try to back it up, big time.


Jun 6, 2009
Isn't the Queen (Family) of German descent?

FYI, too lazy to read 16 pages of posts
Depending how far you want to look, almost everyone in Europe could be considered of German decent. German blood lines, especially in the upper classes. Remember how big the Austro-Hungarian empire was at it's zenith.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Isn't the Queen (Family) of German descent?

FYI, too lazy to read 16 pages of posts
To quote the late William A. Reitwiesner

"What does it mean when someone states that "the British Royal Family is not British"? Does it refer to the nationality of the British Royal Family? Obviously not, because they're all nationals of Great Britain and the other Realms. Does it refer to the location(s) of their birth(s)? Obviously not, because almost all of them alive today were born in Britain, as were almost all of the members of the British Royal Family for the past several hundred years. So unless the statement has no meaning, and it is just some sort of pseudo-intelligent flatulence, these people must be referring to the ethnicity of the British Royal Family. They are claiming that the ethnic background of the British Royal Family is somehow determinable, and that it is something other than "British"."
So let us look at H.R.H. The Duke of Cambridge, he is:

35 percent English
14 percent Scots
33 percent German
3 percent Anglo-Irish
3 percent Irish
3 percent French
2 percent Hungarian
and a whole bunch of other things including just under 2 percent Colonial American ancestry .

Now another way to look at it would be 1/2 English, 1/8 Scots and 3/8 German & Danish.

Yet another way of looking at it since members of Royal Families tended to exclusively marry each other is to look at "Royalty" as an ethnic group in and of itself.

Yet further, why did George I become King?: Because he was the Great-Grandson of King James I


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
This thread, like the monarchy itself, goes on and on despite the fact that no one is paying attention because it is pointless ( except to Aard and Black who read it between polo matches).
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