Please join me in celebrating Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee anniversary.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
It was on the radio - CBC's Ontario noon call in show and the guy who quoted it was an can I look that up?
Believe what you wish. . . but don't expect others to except it at face value.

The point being that the french do not relate
Yup let's throw out everything that does not pass the "pure laine" test. :hail:

That should go down really well in the rest of the country.


Jun 6, 2009
I heard a poll quoted on the radio yesterday of Canadians who favoured abolishment by 52% to 37%for monarchists. ( I guess the rest don't even give a shit)
Nice try mistakenly assume that because the 2 of you continue yammering, that the 10 of us have given up due to the force of your arguments. We leave you to your Royal Tea Service because the battle is over and the victorious have moved on, leaving you blabbering to Aaaaardvark incoherently.
How's that search for that poll you commented on that said the support for the monarchy was relatively low the abolitionist. So it was on a CBC radio show, but you can't remember the hopefully reputable polling firm that conducted it and I can't find, nor can you apparently a reoprt on it. The forum poll was done only three weeks ago and offers a quite different result, almost the exact opposite. Did you perhaps hear the interview incorrectly?

I found this interview with Tom Freda Citizens for a Canadian Republic, who ever he or they are. Quickly scanning through, not wanting to listen to 30 minutes of one radio show, I couldn't find the reference you noted.

Even their own web site showed the result you noted, but the survey was from May 2010,_2010_-_Angus_Reid_Public_Opinion

10-2? Where did you learn to count?


Jun 6, 2009
It was on the radio - CBC's Ontario noon call in show and the guy who quoted it was an can I look that up?
I do note that in the poll you presented, Quebec was the most anti monarchist region. Funny, when I made that point on an earlier thread, you claimed it was not true.
The point being that the french do not relate to the Queen of England as their head of state, and it would be good for national unity if we dropped the royalty.
Quebec has alway been strongly against the monarchy, I doubt it was me that made that claim, as I certainly know better first hand.


Jun 6, 2009
Yeah, no sense wasting time... you gotta keep that post count growing!
Yet, I was able to find a web site reference to the subject poll, 21 months old, time better spent.

At the very end of the interview he makes the claim you noted, but as the link, from his organization, I offered showed he was very loose with the interpretation of the polls over 10 years. Some might claim he lied, and then ran before anyone could challenge his claim.

Considering that only 18 of the last 100 post in this thread are mine, it's not me keeping this thread going. You've contributed 16 and WWG 19 posts. If you don't want to participate just don't, but then you said you just post to piss people off and of course, i suspect, to entertain yourself.


New member
Jan 19, 2006


Jun 6, 2009
you guys still doing CPR on this thread eh? losers
So just confirming the poll is CPR? I wouldn't want to use the wrong interview to confirm the information wigglee trumpeted is wrong. What do we call your last post besides your usual waste of band width. Talk about pot, kettle, black.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
really///who cares who's on the team or coaching it...they are never contenders anyway....maybe prince willy could take the helm


Jun 6, 2009
Lie? What are you blathering about, Man?
The lie about the supposed fact that over the last 10 years the support for monarchy was around 35%, implying that a lot more were against it, when it's clearly not the case, especially when in the last few years have had multiple choices and the last poll that I posted was last month and clearly show his point was a big lie.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
The lie about the supposed fact that over the last 10 years the support for monarchy was around 35%, implying that a lot more were against it, when it's clearly not the case, especially when in the last few years have had multiple choices and the last poll that I posted was last month and clearly show his point was a big lie.
poll schmoll.....let's face it, support is about 50%for and 50% against, and differs depending on the wording of the poll...alas, if the votes were only weighted according to IQ ( where an IQ of 100 means you multiply your 1 vote by 1.00 equalling 1, or an IQ of 40 means you only count 1 x .4 = .4 of a vote). This is why democracy is not trusted even by its supposed proponents......stupid people get to vote too.

The Monarchy would ( and should) quickly go the way of the dinosaur.


Jun 6, 2009
poll schmoll.....let's face it, support is about 50%for and 50% against, and differs depending on the wording of the poll...alas, if the votes were only weighted according to IQ ( where an IQ of 100 means you multiply your 1 vote by 1.00 equalling 1, or an IQ of 40 means you only count 1 x .4 = .4 of a vote). This is why democracy is not trusted even by its supposed proponents......stupid people get to vote too.

The Monarchy would ( and should) quickly go the way of the dinosaur.
So now polls aren't worth anything now that they go against what you claimed, interesting. Now you're trying to weigh anonymous polls accoeding to IQ, which of course you can do; desperate much. You dissed the monarchy and now you're dissing democracy. If your shovel brakes I'll give you another one.
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