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PK Vayda wow – I’m still stunned


New member
Oct 3, 2005
YMMV is not acceptable if they take your money. You've completed a business transaction and should expect great service for the money you've forked over. It's not like you are paying them to love you, you are paying them for a good time. And if they don't "Feel it" with the customer too bad. They should act like they do. They have the right to decline your money, if they take it they need to poney up and provide great service. Otherwise they are substandard and should find another line of work.


All about the fun!
Jun 28, 2005
is some one having a bad day?
We all have bad days...and no matter how much we try.....we can not always be perfect....nor can we expect them to be perfect robots.
Do you always get what you want each and every time you pay for something in life?.....I doubt it......
These are people you are talking about....they have good and bad days....just like every one else.......
Jul 28, 2006
YMMV is very acceptable, if a client shows up and is rude, smells bad of shows other signs of bad hygiene, the lady is certainly able to decide how the session proceeds if at all.

Let's think about it ,let's say you were a gigolo who serviced only women, while some ladies you meet might be nice and well groomed others maybe weren't all that attractive, weren't disrespectful, maybe they didn't smell nice, but loved to have DATY performed on them and had a stinky meow meow, would you be chowing down like there's no tomorrow ? Let's say you had to date several women in one night or day, would your first appointment be as passionate or energetic as your last ?

These women are humans not robots. Yes a certain level of service is expected and most of the time delivered, anything beyond that is a ymmv.
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Jan 19, 2003
I actually like the idea that mileage varies. My biggest complaint with MPs is that even the good ones tend to get into a rut where they do the same routine every time. It might be good service but it's the spontaneity and spark that makes a great session.
And then you also have to allow for chemistry and culture. Some girls would find it easier, some would find it more difficult, generating those sparks with guys in suits or with hairy ass freaks with tattoos. Different strokes and all that.


New member
Jun 13, 2007
You sound exactly like the type of customer that makes YMMV extremely necessary. If you are some client that shows up with 3 teeth and a hangover and expects total GFE and gets pissed off because she wasnt sticking her tongue down your throat, you are in LALA land!!

Heres another situation we had today, we had one of our Sps call freaking out because this client wouldn;t leave and was trying to hold her down on the bed and was hurting her. He got on the phone saying he felt he didnt get what he was expecting and wanted to have a REFUND. Without getting into any more details, he won;t be using our service any longer. Nor seeing another Sp in the near future. But the point I am trying to make is that this is not the way it works.. Ymmv is really the only way it will be in this industry. These ladies are Human beings and have to be treated with the same respect you would with anyone else.


Long time user
May 29, 2006
rofobo said:
YMMV is not acceptable if they take your money. You've completed a business transaction and should expect great service for the money you've forked over. It's not like you are paying them to love you, you are paying them for a good time. And if they don't "Feel it" with the customer too bad. They should act like they do. They have the right to decline your money, if they take it they need to poney up and provide great service. Otherwise they are substandard and should find another line of work.

Ok that was pretty rude. All I can say to you rofobo is that obviously you dont have respect for ladies. Like CK said, a certain level of service is expected but you are paying for a date with a lady...So expect to dress up, shave and shower or you are going to get the door slammed on your face!!!!


New member
Oct 3, 2005
antlerman said:
is some one having a bad day?
We all have bad days...and no matter how much we try.....we can not always be perfect....nor can we expect them to be perfect robots.
Do you always get what you want each and every time you pay for something in life?.....I doubt it......
These are people you are talking about....they have good and bad days....just like every one else.......
No, but thank you for asking. Do I always get perfect service in life, no. But when I don't I complain and if it's not rectified to my satisfaction I take my money elsewhere.

These are people who are paid to provide a service, in some cases quite handsomely. If they take your money they should provide that service to the best of their ability. If you want to be a sucker and settle for sub standard thats your business. Me, I say if the girl chose to be in this industry they should show a little professionalism and give you what you paid for.

I never said anything about being rude or drunk or smelly. I'm talking about a girl whose just not into working that night but is willing to grab your cash anyway. Sort of like the kind of service providers PKJessica must have.
Jul 28, 2006
Partner, no one is forcing you to use any agency, if you don't like it move along. You've made your point. I'd like to say I agree with some of your points, however I've raised similar points in the past, all be it with a little more tact and respect.

The point about the drunk or smelly customer was as much of an exaggeration as your exaggerated example of how a provider should just tough it out, regardless.

This is a hobby that has huge risk potential for both parties. Much like the providers whom you feel provide sub par service should find a new line of work, if you aren't willing to take the risks perhaps maybe you should persue a different hobby with less risk and disappointment on the line.

Or consider visiting an indy vs an agency, an indy is less likely to work if she's not feeling up to it, after all an idny has much more to risk if sub par service is given and word of mouth gets out. An agency can pass it off, but an indy can see a dramatic drop in business from one bad/negative review.

Plenty of options out there.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
PKJessica said:
You sound exactly like the type of customer that makes YMMV extremely necessary. If you are some client that shows up with 3 teeth and a hangover and expects total GFE and gets pissed off because she wasnt sticking her tongue down your throat, you are in LALA land!!

Heres another situation we had today, we had one of our Sps call freaking out because this client wouldn;t leave and was trying to hold her down on the bed and was hurting her. He got on the phone saying he felt he didnt get what he was expecting and wanted to have a REFUND. Without getting into any more details, he won;t be using our service any longer. Nor seeing another Sp in the near future. But the point I am trying to make is that this is not the way it works.. Ymmv is really the only way it will be in this industry. These ladies are Human beings and have to be treated with the same respect you would with anyone else.
While I appreciate that your ladies may not want to have sex with a certain type of guy, there are of course providers who will. Not to slag off PK, which is a fine agency I have used on several occasions, but the ladies who perform to the same standard no matter what the customer looks like, are the true professionals in the biz. They are at a higher end of the scale and can draw a higher hourly rate. If a customer stinks, have him take a shower and gargle with mouthwash at the start of the session. If the guy's just ugly though, your lady should still stick her tongue down his throat. That's what he's paying for and that's what an upscale SP would do.


New member
Oct 3, 2005
Cowboy Kenny said:
Partner, no one is forcing you to use any agency, if you don't like it move along. You've made your point. I'd like to say I agree with some of your points, however I've raised similar points in the past, all be it with a little more tact and respect.

The point about the drunk or smelly customer was as much of an exaggeration as your exaggerated example of how a provider should just tough it out, regardless.

This is a hobby that has huge risk potential for both parties. Much like the providers whom you feel provide sub par service should find a new line of work, if you aren't willing to take the risks perhaps maybe you should persue a different hobby with less risk and disappointment on the line.

Or consider visiting an indy vs an agency, an indy is less likely to work if she's not feeling up to it, after all an idny has much more to risk if sub par service is given and word of mouth gets out. An agency can pass it off, but an indy can see a dramatic drop in business from one bad/negative review.

Plenty of options out there.
I'm sorry, respectfully, I just can't agree. I've been to Nevada and Amsterdam and service there was pretty much uniformly good. Recommended girls in L.A. were good as well. My point, and I stick by it, is YMMV is not acceptable. You've paid your cash, you should get what you paid for. And while i kindly thank you for the suggestion of finding another hobby, I think I'll stick with this one.:) I don't apologize for expecting good service for good money
Jul 28, 2006
rofobo, i hear where you're coming from and you are certainly welcome to your own opinion, that's what these boards are for.

I'm mearly stating that the same opinion can be made with a little more tact, and suggesting that you might set some realistic expectations, otherwise you'll be disapointed more often then not. There are a lot of well reviewed and admired providers in town who do provide consistant service and as backwoods states if you have the chance to "click" with one well the results can be explosive! Keep up the hunt, you'll find yours. :)


New member
May 19, 2008
PKJessica said:
You sound exactly like the type of customer that makes YMMV extremely necessary. If you are some client that shows up with 3 teeth and a hangover and expects total GFE and gets pissed off because she wasnt sticking her tongue down your throat, you are in LALA land!!

Heres another situation we had today, we had one of our Sps call freaking out because this client wouldn;t leave and was trying to hold her down on the bed and was hurting her. He got on the phone saying he felt he didnt get what he was expecting and wanted to have a REFUND. Without getting into any more details, he won;t be using our service any longer. Nor seeing another Sp in the near future. But the point I am trying to make is that this is not the way it works.. Ymmv is really the only way it will be in this industry. These ladies are Human beings and have to be treated with the same respect you would with anyone else.

Thats a horrible situation for the lady. Sadly, it is just another example of what SP's go through and undesirable clients. It is an eye opener.


Long time user
May 29, 2006
Pick a different thread

Hey Mod

The thread is gone way off-course. It started with a different topic and its ending up that we are talking about something way different. I would appreciate if the mod closes this thread or moves the comment to a different thread.
Do you guys agree?



New member
Oct 3, 2005
kih said:

Thats a horrible situation for the lady. Sadly, it is just another example of what SP's go through and undesirable clients. It is an eye opener.
You illustrate my point perfectly. If you are some poor schmo who is horribly disfigured and you pay out big bucks you should expect someone who's professional enough to show you the time of your life. If you are polite, respectful and clean you should get the ride you deserve. Anything else is crap.


New member
May 19, 2008
rofobo said:
You illustrate my point perfectly. If you are some poor schmo who is horribly disfigured and you pay out big bucks you should expect someone who's professional enough to show you the time of your life. If you are polite, respectful and clean you should get the ride you deserve. Anything else is crap.
Don't put the twist on it. From the story PK Jessica was telling, that particular client had NO right whatsoever to man handle and to do that to that particular lady plain and simple. If they have a problem with the service, SIMPLY don't repeat rather than get all aggressive.

I agree this thread has gone way of track. It started out as a recommendation for a very fine classy lady which is A1 in my books. Somehow, many negatives or mixed reviews came out of the wood work from various sources. Nonetheless, the bottomline is she offered a fantastic experience to me.

Thank You Vayda! :)

Repeat - Absolutely!! and looking forward to it...


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
I agree with many points rofobo and others made. But one point is lacking that is related to the practicalities of this Hobby. It is an industry that is very big and unregulated and so is rough and tumble when it comes to service. Yes, one SHOULD get appropriate service when one spends the $$$$. But it just won't happen all the time here. There are no qualifications to enter the Hobby and no licenses are given out. There is nowhere to go and complain, except to places like this board. Your only recourse is to just stop using the girl or agency. Yes, they got your hard earned cash. And yes your mad about it. But you have to get to the point that this is the cost of doing business in this Hobby. And move on...

The real problem is with Hobbyists continuing to accept bad services. It teaches the girls they can get away with it. Perhaps your anger should be directed at them?:confused:


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
If I remember correctly it is about $140 for the 1/2 and $200-220 for the hr. Keep in mind, as demonstrated by the reviews, this is a totally hit and miss agency. Be prepared.


Active member
Jan 16, 2004
Mable said:
The real problem is with Hobbyists continuing to accept bad services. It teaches the girls they can get away with it. Perhaps your anger should be directed at them?:confused:
I think the problem is when the review is 10/10 across the board and using words like Wow, Stunned, Model, Sizzling hot, Down to earth, Classy, all at the same time and then copy it and post in the other board. You know its something .......
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