Pitching-in for TOFTTs 💰

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Sensuality Seeker
May 20, 2018
With all the scams and bad providers on LL and the lack of reviews for many, I was wondering if members here can pitch-in to fund a TOFTT for someone who's willing. Like a mystery shopper for providers 😁

The member doing the TOFTT has to be a reputable member with a history of objective reviews. Not someone who only posts glowing reviews all the time. Atleast a year old membership on Terb.

We could create a template of what needs to be included in a review after the session.
Transfer of funds could be done through Bitcoin, Gift cards etc. Reviewer gets a free or almost free session for doing the TOFFT.
A member could volunteer to TOFFT in an existing thread or start one.

I think it's a win-win situation because the member doing the TOFTT gets a free/almost free session and others don't have to spend their time and a lot of money to find out if a provider is any good.

What do you guys think? Please share your thoughts.


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2018
With all the scams and bad providers on LL and the lack of reviews for many, I was wondering if members here can pitch-in to fund a TOFTT for someone who's willing. Like a mystery shopper for providers 😁

The member doing the TOFTT has to be a reputable member with a history of objective reviews. Not someone who only posts glowing reviews all the time. Atleast a year old membership on Terb.

We could create a template of what needs to be included in a review after the session.
Transfer of funds could be done through Bitcoin, Gift cards etc. Reviewer gets a free or almost free session for doing the TOFFT.
A member could volunteer to TOFFT in an existing thread or start one.

I think it's a win-win situation because the member doing the TOFTT gets a free/almost free session and others don't have to spend their time and a lot of money to find out if a provider is any good.

What do you guys think? Please share your thoughts.
I don't know CB2,

No disrespect, it would be a good idea if we were all friends and known each others.

But we are here with our fake identity and hiding behing our computers.

It's kind of weird.


Sensuality Seeker
May 20, 2018
I don't know CB2,

No disrespect, it would be a good idea if we were all friends and known each others.

But we are here with our fake identity and hiding behing our computers.

It's kind of weird.
I get what you're saying but they're some reputable members here who's reviews we trust. Honestly I'm not brave enough to TOFFT but might pitch-in $10-$20 for someone to TOFTT for a provider I'm interested in, especially if a provider is not close by. It's better than wasting an hour or more of driving and $120-$250 to find out it is a scam or not as advertised.
I'm thankful to the trail blazers here who have the time and resources to TOFTT. I think we could reward them for their contribution to this review board.


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2018
I guess...

Big Mull

Active member
Aug 2, 2015
A suggestion... a member volunteers to TOFTT. He posts his review. If positive, and a few other well known members partake and agree in general with the volunteers review, float the gent a few bucks. Either through a pool, run by an establish member elected to run such pool, or of one's own volition. Obviously, details need to be hammered out.
Nit pick away at it boys.
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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2020
Funny thing about this thread, a couple or 3 years ago I joked about the same concept. Not sure if I could find the thread again. Immediately I got young Terbites volunteering to be the "paid" volunteers lol. I had to tell them all to slow down, it was just a whimsical extemporaniously posted thought. The logistics would be a nightmare!
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Active member
Jul 22, 2024
You know, there are male escorts. You could just hire them to do this. They would organize everything and report back.
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Apr 20, 2019
Don't think this would work. There are quite a fews that does not like putting deposit for the fear of sp knowing their true identity. Not sure they be interest to donate to someone and let others know who they are. Secondly, everyone would want to be that person to try out girls for free. Thirdly, there are so many newbie girls cyclingbthrough town, how do we all agree which girls to use that mobey for.
Finally, we have a review board for a reason, it's for those that horny and have money to spend and report back their experiences.


Sep 8, 2024
I'm all for it, logistics notwithstanding, and bunch of nay saying, but ultimately why not?

Better donate 20-40$ (anonymously, somehow, hehe) than 150, 200 for hh ... or whatever amounts

Not everyone is on terb, not everyone will post a bad experience, so bad actors continue ... costing collectively thousands ...

Only once I got b&s, and to my stupidity, couldn't even report it, already done; since then only reviewed SPs. Someone else bit the bullet, and shelled $ for that.... for the benefit of all...
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Sensuality Seeker
May 20, 2018
I'm all for it, logistics notwithstanding, and bunch of nay saying, but ultimately why not?

Better donate 20-40$ (anonymously, somehow, hehe) than 150, 200 for hh ... or whatever amounts

Not everyone is on terb, not everyone will post a bad experience, so bad actors continue ... costing collectively thousands ...

Only once I got b&s, and to my stupidity, couldn't even report it, already done; since then only reviewed SPs. Someone else bit the bullet, and shelled $ for that.... for the benefit of all...
Exactly. It's not a donation per se. It's pooling funds together for the benefit of those interested. Could even keep those reviews in private.
Anonymously pitching-in is something I can't figure out. How anonymous is sending bitcoins or gift cards? Looking for ideas folks.
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Active member
Dec 2, 2024
Could also just discuss this type of thing in a sub forum or group chat where only certain members have access to the information.
I think the big guy has nailed it. Taking this to a DM group chat would prob allow vetting and also ensure the involved members have had longstanding TERB presence. I know I myself would be precluded on those terms but once ppl put in the time to be selected well then the first rule of Review Club is you don’t talk about Review Club. Would remain to be seen if the club decides to post the TOFTT findings. My $.02 for those interested, as some would say I’ve got plenty of cash to roll the dice despite the risk, would be a nominal buy in and a loose point scale so the group isn’t chasing total unicorns that are certainly scammers and the brave explorer rotates after each foray


Sep 8, 2024
No problems with group chat, and yes I'd be excluded as well, being recent member, even though i lurked on terb for a long time.

Sending $ anonymously? I think gift cards. You can just buy them for cash anywhere... Setup anonymous email, or dm, and all you need is the codes and then cash in. Amazon, Walmart, etc. To whomever's liking, it's all money that anyone would normally spend.

Also, availability: I have a family life, so i can't just do stuff on a whim, so it'll likely be one of our free gents, and I wouldn't mind pitching in.

Likely candidates should be researched, to exclude obvious fakes, but rather possibles...


Active member
Jul 22, 2024
You're looking for someone to vouch for the new girl. I think the easiest way to get that is to ask your favorite girl to organize a duo with the new girl. They will use their network to find out if she's legit, and get back to you.

Not exactly cheaper, but it would be more fun ...
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