Pit Bull kills its' owner after seizure!?

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resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field

I bet that woman in the story didn't raise her dog to be a killer, but it did.

I bet all the other Pitbull owners didn't train their dogs to kill, but they did.

The problem with pitbulls uniquely is that it is their natural INSTINCT to attack as that is what they were bred to do! I don't think it is a question of necessarily if they have ever attacked anyone, it is more a question of when will they attack someone.

We hear over and over again how "oh it was so good with kids, it never growled or ?? except that one time it attacked and killed a child".

Pitbulls are like motorcycle riders, there are only two types: those that have fallen, and those that will only with pitbulls its: those that have attacked someone, and those that will.

It would be a different story if the dogs only attacked the owners, then that would be kind of like "you knew the risks" (as what happened in the opening story), but in the majority of cases it isn't the owners, it is an INNOCENT bystander!

Sasha: I don't have the stats but as mentioned, sure, all animals eventually bit or attack. The different here is that once set off, the pitbulls KILL.

WTF is wrong with PB lovers? I mean, you telling me there isn't another breed of dog you can get? You sound like the fricken NRA, don't take my guns away, hell I might need to defend myself with my 72 AK47's 10000 rounds of ammunition....


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
Sheik said:
...Now, people keep going on about the dogs, if the owners were trained then the dogs wouldnt be attacking in the first place would they?
Just like the song says, 'It ain't necessarily so'.


1st down

Senior Member
Dec 10, 2003
well here is one for you to ponder. a jack russell...a fucking jack russell almost scalped a kid at a park i was at this weekend. ther kid was just watching a baseball game and the dog went nuts. right there in front of everyone who was there. it was just lying down and then it just went at a toy the kid had( they told us the kid was 4) and went at his head and just started biting it. lots of blood and the kids scalp was moving a bit. it was disgusting.

but this was a little shitkicker jack russell. i bet this one does'nt make the news/

ban all jack russell's...the dog worlds REAL problem.

this happened at the north toronto community center park while a kid and his family were watching a baseball game there, and a vicious dog attacked a little kid. and it WAS'NT a pitt bull.

should we ban all terriers too?


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
Sheik, the problem would be that the people that want Pit Bulls are generally untrainable.

Lol Sheik, you searched the planet for house cat attacks? True that cats can be pretty vicious, good thing the ownership of the larger breeds of cats (lions, tigers etc) is restricted, or we would be running into the same problem with cats as we are having with Pit Bulls.

Luckly the government has restricted larger breeds of cats in order to ensure public safety, but I’m wondering why you are so opposed to the restricting of the more vicious breeds of dogs. Sheik, would you be in favour of allowing people to own without restrictions larger breeds of cats??? If not, then why do you feel the more vicious breeds of dogs should be permitted?

Pit Bulls and Rottweilers were involved in an overwhelming number of serious dog attacks, yet make up a very small percent of the dog population.

Sasha, the media sensationalizes Pit Bull attacks because these dogs attacks are sensational. When house cats attack it is not news worthy, no big deal.

Sasha, if you with two young kids had to live in a trailer park, for example, and the people on either side of you had two or three Pit Bulls each, would you feel safe to let your kids out to play?? If they had house cats would you feel the same?


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
1st down said:
but this was a little shitkicker jack russell. i bet this one does'nt make the news/

ban all jack russell's...the dog worlds REAL problem.

All dogs are unpredictable, and no amount of good intentioned owner training is going to change that. If it was a Pit Bull that had attacked the kid the seriousness of the injuries would be quite different. It is beyond me how you can not recognize this.


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
Sheik said:
jwm, then explain to me why in Boulder Colorado which has declared pitbulls illegal, has about 4,500 illegal pitbulls and not one single attack from them since the law went on the books more than 10 years ago?

Wanna know why? The owners realized they needed to keep their dogs under full control otherwise they would be destroyed.

Something to think about eh?
This is a stunning example of how successful the ban on these breeds can be, why would you oppose it in our area?? Don’t we deserve not to be killed by these doge too?

Think that know one has been killed in Boulder by a Pit Bull in 10 years, people have still been maimed.

Tiger Williams

Lemming like devotion....
Feb 27, 2004
Regina said:
I know many pit bulls who have been raised in loving homes that are more docile than a pet hamster.
This statement reminds me of the interviews with Jeffrey Dahmer's neighbours when they all agreed he seemed like such a nice man.
1st down said:
well here is one for you to ponder. a jack russell...a fucking jack russell almost scalped a kid at a park i was at this weekend. ther kid was just watching a baseball game and the dog went nuts. right there in front of everyone who was there. it was just lying down and then it just went at a toy the kid had( they told us the kid was 4) and went at his head and just started biting it. lots of blood and the kids scalp was moving a bit. it was disgusting.
but this was a little shitkicker jack russell. i bet this one does'nt make the news/ban all jack russell's...the dog worlds REAL problem.
this happened at the north toronto community center park while a kid and his family were watching a baseball game there, and a vicious dog attacked a little kid. and it WAS'NT a pitt bull.
should we ban all terriers too?
I'm not sure you realize it but you just proved the point for those of us that favour a ban for Pit Bulls. All dogs are capable of biting. Agreed. But if that little Jack Russell was a Pit Bull, that 4 year old kid wouldn't have got off with a bleeding scalp. You would have witnessed brutality that you can't even imagine. It's not about the dog being vicious...........it's about the extent of the damage that Pit Bulls are capable of. And arguably prone to.


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
So, instead of just one simple law to ban dangerous animals that some people are drawn to, like in the stunning success in Boulder Colorado, you want to create a whole level of bureaucracy to oversee and train people who are drawn to these vicious animals. Nice.

Tiger Williams

Lemming like devotion....
Feb 27, 2004
Sheik said:
Boulder Colorado which has declared pitbulls illegal, has about 4,500 illegal pitbulls and not one single attack from them since the law went on the books more than 10 years ago?
You are contradicting yourself here.
Fact: Boulder, Colorado has a ban on Pit Bulls.
Result: Not one Pit Bull attack since the ban has been in place.
Seems pretty clear to me that the ban has had a positive effect, and made the city safer.
Sheik said:
Wanna know why? The owners realized they needed to keep their dogs under full control otherwise they would be destroyed.
Wrong, Sheik...........the owners realized that they had to keep their dogs HIDDEN, otherwise they would be destroyed.
No walks in the park or down Main Street.
No leash-free romps in the back yard for fear of prying eyes from nosy neighbours. Their pets have now become prisoners.
A- these people are breaking the law. Are you advocating that?
B- If these people breaking the law in order to own a Pit Bull want to keep their dogs caged up all the time and away from the public it's okay by me. They can take their own chances with these beasts. As long as innocent people are not put at risk I'm fine with that.
Bottom line here: the ban has worked!
I rather like dogs, tho I've met at least one 'pitbull' that was friendly and affectionate and this reflected the doggies human rather than reflecting any stereotypes of pittbulls being 'all aggression and teeth".

I guess whomever is with the dog counts just as much as anything else.

Tiger Williams

Lemming like devotion....
Feb 27, 2004
Sheik said:
So does this mean that anytime you meet a "nice man" he might be a vicious killer?
No Sheik..........what it means is that just because he appears to be a "nice man" doesn't mean that he is not capable of being otherwise.


Shades of .....
Feb 8, 2002
My old dog died a few months ago (not a pit bull) and I've been thinking about getting a new dog...don't want a puppy...so have been looking at the Toronto Humane Society, SPCA and other websites. Wow...what a huge number of pit bulls and pit bull crosses available. It looks like, for whatever reason, people are abandoning this breed to the societies. It obviously makes it tough on those animal shelters that have a no kill policy. They may end up with some very long term borders.


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
My neighbour had a Pit Bull and thought it was the sweetest thing, and it was. Up until it got past his son at the door and charged out and shredded a little old ladies small dog, who she desperately tried to hold up and away from his dog. My neighbour realized that these dogs are far more powerful and vicious then was safe to have around his kid, and his neighbours kids, and turned it in.

Tiger Williams said:

Wrong, Sheik...........the owners realized that they had to keep their dogs HIDDEN, otherwise they would be destroyed.
No walks in the park or down Main Street.
No leash-free romps in the back yard for fear of prying eyes from nosy neighbours. Their pets have now become prisoners.
A- these people are breaking the law. Are you advocating that?
B- If these people breaking the law in order to own a Pit Bull want to keep their dogs caged up all the time and away from the public it's okay by me. They can take their own chances with these beasts. As long as innocent people are not put at risk I'm fine with that.
Bottom line here: the ban has worked!
That is how I read Boulder's pit Bull ban. If people where caught with these dogs, they had to remove the dogs from the city. Sheik has made some leaping assumptions to make his argument. Bottom line is the ban was a stunning success in Boulder and we should implement it here.

1st down

Senior Member
Dec 10, 2003
Tiger Williams said:
No Sheik..........what it means is that just because he appears to be a "nice man" doesn't mean that he is not capable of being otherwise.

you know some dude said it before in another thread....
going by your logic there should be a blanket ban on all people who are from the jane finch area because they shoot more people then in other places in the city...and we know that the people there are more predisposed to shooting eachother because we always read about it in the papers and see it on the news. there are ALWAYS people dying from violence there. so should all people who live there be banned because they COULD be dangerous? and when they decide to get violent they usually kill people.

1st down

Senior Member
Dec 10, 2003
Sheik said:
Tiger, Kbear....

Both of you don't get it. You really don't, you're just as silly as the media that hypes up the attacks.

sharpest post in this thread yet. but dont worry tiger will tell you how all these dogs COULD attack and kill. but so can many people in the city...and no one is running out of their way to put criminals in jail forever with their frist violent crime they are found guilty of.

1st down

Senior Member
Dec 10, 2003
jwmorrice said:
When they start regularly killing and disfiguring folks, 'yes'.


pitt bulls dont even REGULARLY kill either. if they did you would be probably just another stat.

Tiger Williams

Lemming like devotion....
Feb 27, 2004
1st down said:
you know some dude said it before in another thread....
going by your logic there should be a blanket ban on all people who are from the jane finch area because they shoot more people then in other places in the city...and we know that the people there are more predisposed to shooting eachother because we always read about it in the papers and see it on the news. there are ALWAYS people dying from violence there. so should all people who live there be banned because they COULD be dangerous? and when they decide to get violent they usually kill people.
You want to tackle this one Sheik? lol
I'm not sure but I think 1st down is agreeing with you.
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