When I go to a restaurant and receive service, I generally tip very well unless the service was truly awful.
In saying that, I believe there is a difference between my wait staff at a restaurant and my delivery driver.
I do not believe a delivery driver should be tipped according to the price of my order like a waitress or waiter are. They pick up my food and 90% of the time can't even deliver it properly, whereas a restaurant wait staff has to interact with the customer and deliver drinks, food, desserts, etc...
Tonite I ordered food at an original cost of $70 plus fees with 50% off, so it actually cost me $35 plus fees.
UberEats recommended I give a 20% tip on the original cost of $70 plus fees. No effing way.
The restaurant is a five to six minute drive from me, so I tipped five dollars.
The app said my driver had arrived at 805pm so I waited and waited for the buzzer... Five minutes later I went to my lobby and told him I was there.
He messaged back that HE was in my lobby and did not see me. LOL, here we go again...
Turns out he was at the building across from mine (the address numbers are very clear at the entrances) and I finally had my COLD order in hand at 822pm after a ton of back and forth over text and stress.
IMO, drivers should not be allowed to see the total cost of our orders, it is none of their business.
I live in Kingston where nothing is more than 12 minutes away, and I tend to tip $5 whether my order is $80 or a measly $15.