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Peel school board: Outraged parents rip Koran


Mar 12, 2004
There's basically three ways to think about secularism: agnostic, athiest, and inclusive.

You are promoting an athiest approach: schools should actively repress and discourage any kind of religious behavior. I don't think schools or governement should EVER repress people's beliefs.

The Canadian government doesn't even use the term "atheist",...for obvious reasons,...well to some anyway.

As you indicated,...atheism has a religious like belief structure of oppression.

The CORRECT term is,..."non-religious",...again,...for obvious reasons,...well to some anyway,...which does NOT indicate repression in any way.

So again fuji,...learn before you spout off about subjects you have no knowledge of.



CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Whether or not religion has a place in schools, whether or not allowing a group of students a quiet place to privately observe their holy day amounts to 'religion in the schools', let us recognize that no one can call themselves civilized, a thinking adult, or worthy of a respectful hearing, when they deliberately make a public display of defiling someone else's most heartfelt beliefs.

That despicable and inexcusable behaviour is what made this a news item.


Mar 31, 2009
Uh, Catholics do pay for it by directing their property taxes.....
Yes, but it didn't reduce my taxes. Anyway, here is some history for those who may not be aware.

"As the Catholic minority played an integral part of founding and establishing the country of Canada, it was important to them that their rights to educate their children in Catholic schools be protected in the British North America Act (1867). In fact, when the Fathers of Confederation came from New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Canada East, and Canada West to meet in Charlottetown and Quebec, they quickly concluded, in the words of one of the Fathers, Sir Charles Tupper, that “Without this guarantee for the rights of minorities being embodied in that new constitution, we should have been unable to obtain any Confederation whatever.” [SUP][3][/SUP]


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I do not believe that tearing up a Koran, or treading on its pages was a very dignified thing to do. You can make your point without resorting to that level of stupidity. By doing so, you just lost me.


Regardless of how Oarge is interpreting religious accommodation in the Constitution, I do not agree that public schools should be accommodating any religions. Not one bit. Public schools are supposed to be secular and if one minority or majority don't like that, then I would suggest that you look elsewhere for your child's education.

Now, that being said, there is this 500 pound gorilla in the classroom called "The Catholic School Board" in Ontario which receives full funding from the province. The obvious question is, "if you fund a Catholic school board, then why do you not fund a Muslim or Jewish School board?" And they would have a good point. To that I answer, well, either defund the Catholic School Board (which would be political suicide), or, better yet, kill 2 birds with one stone.

Instead of the "Catholic School Board", make it the "Ontario All Religions School Board". Everyone who figures that their precious little child should receive religious accommodation / education in school can send their precious and special children there. Muslims, Catholics, Jews, Pastafarians, Temple Priapus whatever floats your boat. Everyone gets to have their own religion inside this Religious School Board and get accommodated all they want. They can teach the Koran or the Holy Catholic bible, or the Talmud 5 days a week. Knock yourselves out. Hell, never mind teaching math, literature, science, arts, history et al. Just teach religion, or as much religion as you see fit.

That way, everyone is happy.

I don't want my kids learning anything about religion in school as I consider it a waste of valuable time when they need to be learning about real subjects, not man made voo doo and mysticism from the stone age. In fact, I don't even want them to be exposed to any religious whack jobs period. I don't want them to hear chanting, or praying or singing. I want the school to welcome everyone regardless of their religion and not have religion be part of anything to do with that school ever. I and the vast majority of Canadians deserve to be accommodated too.
There was a grain of substance in my earlier post that got you so offended and the grain was this...

There are a LOT of people who believe in religion in this province. Some are powerful. Some are not. You don't believe in religion. In fact, you despise it. You have every right to your own opinion. So do they.

You have a constitution which protects your right to have your own views about religion. That constitution also protects them. It protects them against people like YOU. People who consider their own views so inherently superior that they should be forced on those that disagree with them. You don't believe that religion should be observed in schools. Other people do. The constitution mandates accommodation to everyone's beliefs. You - or probably your kids or grand kids - don't have to go to Muslim or Jewish or Christian prayers at school. You don't get to ban those prayers.

Like I said. Go complain to a bench of judges and then THEY can tell you to your face that it's people like YOU who make constitutional protection necessary for everyone.

Now that's another post of mine that you can get huffy about.


Jan 8, 2014
Your kidding,...right,...come on lexi,...1st,...very few people "practice" any religion of free will,...2nd, would you know if women are "okay" with 'segregation,...???


Hear that ladies,...!!!

You find it funny that I stand up for women,...somebody has to stand up for the women in question,...

Then what the hell are YOU doing here,...???


You can be disappointed,...but just what the hell did you expect to take place,...???

These women aren't held at gunpoint being forced to practice the religion and i have many female Muslim friends who say that the forms of segregation etc. in fact empowering. What makes you think ppl are being forced?? The hijab, and women being separate from men during prayers and other forms of so called oppression is done because of the male gaze, since guys obviously are just hornier than girls. You don't have to look further than the whole sex industry to see that it's geared towards men. Women are being protected though these methods from guys. I think it's sorta taken too far in the middle East where women can't do shit, but just in Canada there's no issue with this.

I am disappointed because unknowning to your ignorant ass, Muslim prayers have been going on at schools for years on end and only now it's become an issue because of all the fear mongering around Islam going on. I don't expect a reaction of some idiot ripping up pages of the Quran...Like these prayers are being held outside of class, no one who's not Muslim is having the religion forced on them...Ppl are overreacting thinking that's what's going on, when it's not. It's obvious that there's an anti-islamic agenda going on with ppl in this thread and it's just pathetic to see. We should all embrace our differences and learn from one another and not harken back to the stone age


Dec 10, 2014
Let them go pray at home or in the Thorncliffe park a couple of years ago the Muslims boycotted the schools until they allowed them to pray and then the boycotted until the sex curriculum was changed to fit their agenda.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
First of all can someone give details on HOW and WHEN the prayers take place?

It is assumed that THEY DEMANDED.... but maybe the principal was approached and they okayed it without having been strong armed.

If this takes place at lunch, before or after school then it is really an extracurricular activity.

Also, are non Muslims FORCED to participate?

This is just the standard grumbling based on slippery slopes and not knowing the full story and anyone who disagrees with them is label some weak PC libtard.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Only Catholic High schools are required to allow non-Catholics students in (as part of getting public funding). Catholic schools are allowed to deny non-Catholic students entry to elementary schools and are allowed to deny non-Catholics employment.

(And yes, I think that of Catholics want their own schools they should have to pay for them like every other religious group)
Non catholics are allowed but don't they have to take the religion classes etc?


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
I don't want my kids learning anything about religion in school as I consider it a waste of valuable time when they need to be learning about real subjects, not man made voo doo and mysticism from the stone age. In fact, I don't even want them to be exposed to any religious whack jobs period. I don't want them to hear chanting, or praying or singing. I want the school to welcome everyone regardless of their religion and not have religion be part of anything to do with that school ever. I and the vast majority of Canadians deserve to be accommodated too.
It might actually do everyone some good to have a basic understanding of all religions. It would help separate fact from fiction.


Mar 12, 2004
First of all can someone give details on HOW and WHEN the prayers take place?

It is assumed that THEY DEMANDED.... but maybe the principal was approached and they okayed it without having been strong armed.

If this takes place at lunch, before or after school then it is really an extracurricular activity.

Also, are non Muslims FORCED to participate?

This is just the standard grumbling based on slippery slopes and not knowing the full story and anyone who disagrees with them is label some weak PC libtard.
OK here's a question frank,...have other religions "approached" the peel board of education to allow religion to be practiced in PUBLIC schools,...if not,...why,...???



Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
How do you guys feel about Gay Straight Alliances? Many schools have that too. I don't have a problem with it but just curious where people's limits are with what is being "pushed" on their kids.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
OK here's a question frank,...have other religions "approached" the peel board of education to allow religion to be practiced in PUBLIC schools,...if not,...why,...???

Not being part of those sort of meetings I can't tell you. Are you privy to that info? Also, isn't there some sort of time sensitive prayer in the mulsim faith that happens in the afternoon? Something that other religions don't have.

Also, what is your problem with setting aside an unused room for kids to pray?


Mar 12, 2004
It might actually do everyone some good to have a basic understanding of all religions. It would help separate fact from fiction.

All religions are just various versions of the same theme,...some more oppressive than others, a single one time session of what religion is,...and we are done.

Then back to keeping religion out of PUBLIC schools.

Worked with a guy who took Friday afternoons off,...because of his religion,...anybody else, regardless of religion, would be shown the door.



Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
FAST I am sorry I am having trouble pasting a link but if you google peel board jewish

There's a story about a Jewish group that wanted a Peel Catholic teacher fired for having pro Palestinian views. Does that count as demands?


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003

All religions are just various versions of the same theme,...some more oppressive than others, a single one time session of what religion is,...and we are done.

Then back to keeping religion out of PUBLIC schools.

Worked with a guy who took Friday afternoons off,...because of his religion,...anybody else, regardless of religion, would be shown the door.

Hopefully the guy who took Fridays off made sure to leave with his work finished?

But honestly I don't see a problem with that either..... as long as I knew that when hiring him I could work around it. Does he get paid for taking Fridays off?
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