Toronto Escorts

Pedestrian punches cyclist in the face for running Queen’s Quay red light


I <3 Geeky Girls
Jun 14, 2013
Likely on Twitter
That was a pretty solid left jab. you could hear it on the video.

Obviously resorting to violence is the wrong thing to do, but i can't help but laugh at how seriously people get into these things.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
There are days when I'm stepping off the streetcar and am almost run over by cars and cyclists alike.

I can't count how many times I've wanted to indulge myself this way.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Agree with you here. People getting really bent out of shape over nothing. The cyclist does seem to keep his cool through the whole thing.

BTW listen to the video with Guile's theme and try not to laugh out loud.

Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
..., but punching and yelling is definitely not the way to handle this.
Considering what was tolerated during some of those Critical Mass terrorism festivals, the pedestrian is within reason to conclude the code of conduct has gone out the window some time ago.

Since the City & Police do virtually nothing to make cyclists or pedestrians accountable for their behaviour on the road (nor do they have many legal tools to do so) it must fall on citizens to call out the assholery themselves.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Considering what was tolerated during some of those Critical Mass terrorism festivals, the pedestrian is within reason to conclude the code of conduct has gone out the window some time ago.

Since the City & Police do virtually nothing to make cyclists or pedestrians accountable for their behaviour on the road (nor do they have many legal tools to do so) it must fall on citizens to call out the assholery themselves.
From the looks of the video the pedestrian wanted a fight, which is precisely why he raised his voice and punched the cyclist. Calling out "assholery" is a lot different than yelling at, kicking a bike and punching a guy. You can call someone out on a transgression without doing that. Maybe the cyclist could have apologized if he was wrong, but that doesn't give the pedestrian the right to kick the bike or punch him.

This argument for who supposedly broke the law is pointless in the grand scheme of things.

Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
This argument for who supposedly broke the law is pointless in the grand scheme of things.
The vidoe is incomplete. How do we know the pedestrian didn't get bumped while lawfully crossing on his green light? If so, the punch is fair retaliation. Taking a run at a pedestrian who is crossing legally is also an act of violence. Giving someone heart palpitations just for crossing the street could do more damage than that punch.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Looks like a couple of chicks fighting, all that was missing was the hair pulling.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
The vidoe is incomplete. How do we know the pedestrian didn't get bumped while lawfully crossing on his green light? If so, the punch is fair retaliation. Taking a run at a pedestrian who is crossing legally is also an act of violence. Giving someone heart palpitations just for crossing the street could do more damage than that punch.
It sounds like the pedestrian says "you almost ran me over." This was an accident and not an act of violence as you put it. I can see the how the cyclist might have been negligent i.e. not obeying signals, going too fast, weaving, etc. but that does not give the pedestrian the right to punch and kick, which is an act of violence.

It also sounds like the cyclist was trying to apologize; I think he said 'I was skidding' even though it does sound half-assed. Then again, how sincere would you be after a random guy starts yelling at you and kicks your bike? It is very obvious to me that the pedestrian was having none of the cyclist's attempted apology and chose to resort to yelling, punching and kicking.

It's the pedestrian's short temper that will cause him more damage than anything else.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Cyclists are THEE worst at obeying the rules of the road.

They ride through every stop sign. And only stop at Red lights if there is a danger to themselves. They ride up on your right, and worst of all, they ride on sidewalks. I have been clipped once walking under a bridge by some idiot riding on a bike on a sidewalk under a bridge.

And then there are the hipster bikes that have no lights,no reflectors and no bells.

And the cyclists just seem to think it's all ok.

Time for the cops to start enforcement of the rules on cyclists


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
It sounds like the pedestrian says "you almost ran me over." This was an accident and not an act of violence as you put it.
More like willful negligence. Cyclists run reds all...the...time! Literally every day I see it happen. I've seen it happen in front of cruisers and...nothing. There's no way in hell a driver could get away with that. Cyclists breaking the law has, for some reason, become acceptable.

We shouldn't have to resort to violence to get this point across, but I'm not surprised that it went that way.

Now they're coming out with this new law that says if you're passing a cyclist you need to leave a meter of distance between your car and the cyclist. Anyone want to bet that doesn't apply to a cyclist coming up on your inside while you're stopped?


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Cyclists are THEE worst at obeying the rules of the road.

They ride through every stop sign. And only stop at Red lights if there is a danger to themselves. They ride up on your right, and worst of all, they ride on sidewalks. I have been clipped once walking under a bridge by some idiot riding on a bike on a sidewalk under a bridge.

And then there are the hipster bikes that have no lights,no reflectors and no bells.

And the cyclists just seem to think it's all ok.

Time for the cops to start enforcement of the rules on cyclists
Pedestrians aren't angels either. I've almost hit people on multiple occasions naturally with earphones in and phone in hand strolling (and not looking) across the street not even half a block away from a light or cross walk. The same thing goes on in parking lots too.

Pedestrians do have the right of way, but ask yourself what is easier to do: bring your 2000+ pound car or your 20 pound bike (which doesn't exactly stop on a dime either) or taking a few seconds to look before and while you cross.

Everyone needs to learn how to respect the public roads including the sidewalks better. It's not just the drivers or just the cyclists or just the pedestrians. Everyone also needs to learn to be a whole lot more civil with each other when dealing with each other especially in a conflict like this.

If you want to live by the eye for an eye rule, we should just throw away all of them and get ourselves some hand guns and sort things out that way.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Might have been a little guy but he had more balls than the guy on the bike. Kick my bike twice and punch me in the face and I wouldn't be standing there like a pussy.


Jan 31, 2005
The vidoe is incomplete. How do we know the pedestrian didn't get bumped while lawfully crossing on his green light? If so, the punch is fair retaliation.
No it isn't, you can't beat somebody up because they caused a traffic accident, not even if they were at fault.

Do you also feel you have a right to beat up a distracted car driver who accidentally rear ends you at a stop sign?

You belong in prison if that is your mentality.

|2 /-\ | /|/

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
I always try to consider 3 POVs before making judgment, thus what if this was staged to send a message via social media and have us all talking like this, thus adding ammunition to when these guys approach the city council to make changes.

Quote from link:
"The videotaped encounter adds weight to safety concerns that have been raised since the newly redesigned Queen’s Quay was unveiled several weeks ago.

According to Marques, no one called the police and both left.

“I’m both a pedestrian and a cyclist and I get pissed off when I see cyclists run a red, especially on Queen’s Quay where there are all these pedestrians,” said Marques.

“I think the pedestrian was upset about the whole Queen’s Quay thing, where you constantly see these cyclists running reds and hitting pedestrians, or almost hitting pedestrians.”



Well-known member
Aug 27, 2003
rural ontario
Population of Idaho, 1.3million. Population of Boise 200k. Running stop signs in a small town is considerably different than in a congested city.


Jan 31, 2005
Population of Idaho, 1.3million. Population of Boise 200k. Running stop signs in a small town is considerably different than in a congested city.
I am not so sure, if it were a busy intersection wouldn't it be a stop light instead of a stop sign? There are some pretty sleepy little side streets in Toronto.
Toronto Escorts